2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Ghost Hex: Necromancy
- Purification and Cleansing: Poppet working
- Get rid of fear of something.
- True curse
- Crush An Enemy
- Remedial Spell of Soul Loss
- Karmic Revenge
- Native American healing/weather summoning chant
- Elemental Awakening
- Magick Vampirism spell
#311 - Ghost Hex: Necromancy
- Line the inside of the bowl with a black cloth. (Cloth must be in one piece)
- Add Red pepper and Poppy seeds into the bowl filled with the cloth.
- Place the bowl in the south end of your altar space. ( Closest to you-- not in the middle)
- Place the small bowl in the middle of the Alter space.
- Then place salt in the small bowl-- or (if using quartz) surround the small bowl in a 5 point formation with the quartz; then fill the bowl with water.
- Recite the following method of incantation.
- Visualize a white light emanating from the small bowl protecting you; then chant, " Your power is useless my defenses are not down, and I shall not be moved or turned around,"
- For the bowl that contains the black cloth, poppy seeds, and red pepper; Imagine black ash pouring from the inside of the bowl outward. (Notes: this may seem scary but you are protected as long as you followed the instructions of 6-7.)
- Imagine the black ash building more and more--(Notes: You may even start to smell smoke; as the working continues you may feel cold and hot tingling sensations-- if not it does mean it's not working.)-- then imagine if as the source of the ash is coming up from the bowl.
- Recite following Incantation.
- Hexiaus ( meaning; to bring forth a hex), Drexious (to bring forth a ghost), Amen ( to give fourth power to the caster.) "Hexiaus, Drexious, Amen." then recite the name of the person three times.
- You are done with the ritual; Imagine the white light again consuming your home and being. (Notes: The white light is to purify the darkness or black ash spirits from harming you, your home, or your loved ones.).
- End of Ritual.
#312 - Purification and Cleansing: Poppet working
- Draw a Sigil for the use or Purification and cleansing on to the Spirit petition.
- Tie petition to the poppet using The White yarn or String.
- Hold the poppet with your left hand facing upward; then place your right hand over the poppet.
- Visualize white orbs appearing from darkness clustering together into the Poppet.
- Then feel a release of spirit energy leaving the poppet and becoming attached to you.
- Recite, " The purity of the Poppet happens to me, for I am the only one that it can see, so mote it be."
- Then allow the Poppet to work its magick.
#313 - Get rid of fear of something.
On the paper write 'I am fearless' all along the edges to create a box. Write your fear in the center.Then go outside of your house or where you are and say the following in a strong voice. "In this box I place my fear To send if far away from here Do not let me deviate From my mission, nor my fate Banish that which holds me back So I can get things back on track." Then bury the page and never get it out.
#314 - True curse
Take the item, and put it in a circle of black salt. Meditate on yourself, and the item. Imagine exactly what you want to happen to the victim.
Music box that makes the victim cry whenever he hears it.
Last edited on Jun 30, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#315 - Crush An Enemy
Get your egg, express the hate you feel for them and hold the egg in your left hand. Feel the anger surge threw your body, so very strong so very intense. Imagine them in all the ways you can think of them to die from being crushed. Now chant in a strong voice...
"You, oh opresser of my anger, I wish..I call for your early demise. I smite thee with the wound of magic, threw thine power and hatred. Die my enemy, so help me raze".
Repeat three times (in all saying it 4 times).
Now crush the stupid little egg with your right hand above your left and hold them together to let the yoke drip free from your grasp... Be careful, this is a dangerous spell.
WARNING: This is a hex, it falls under the impractical black magick category and it DOES have concequences. Before doing this spell make sure you are willing to take those concequences. Reading this spell means you agree that it is not my (Britty_55) fault of what those concequences may be so DO NOT complain to me about them.
Last edited on Jan 16, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#316 - Remedial Spell of Soul Loss
1.) Pass egg over the patient's body, concentrating on drawing malignancies into the egg.
2.) Break the egg into a bowl.
3.) If blood is observed, this will confirm a serious situation and stronger action needs to take place.
4.) If there is nothing but plain old egg, prepare a strong infusion of chamomile and spearmint.
5.) Give the patient some of the infusion to sip.
6.) Dip a clean cloth into the infusion, squeeze out any excess liquid and use as a compress on patient's head.
#317 - Karmic Revenge
1. Use Salt and/or sage to sprinkle a circle around your space of performance. This will keep negativity from entering. In other words, less chance of backfire.
2. Create a sigil detailing EXACTLY what you want to happen to your enemy. Emphasis on EXACTLY. Bear in mind that as you continue this spell anything on your mind could change the results.
3. When completed, copy the sigil in red pen on a clean sheet of paper.
4. Say a chant of your own, preferably ending in "mote it be". Then light the candle and burn the paper. Be cautious. I am not responsible for burned hands or houses.
When you are done it is always nice to thank your deities and guides for the future success of your spell. Take a bow to the East. And again towards the West. Do so while remembering and thanking all of the great magicians who came before you.
Be sure to cleanse your space and cast a strong protection spell when finished. Karma is a brat. You don't want to get in its way.
#318 - Native American healing/weather summoning chant
For weather spell find a birch bark tree
- offer ceder leaves to the four directions
- then place the ceder leaves to the tree
- then chant in a sing song tune
- sing/chant at least 20 times
- Wankatan
- wantcha
- hey hey ya
- hey Waikidey
For healing spell
- Create psi ball
- take hand drum and put all your good energy into the drum
- beat the drum in a slow 1,2 ,1,2 ,1,2 ,1,2 Beat then after that sequence do the same 1,2 except do it faster
- repeat at least 30 times
- sing/chant the same words from the weather spell
#319 - Elemental Awakening
1. Set up a pentagram with salt | 2. Put every 5 Elements at each corners (The elements must be enchanted or It will not work) | 3. Sit in the middle of the Pentagram and meditate for about up to 10 minutes | 4. Chant this: "Elements of 5! Please come alive! Tell me I have one! So this spell can be done! What's my Element? Let me see! This is my wish so mote it be!" | 5. Chant it three times then just meditate for another ten minutes. I don't know how many days it'll take for your element to awake, but you'll know if you feel closer to an element.
Thanks for reading! Again this spell may not work but I put effort ito this so It might!
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#320 - Magick Vampirism spell
take the amethyst, and place it beside the malachite. Envision the malachite draining the energy from the amethyst, until it’s energy is gone. Take the malachite afterwards and hold it to your head. Allow the energy to flow into yourself.