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2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2959 Health Spells
2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2959 Health Spells
  1. Blizzard Soul Distortion Correction
  2. Death spell by Duane
  3. Death spell by Duane
  4. Relieve Hunger
  5. Death spell by Duane Tudor he'll ghost spell
  6. Death spell by Duane Tudor
  7. Healthy Life
  8. Smell Exercise
  9. How To Get A Dark Side!
  10. Psi technique - Energy ball
#1 - #10
#21 - #30
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#1 - Blizzard Soul Distortion Correction

Sometimes we face hardship and wander into troubles in our life. Disease, guilt, and frustration all can commonly be found polluting our destiny. Claim your brighter future.
You may need:

  • The distortion of your reality.
  • Desire to be saved.
  • Altruistic forethought and alliance with free will.
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    You may need:

  • The distortion of your reality.
  • Desire to be saved.
  • Altruistic forethought and alliance with free will.
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    Focus on your brow. Blow. Establishing radiant harmony, a benefitting turbulence is actually the entire summation of reincarnation. Now hum as you blow. Disregard intimate turbulence and distort your surroundings. Focus on your belly. The estuary increases the instances of reflex and amalgamation of intricacy. Move your lower body to warmth. Distort awareness of intricate cessation of logic. The insistence of neutral parameters distorts upcoming instance of serendipity. Breathe in. Display your mastery for all to see while refraining from intimate jargon. The instruction of diplomacy surrenders grace from distortion. Distort your connection with reality.

    Thank you for reading this spell. Have a blessed day.

    Added to on Dec 21, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2 - Death spell by Duane

    For a wiccan named Tadashi cast a circle add goat skull in add candles north east north West use ground cropper to make circle use 3 circles inside each other
    You may need:

  • For a wiccan named Tadashi cast a circle add goat skull in add candles north east north West use ground cropper to make circle use 3 circles inside each other then get poppett of parson add there dna or dirt from there yard heart of chicken added to doll while still beating after scafice go to crossroads call on satan or papa legba on your belive use flash blood to call the spirit
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    You may need:

  • For a wiccan named Tadashi cast a circle add goat skull in add candles north east north West use ground cropper to make circle use 3 circles inside each other then get poppett of parson add there dna or dirt from there yard heart of chicken added to doll while still beating after scafice go to crossroads call on satan or papa legba on your belive use flash blood to call the spirit
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    For a wiccan named Tadashi cast a circle 🔵 add goat skull in add candles north east north West use ground cropper to make circle use 3 circles inside each other then get poppet of parson add there dna or dirt from there yard heart of chicken added to doll while still beating after scarface go to crossroads call on satan or papa legba on your belive use flash blood to call the spirit as a sacrifice and add doll to your jar with grave yard dirt taken from grave of a murderer paid spirit in coin on grave as a offering then chant spiritus satanius demonium veni add me mortum say as your life ends I get my wish so be it then put jar in the ground as it rots parson will die

    Added to on Dec 02, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #3 - Death spell by Duane

    For a wiccan named Tadashi cast a circle add goat skull in add candles north east north West use ground cropper to make circle use 3 circles inside each other
    You may need:

  • For a wiccan named Tadashi cast a circle add goat skull in add candles north east north West use ground cropper to make circle use 3 circles inside each other then get poppett of parson add there dna or dirt from there yard heart of chicken added to doll while still beating after scafice go to crossroads call on satan or papa legba on your belive use flash blood to call the spirit
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    You may need:

  • For a wiccan named Tadashi cast a circle add goat skull in add candles north east north West use ground cropper to make circle use 3 circles inside each other then get poppett of parson add there dna or dirt from there yard heart of chicken added to doll while still beating after scafice go to crossroads call on satan or papa legba on your belive use flash blood to call the spirit
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    For a wiccan named Tadashi cast a circle 🔵 add goat skull in add candles north east north West use ground cropper to make circle use 3 circles inside each other then get poppet of parson add there dna or dirt from there yard heart of chicken added to doll while still beating after scarface go to crossroads call on satan or papa legba on your belive use flash blood to call the spirit as a sacrifice and add doll to your jar with grave yard dirt taken from grave of a murderer paid spirit in coin on grave as a offering then chant spiritus satanius demonium veni add me mortum say as your life ends I get my wish so be it then put jar in the ground as it rots parson will die

    Added to on Dec 02, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #4 - Relieve Hunger

    The spell is used to relieve hunger. Useful especially if you anticipating not being to access food for some time.
    You may need:

  • Cookbook
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    You may need:

  • Cookbook
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    Place your hands over cookbook and use this spell: To decide incision in poor direction describes anticipated gains recklessly. A stroke of pondering tell such immense particle of luster in troubling container. A bargain interrupts site of entire search.

    Feel free to use multiple times; can even be written on paper and slipped into cookbook.

    Added to on Nov 30, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #5 - Death spell by Duane Tudor he'll ghost spell

    Cast circle satanic circle full size mirror put parsons photo on doll with has her dna chant over doll spirtus Satanus demonium veni ad me dimonium et occidere my enamy say name i give myslef volente. tuum sevrce nomen sanguinem de naso snd morth dicat si herba medicamina ceperit eam interficiet him manes mecum ambulant cum me manes ambulant mecum hac nocte exeunt umbrae e tenebris et in lucem manes operantur ad hlep me ghists obviam necessitates meas ghists do my deeds satan carry out thy will by the spirits in gehenna ignis. Then chant for 13 nights then Barry doll in coffin in church yard keep yourself pure no sex spell only works in latin English won't work and then chant as your photo rots so to will your body write how you want parson to die in blood
    You may need:

  • 32 black candles 1 image of parson a doll
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    You may need:

  • 32 black candles 1 image of parson a doll
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    Cast circle satanic circle full size mirror put parsons photo on doll with has her dna chant over doll spirtus Satanus demonium veni ad me dimonium et occidere my enamy say name i give myslef volente. tuum sevrce nomen sanguinem de naso snd morth dicat si herba medicamina ceperit eam interficiet him manes mecum ambulant cum me manes ambulant mecum hac nocte exeunt umbrae e tenebris et in lucem manes operantur ad hlep me ghists obviam necessitates meas ghists do my deeds satan carry out thy will by the spirits in gehenna ignis. Then chant for 13 nights then Barry doll in coffin in church yard keep yourself pure no sex spell only works in latin English won't work and then chant as your photo rots so to will your body write how you want parson to die in blood. If you under 18 don't do if u do it you get hrut I ain't brothered I tlod you not yo do for serious consequences it is snd for serious witches

    Added to on Nov 29, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #6 - Death spell by Duane Tudor

    Cast circle satanic circle full size mirror put parsons photo on doll with has her dna chant over doll spirtus Satanus demonium veni ad me dimonium et occidere my enamy say name i give myslef volente. tuum sevrce nomen sanguinem de naso snd morth dicat si herba medicamina ceperit eam interficiet him manes mecum ambulant cum me manes ambulant mecum hac nocte exeunt umbrae e tenebris et in lucem manes operantur ad hlep me ghists obviam necessitates meas ghists do my deeds satan carry out thy will by the spirits in gehenna ignis. Then chant for 13 nights then Barry doll in coffin in church yard keep yourself pure no sex spell only works in latin English won't work and then chant as your photo rots so to will your body write how you want parson to die in blood
    You may need:

  • 32 black candles 1 image of parson a doll
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    You may need:

  • 32 black candles 1 image of parson a doll
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    Cast circle satanic circle full size mirror put parsons photo on doll with has her dna chant over doll spirtus Satanus demonium veni ad me dimonium et occidere my enamy say name i give myslef volente. tuum sevrce nomen sanguinem de naso snd morth dicat si herba medicamina ceperit eam interficiet him manes mecum ambulant cum me manes ambulant mecum hac nocte exeunt umbrae e tenebris et in lucem manes operantur ad hlep me ghists obviam necessitates meas ghists do my deeds satan carry out thy will by the spirits in gehenna ignis. Then chant for 13 nights then Barry doll in coffin in church yard keep yourself pure no sex spell only works in latin English won't work and then chant as your photo rots so to will your body write how you want parson to die in blood. If you under 18 don't do if u do it you get hrut I ain't brothered I tlod you not yo do for serious consequences it is snd for serious witches

    Added to on Nov 29, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #7 - Healthy Life

    This distributes health and also has light regeneration included. There is mechanisms included so does not require very much skill to use. This was inspired by ailments common to public and is designed to aid medicine and other forms of persistent care in bettering health for a more consistent lifestyle.
    You may need:

  • Persistence.
  • Desire.
  • Substance.
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    You may need:

  • Persistence.
  • Desire.
  • Substance.
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    Splendid antimatter trundle timer complacent torn duress supplant time dim spend do door tame spent trained light daunting flame blatant blame storage grime explain caress buoyant all time start drain torrent stride clean flagrant stiff bent fortress strain strong stress depress stagnant stop do ride dignity stain time flannel building

    Added to on Nov 09, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #8 - Smell Exercise

    This will aid concentration and enhance sense of smell.
    You may need:

  • Your focus
  • Ability to do math
  • Willingness ti use imagination
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    You may need:

  • Your focus
  • Ability to do math
  • Willingness ti use imagination
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    Pay tribute with this phrase: “Saying I am to be made entirely warding on the best cuff a brim estranged ember partially in quest for valor a tribe apocalypse tries entering a glorious era stipend sends trained tried stain to tenants in quarry folly spend.”Subtract 125 from 347

    Dream of red phase entering blue phase transition then to darker bloom.

    This helps you concentrate on smell.

    Added to on Nov 03, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #9 - How To Get A Dark Side!

    This spell will give you a dark side. Beware of the consequences
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Items that remind you of your dark side
  • Candle (red or black, preferably)
  • Voice
  • Mirror
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Items that remind you of your dark side
  • Candle (red or black, preferably)
  • Voice
  • Mirror
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    Everyone has a dark side. It hides within us, waiting for the perfect moment to strike... revenge...

    But its only those who are special enough to be able to activate their dark side that can see theirs.

    Today I will show you how to get a dark side.

    First of all, you need to create a character. This character will be your dark side. It can be as insane and strong and vengeful as you want, but remember to be careful. I have a friend who did this spell. Lets just say he's in a straitjacket now...

    Get a piece of paper and a pen, any pen, and write about your dark side. Write about their personality, name, skills, appearance, et cetera. Now, their soul is in it's first stage of birth. To make sure that their soul is tied to you and doesn't just haunt you or wander off, add something from you to the piece of paper (eg. Smear your blood on it, tie it with a piece of your hair, etc.)

    Now, you need to choose some items and things that remind you of your dark side, including your piece of paper. You should get a candle (Red or black will work well) and create a sort of altar which represents your dark side. This is what will give it life. Existence.

    Around midnight, take any item from the altar and hold it to your heart or forehead while standing in front of your mirror. Say this:

    "Dear dark side, dear dark side, I know you are there. And no matter who you hurt or you may scare. I'll let you live in me, starting from this night. Awaken when you must, bring terror and fright."

    Now, you need to split yourself into two. Every day, spend some time pretending as if you are your dark side. Long enough that you'll forget your other self. Eventually, you'll split into two different people: your bright side and your dark side. And you wont have to pretend anymore.

    Added to on Oct 06, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #10 - Psi technique - Energy ball

    Basic energy ball method, no ingredients.
    You may need:

  • Concentration.
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    You may need:

  • Concentration.
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    1. Rub your hands together to create friction, or outline a circle in the middle of both of your palms with your finger. The main goal of this step is to stimulate your hands (more specifically, your palms).
    2. Hold your hands about 4-5 inches apart. Inhale slowly, and while inhaling, move your hands to where they are about 10-12 inches apart. Exhale slowly, and while exhaling, move your hands back to where they are 4-5 inches apart. Do this slowly for about a minute, and focus on the space between your hands.
    3. Make a motion with your hands similar to that of rolling a ball of play-dough, clay, etc., between your hands. Make this rolling motion for about 30 seconds to a minute, and once you stop, there should be buzzing or pressure as if there were a ball in your hands. You can play with the energy ball; you can change the density, size, and temperature.
    4. (OPTIONAL): To shell it, you visualize a protective layer or shield around it. Now, you can program your energy ball.
    5. (OPTIONAL): To program it, set your intention of what you want the energy ball to do; it can be spiritual or physical (see post notes). Once you set your intention, release the energy ball.

    Important notes:

    • Physical intentions could be for healing or moving objects. I am a little skeptical of the latter, but it could work with practice.
    • With enough practice, you will be able to instantly create a psi ball.

    Added to on Sep 24, 2024
    Last edited on Sep 25, 2024
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters
    #1 - #10
    #21 - #30