2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- The Bath Game
- The Devil's Face
- Lonely Hide and Seek
- Cursed Stone/Leaf
- Cursed By Voodoo
- Sleep or Knockout Spell
- Healing Tea
- Shadow Partner
- Bad Luck to Enemies
- To Aid Falling Asleep
#1201 - The Bath Game
1. Before you go to bed for the night, get naked and go into the bathroom.
2. Fill the tub with water and turn off the lights. (All of them)
3. Sit in the middle of the tub facing the faucet or taps.
4. Close your eyes and wash your hair while repeating the words Daruma-san fell down. Daruma-san fell down. over and over.
5. As you wash your hair you should see in your minds eye the image of a Japanese woman standing in a bathtub. She slips and falls on a rusty tap which impales her through the eye and kills her.
6. Continue repeating Daruma-san fell down. Daruma-san fell down. until you have finished washing your hair. It is very important that you keep your eyes closed. You may hear or feel movement in the water behind you but it is very important that you keep your eyes closed. Dont peek! You've just summoned a ghost of your very own. The ghostly figure of a woman will rise out of the water behind you. You will feel her presence as she stares at you, her head just behind your right shoulder. Her hair is black and tangled. Her clothes are tattered and rotting. She has only one eye. Her left eye is wide open and bloodshot. Her right eye is missing, leaving just a bloody, hollow eye socket.
7. When you feel the presence of the ghost, ask aloud Why did you fall in the bath?
8. Still keeping your eyes tightly shut, stand up and get out of the bath. Be careful while doing this as your eyes are closed and wet tile/whatnot is not the easiest thing to maneuver on, oh and the ghost may try to trip and kill you. Immediately leave the bathroom and shut the door.
It is now safe to open your eyes. Leave the bath water overnight and enjoy a nights sleep because tomorrow as soon as you wake up, the game begins.
9. The ghost is now following you, trying to look at her directly wont work. Instead, glance over your right shoulder to catch a glimpse of her. Shell get closer and closer as the day goes on. Dont let her catch you! If shes getting too close, shout Tomare! (Stop!) and run away as quickly as possible. This will put some distance between you and she.
10. In order to end the game, you must catch a glimpse of her and shout Kitta! (loosely translates as I cut you loose!) then hold your hand out in front of you and swing it downward in a cutting motion like a karate chop. End the game before midnight or the one-eyed woman will follow you into your dreams to follow and more than likely kill you (heres lookin at you, Freddy).
To sum up some of the basic ground rules:
-Do NOT open your eyes when the ghost first appears.
-Dont let her trip you while you get out of the bath!
-Dont re-enter the bathroom after you leave (or let your friends/family/roommates open it up).
-Do not drain the bathtub until morning.
-Do not, do not, DO NOT let her catch up to you!
CAUTION: Again, dont play this game. Screwing around with ghosts and spirits isnt for funzies, it can have some serious consequences. Summoning ghosts can result in you getting possessed or worse. Also, be really careful when getting out of the bath its crazy easy to seriously injury and/or kill yourself even without a murderous ghost trying to trip you. If you dont end the game properly, the ghost will more than likely continue to follow you for the rest of your life..
#1202 - The Devil's Face
Just before midnight, lock yourself in the bathroom and turn off the lights. Stand in front of the mirror and light the twelve black candles. Close your eyes and keep them closed until the clock strikes nidnight. Then open your eyes. You will see the face of the devil in the mirror.
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1203 - Lonely Hide and Seek
The spirits which are wandering restless on the earth are always looking for bodies to possess. In this ritual you summon such a spirit by offering it a doll instead of a human body.
Warning: If you have psychic abilities you may feel unwell or be prone to accidents during the ritual.
This ritual is NOT MINE, it was originated in Japan, I think..
1. Take all the cotton (or whatever it is stuffed with) out of the doll, and stuff it instead with rice*1.
2. Clip a bit of your nails and put them inside the doll, and sew the opening up with the crimson thread. When you finish sewing, tie up the doll with the rest of the thread *2.
3. Pour water into a bathtub.
4. Place a cup of salt water inside the hiding place.
How To Do It:
1.Give a name to the doll (the name could be anything but your own)
2.When it is 3 am, say to the doll ''__(your name) is the first it,'' three times.
3.Go to the bathroom and put the doll into the water-filled bathtub.
4.Turn off all lights in the house, go back to the hiding place and switch on the TV.
5.When you have counted ten with your eyes closed, go back to the bathroom with the edged tool (a knife, etc) in your hand.
6.When you get there, say to the doll ,''I have found you, __(the doll's name),'' and stab the doll with the edged tool*3.
7. Say ''You are the next it, __(the doll's name),'' as you put the doll back in its place.
8.As soon as you have put the doll down, run back to the hiding place and hide.
How To Finish It:
1. Pour half the cup of salt water into your mouth (don't drink it; keep it there)*4 and get out of the hiding place and start looking for the doll. The doll is not necessarily in the bathroom. Whatever happens don't spit out the salt water.
2. When you find the doll, pour the rest of the salt water which is left in the cup over it, and then spray the salt water in your mouth over it as well.
3. Say ''I win,'' three times.
This supposed to end the ritual.
After this make sure you dry the doll, burn and discard it later.
Please don't stop this ritual halfway. You must do it through to the end.
This is a dangerous ritual and I will not be responsible for what happens to you if you try.
Other things to keep in mind:
1-Don't go out of the house until you have done the finishing ritual.
2-You must turn off all lights.
3-Keep quiet while hiding.
4-You don't need to put the salt water in your mouth all the time. You only need to do it during the finishing ritual.
5-Remember, if you are living with someone you might put them in danger too.
6-Don't continue this ritual for more than one or two hours.
7-For safety reasons, it might be best to keep all the doors in the house unlocked (including your front door) and have some friends close by so that they can come and help you at a moment's noice, if you ever need them. Keeping a mobile close at hand would be a good idea too.
1 - The rice represents innards and also has the role of attracting spirits.
2 - The crimson thread represents a blood vessel. It seals the spirit(s) up inside the doll.
3 - By cutting the thread off, you break the seal and release the spirit(s) you have trapped.
4 - If you go out of the hiding place without salt water, you might encounter ''something wandering around'' in your house which might harm you in some way. Apparently the way to feel the presence of the ''something wandering around'' is to watch ''what happens to the TV.''
#1204 - Cursed Stone/Leaf
If using a leaf,you first need to draw a symbol of any poison on it, and burn the leaf. Pour the ashes of the leaf into any drink and let the person drink it. That person is now going to have the poison or disease. Make sure you are familiar with this poison/disease that you have chosen or the affects wont be reliable.
#1205 - Cursed By Voodoo
Cut out the two pieces of felt in the shape of a person. Sew the two layers together, but leave a gap (To fill it up). Sit in a dark room and light the candle. wright down the victim's full name and date of birth. Then let the black wax drip onto the picture of the victim.
After that, burn the paper with the information of the victim in the black candle. When it's burnt to ashes, blow out the candle, and stuff it into the poppet. Rip the picture into pieces. Stuff that into the doll as well. Meanwhile, chant this:
"Everything you inflict on me, will now be reflected back to you!
You shall live in a misery because of yourself!"
Sew the poppet closed. Slice the lemon in two. Squeeze the juice all over the poppet
Sprinkle the pepper over it. Now, stab a needle where its heart would be. Think about all the things your victim did that made you feel bad. Release that energy, through your palm, into the poppet.
Put it in a dark, unused area. (An unused basement, or an unused attic would be suitable.) That night, you'll dream of your victim. Crying, lost in him / herself and tired of living. The next day, grab the poppet, and stab it in the head of the doll. Release more negative energy into the doll. Leave it into the dark area, and forget about the poppet. But, your victim will suffer!
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1206 - Sleep or Knockout Spell
#1207 - Healing Tea
Start by boiling the orange peels, after a few minutes the water should be yellowish. Then take out the peels. Use the water to make your tea. Add one or two pinches of sugar Close your eyes and move your hand above your tea. Focus on your tea and imagine their is positive energy going in your tea.
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1208 - Shadow Partner
Go somewhere and chant this:
"Oh Lord of Shadows,
Give me a partner.
Make him strong make him weak.
Make him slow make him fast.
Let me train on him!"
After you are done, try to find him in your mind.
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1209 - Bad Luck to Enemies
Concentrate hard on your enemy. Think of the wrong things they did to you backfiring much stronger, then chant 13 times: "You've done me wrong, now feel my wrath!"
Last edited on Aug 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1210 - To Aid Falling Asleep
Light the candle, and let it burn for a little bit.
Write down the reason you can't sleep, what you are anxious about, or your worries/fears down on the paper.
''By the light of my flame,
Fears deep down i force you tame,
Allow my anxieties to melt away,
And for tonight let the peace stay,
Oh gods i ask of thee,
Send sweet sleep to me.
Sound, heavy, and peacefully i will rest,
Untill it is time for me to wake.
I ask thy gods to aid my sleep on this restless night,
This is my will, mote it be.''
Use the candle to light the paper, and then drop it into the bowl and let it burn to ash. Once it is burned, pour spring water over it and stir it with the feather.
''Feather of a foul, easy and light,
melt away all my fright,
for sleep will come to me tonight.''
Blow out the candle, leave the ash and water next to your bed all night, and lay in a position to fall asleep. Focus on a feeling of peace and the scent of the Eucalyptus and you will soon fall into a peaceful sleep.
Members of the site, please let me know how this worked for you. Blessed be.
Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.