1532 Fantasy Spells from Spell Casters
- Wolf's Mind
- Mingle Your Energy With That of A Dragon
- Ritual to Call the Lunar Dragon
- Ultimate Werewolf Spell
- Werewolf
- Ode to Selene
- Wolf Neko Spell
- Ultimate Anthropomorphic Animal Transformation
- Become a Mermaid
- Vampire
#571 - Wolf's Mind
Sit down with the bowl of water and the meat in front of you, water to the left and meat to the right. Say:
"On this night of the waxing moon,
I give my mind up to the wolf,
I give my mind up to the moon,
And may I return at sunrise."
With this take the dirt and sprinkle it into the water. Then say:
"This soil enters the water,
As a sign of a forest stream,
Ever running and changing,
As the wolf drinks."
Then take the sugar and sprinkle it onto the meat. Then say:
"This sugar lands on the meat,
As a sign of the sweetness of fresh food,
So tasty and juicy,
As the wolf eats."
Then drink as much of the water as you want, and think in your head:
"As the wolf would drink from a stream,
I drink from a stream also,
I am the wolf."
Then eat as much of the meat as you want, and think in your head:
"As the wolf would devour a carcass,
I devour one also,
I am the wolf."
Then say aloud:
"Grant me my wish,
For tonight I shall be a wolf,
And until sunrise,
I shall hunt, eat, and drink,
In a forest with a pack or alone,
I shall run through the trees,
This is my will, so mote it be!"
Now go to bed.
If this works for you, message me!
Note: You will not transform into a wolf, your mind/conscience will be transported into a wolf somewhere on Earth. Depending on how strong your mind is, you might be able to control the wolf. Most likely you will watch through the wolf's eyes.
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#572 - Mingle Your Energy With That of A Dragon
The word "parkémp" at the end makes the spell permanent, you can exclude that part from the end if you want it to be temporary when you cast it.
Let yourself be open to such change and either say or chant: "Duamilent -Druag - Elmtol - Tupamk - Parkémp" (Pronounced: Doo-Ah-Me-Lent Drág Elm-Toll To-Pamk Par-Kémp)
Last edited on Sep 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#573 - Ritual to Call the Lunar Dragon
Set up a space in a moon-lit room. Outside can work but can be dangerous in most neighborhoods. Make sure when you lay that the moon will hit your entire body. Take the moon water and anoint a clear crystal (Tourmaline works, Ametrine is great, amethyst, ect.). You'll want to drink a little bit (No more than five drops) of the vanilla extract, burn the incense, and take the Dragon's blood oil and draw two Dragon-like eyes on the back of your hands.
Set the crystal on your third eye and astral project. When you astral project, you should hear a loud roar. The moon should feel like it's drawing you in. Let it do so, and you should see one of the beings that make up the Lunar dragon in front of you. If you see one soul deity, then you are talking to all of them. You can ask them anything you need guidance with.
*If Golden Diamond appears, she will be very tall with long golden hair with metallic strands. She has golden eyes. But if she appears, contact us immediately. We will have much to discuss.
Last edited on Sep 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#574 - Ultimate Werewolf Spell
Spirits of the wolves and the moon I plea you to make me a werewolf. I will be a able to become a wolf at Will and feel no pain during that process. I will be able to break steel with my bare hands, I will be faster than a cheetah. My fur colour will be ---. My eye colour will be ---. I will have superstrength, speed, reflexes and the agility. I will never age and the biggest weakness will be silver. I will not kill as long as it's for self defence. So mote it be.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#575 - Werewolf
''I Create a spark, a blazing flame,
I put this spell on the (Last name) name.
A werewolf, never cold,
But in this form, I may control
Give me transformation, please turn me,
as I will, so shall it be''
For turning others say:
''I Create a spark, a blazing flame,
I put this spell on the (Last name) name.
A werewolf, never cold,
But in this form, they may control
Give me transformation, please turn thee,
as I will, so shall it be''
#576 - Ode to Selene
The chant, or spel is basically a calling to Selene in order for her to send one of her "children" (a vampire) to turn you into a vampire. **DISCLAIMER: Do not read these words out aloud unless you intend for results to occur. Ive read some comments posted by people who've done it and its been quite scary for them so take care** Go tohttp://www.gods-and-monsters.com/facts-about-vampires.htmlto learn more about it. There original prayer is in Latin, with the English translation following. Apparently its best to read the Latin one aloud first and then the english one. O dea tenebris mater immortalibus puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur mea lux vestra absorbere liceat mihi locus ad tenebras sicut ex utero immortales filios tuos in ulnis quibus invocaverit te frater O lunae lumen puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur me duce tenebris sunt i ita erit renatus Oh goddess of the darkness mother to the immortal let me be reborn as your child let your light absorb my own Allow me passage to the darkness as from your immortal womb into the arms of your children to whom I will call brother Oh moonlight let me be reborn as your child guide the dark ones to me so I shall be born again
Last edited on May 28, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#577 - Wolf Neko Spell
Chant :
"Beautiful graceful wolves I see. Come and help to transform me. I exchange my dull bare human ears for soft fluffy ( color ) wolf ears to aid in my hearing. I exchange my teeny tiny tailbone for a ( length ) fluffy ( color ) wolf tail to curl up with in my sleep. I will exchange my short human nails for a set of ( length ) wolf claws to help me catch my prey. I wish to trade my short dull canines for a pair of ( length ) fangs to help alongside my claws to hunt my prey. I ask of the cat goddess ( or god idk ) to help for-fill my wish. I wish and dream to be one of you. So blessed be ."
Your ears and tail and claws and fangs will be retractable. And here are the side affects down below.
Side Affects:
2:Back hurts
3:Teeth hurting and growing
4:Nails hurting and growing
P.S: Once the nails are done growing you can start
moving them.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#578 - Ultimate Anthropomorphic Animal Transformation
You can turn back into a human, but this isn't a "shifter" deal. You'll become a furry, and if you kinda hate it, you can turn back to your normal self.
Your goal in this spell is to tell the beings of the cosmos why you want to be an anthro. They should always get your message, but unless you have a good reason why you want to quit being 100% human and switch to 50% human.
You won't have gross mites exploding poop on your face if you're reptilian, you won't worry about not getting a boy/girl if you're canine, you don't need to fret about your awful voice if you're avian, you get to skip work and school all you want when you're feline, and if you want to be huggable, be a... horse! With so many different choices to choose from, it's almost impossible to choose your future for most people.
1. Plan out your new body. (In the terms of us furries, ''fursona''.)
2. Confirm it with yourself, then put in the following information. (I'll use myself as an example.)
Species: Dragon
Subspecies: Ice Dragon
Hide Color: Light blue
Underside hide color: Same as main color hide
Genital color: Semi-translucent arctic icy blue
(Female Reptile Only) Egg Laying/Live Birth? Egg Laying
Eye Color: Brown
Claw Color: Semi-translucent arctic icy blue
Claw Length: 2''
Cold-blooded/Warm-blooded? Warm
Feathers? No
Tail Length: Same as ice dragon's in comparison to body length
Wings? Yes
Wingspan: 5'00''
Color of Hide Inside the Wings: Light green
Plates (spikes on back)? Yes
Plate Length: 1''
Plate Color: Semi-translucent arctic icy blue
Plate range: From forehead to tip of tail
Human Teeth? No
Human Tongue Shape? No
Digitigrade or Plantigrade (or Unguligrade, if hooved): Plantigrade
Sweat: No
Scaly or Hairy eyebrows: Scaly
It's recommended you write this down!
3. Think:
Beings of the Cosmos, I have a crucial message that I need to have granted. My wish is to become an anthropomorphic (insert species). Here is my reference for my new body: (insert the info from step 2) I would die for this one simple wish. My reason for wanting to is because (insert a good reason). I would die for this wish. Please make my dream reality: to become an anthro (insert species).
#579 - Become a Mermaid
"O water in the glass
Please turn me into a mermaid
A mermaid beautiful like angels
So mote it be"
Then drink the water and wait for side effects.
Last edited on Aug 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#580 - Vampire
When its night go outside and look at the moon let it shine on you then say that 10x:
"I wish to be a vampire with long fangs. I wish to drink human blood and have one special power. So mote it be!"
Stare at the moon when you see it and then go to sleep. You will become a vampire after 3 weeks and your fangs will come in after 6 weeks.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.