2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Binding A Spirit To An Object 18+
- Healing Spell for a Loved One
- Candle Protection Spell
- Become a vampire. Real
- New Moon Good Luck Spell
- The Sunrise Seer
- Mama Muerte Ritual of Empowerment
- Delete all Nazi's in your school
- Kill the nazis, neo nazis and itself (general stuff like that)
- HOW TO KNOW IF YOU ARE FAT OR SKINNY (and do you like me yes or no spell)
#21 - Binding A Spirit To An Object 18+
The spell is from my own personal practice and as such holds many of my own personal gnosis on the occult and magick as a whole. This leaves the realm of academia and leans into my religious beliefs. Take it with a grain of salt, that being said do not attempt this or any of my spells unless you have grown as a practitioner and are at least of the age of 18-21, this is from my Exorcism Rituals Series I did on Tumblr a while back.
To begin draw this symbol in salt to create the transference stage in which you will place the sacrifice and the doll.
As you draw the symbol recite the poem in the tune of worms go in
" Trick oh trick the trap is set, from now on don't forget, the knot of one is now complete, oh dear friend come try my treat"
Once the symbol has been drawn place down the doll on its designated location and begin the process of holding the Sacrifice above the designated location. Begin saying the poems next verse.
"This treat I made is just for you, the innocence is calling too, with knot of two I draw you in , my web that I now masterfully spin"
Once you have said this part of the spell you may now Sacrifice the animal or break the object with emotional attachment to you. As it's bleeding let it flow from the circle to the doll. or place the pieces In a line leading to the doll.
" Hear these words and smell the blood, of those who only showed me love,with knot of three my spell complete holding tight with no release,feast upon this trick I've made, so you can never harm again."
Once the final verse has been said the demon will be trapped withing the doll, it is important to put an ungodly amount of energy behind this spell. You are tricking an entity and enticing it with violence to enter into a pre-made vessel .
Again this spell isn't for everyone this is Sacrificial magick and should only be done when necessary and by people above the age of 18, NO MINORS ALLOWED
#22 - Healing Spell for a Loved One
Say the spell three times.
The first time you say the spell after you say the words "candle burn" light the candle.
Make sure to practice fire safety.
Great Goddess please grant to me your power
On this day and in this hour
Power rise and Candle burn
Good health quickly return
Elements come to the aid of my loved one
Bless them oh moon and sun
Good health is ideal
I call upon the element of Earth to heal
I call upon the element of Water to wash and cleanse them today
I call upon the element of Fire to burn all the bad away
Air swiftly send this spell to (name) through the skies
Make them healthy and help them thrive
Mind body and soul restore
This great Goddess I implore
Heal (name) because I love them so
As above so below
Three times three
As I will it so mote it be
#23 - Candle Protection Spell
Cast a circle, and sit in the middle, with your candles in front of you. Make sure your candles are in the circle with you. Light each candle. Pray to your gods/goddess for protection
#24 - Become a vampire. Real
Say this 10 times. If you mess up start again.
" Red blood, pale skin, moonlight draw me in.
Quench my thirst, coursing veins,
let my body feel no pain!"
It may take overnight to work, it may take 1 hour, it may take 1 week, or it may take 10-15 minutes.
Headache, stomach, teeth hurting, sickness, fever.
Super speed
Super strength
Super senses
You might find that you are pretty and attractive.
Maybe some extra abilities.
Some other ways to become a vampire:
Some other working vampire spells.
Vampire biting you
some other ways i haven't found out yet
Because it may take a week for this spell to work
#25 - New Moon Good Luck Spell
Please always practice fire safety when using fire in any capacity! Also, this spell is designed to be cast on a new moon.
First, spend a few minutes focusing on the fire and meditating.
Next, say the following three times while staring into the fire.
Fire lend me your power
Give me strength so I do not cower
Fire burn bright on this new moon night
Bringing hope into sight
Fires of rebirth cleanse and burn
Good fortune and health return
With the power of fire and the new moon
Renew me now and help me bloom
As I will it, so mote it be
Three times three
#26 - The Sunrise Seer
As soon as you wake up, before checking in on anything and bringing anything into your consciousness of the day, turn on your voice recorder so you can freely channel without having to hold onto the memories of what you said.
For about 10 minutes (a good amount of time, but follow your intuition on this, use a timer at your own discretion and according to your own needs) just channel whatever you see, feel, or even what you remember from your dreams. Speak out anything and everything that comes through to you, without judgment or critical thought.
When you are done, listen over, and record it in your journal so you can quickly read through it, and even add imagery if you saw anything strike out to you.
It's important to stay consistent about recording this, a lot of things come through that may not seem relevant in the moment, but shine a light of wisdom for future moments that come in handy in those moments of reflection. Sometimes piecing together spiritual puzzles that you are pondering over.
#27 - Mama Muerte Ritual of Empowerment
It is important that in beginning this that when working with a Goddess such as Santa Muerte from a place of reverence and expansion, to really let go of your ego. She isn't going to sugar coat things, and it can bring about some highly intense shadow work. If you want to work with her, heart to heart, she's going to push you to grow. With this, she is like a powerful mother, supportive, encouraging, protective, and holds you accountable. She is patient but he doesn't play. Be ready if you are going to build a relationship with her.
Prepare your spiritual space, open a door/window for ventilation, grab your cleansing herbs, light them as you visualize protection into them, and clear out any old stagnant energy that needs to be released.
Once you feel as though you've done this, prepare your tea. Heat he water up, get the herbs/tea of choice, and use a special mug. This mug should be dedication to your time to connect with her, and not used for other reasons. (if you can, get a skull shaped mug or one that is specifically tied to Santa Muerte.
Once the tea is ready to pour, state your intentions as you pour it into your mug and her mug/offering tray. Do you need wisdom? are you seeking to communicate and connect with her? Are you trying to work through something and want to ask her for support?
Whether in your mind or out loud, speak to her. You can speak to her out loud like you like, she is listening. You are taking time to sit with her and come bare, be honest. She embodies many dimensions of being and energies, come exactly as you are but with reverence. Honor this connection with honest vulnerability.
Sit with her, talk to her if you feel called to, and just receive. The wisdom, the sense of strength and confidence, the ideas that you receive, lean into them, ask her about them, let her reveal everything she wants to communicate to you. Only you know when you're ready to move forward, thank her and clean up the space. Even better, have a jounral dedicated to these moments with her to record what you reiceve for the future.
Helpful Resources & Spells:
Preparing a sacred Space: https://www.spellsofmagic.com/coven_ritual.htm|?ritual=4650&coven=6
Protecting Space with Smoke: https://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/Love+Spells/Attraction+Spells/28166/page.html
#28 - Delete all Nazi's in your school
Find the nearest Nazi and shout "delete Nazi's" and "activate".
When you say "activate", rip off your wig and throw it at the nearest Nazi, he should be deleted as soon as your wig smack's his face and the rest should de-spawn soon after.
Don't forget to blow a kiss to your adoring fans afterwards and do a sassy little kick before strutting out of there.
Side effects include but are not limited to: unlimited power, everyone in the room falling in love with you on sight, becomgin very rich, people throwing themselves at your feet, hemmroids, loss of wig, and dramatic exits.
#29 - Kill the nazis, neo nazis and itself (general stuff like that)
Say: "Evil spirit, " then say, "activate."
Then say the name of the person bothering you or groups, can be used on enemies. Results are instant, considered Black Chicken and Black Dog Satanic, different from rest.
#30 - HOW TO KNOW IF YOU ARE FAT OR SKINNY (and do you like me yes or no spell)
Say: "Hoodoo," then say, "activate."
Then a voice over just tells you when you want to know what you look like sorta like what you look like, IT IS VERY BLUNT. If something goes wrong a ghost in the mirror if you stare at one will tell you what is sort of going on to see if it is working right. Just stare at mirror and ghost comes out to tell you, only you can see the ghost unless you want it to be public. You sorta have to want it to happen not accidently had it do something. Also tells you who likes you that you like. This spell is satanic.