2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Soul Setting Tea
- The Martyr
- Quartz Calming Charm
- Healing headaches
- High Health Tea
- Anti Depression Herbal Remedy
- Voodoo Rock Curse
- Belly Inflation
- See sharp again
- A Bad Luck Hex
#391 - Soul Setting Tea
Begin by folding your coffee twice ( fold it in half vertically then fold the already folded sheet in half again horizontally this time).
Turn the paper so that the creased part is in an L shape
Do not cut the L, instead use the L part of your square
Unfold the square sheet
Place your herbs in the center
Fold the sheet into a similar design as an unsealed tea bag (make sure its not open on any sides except the top flap)
fold down the top flap and punch a hole in the middle of it
use your twine to tie it up
cut off the string till its a short or long as you want it.
If you want a paper tag as well fold a piece of the excess paper in half
cut it as you please
put a hold in it
tie it the the opposite end of the string that holds the tea bag.
*sorry if this is confusing.
enjoy your tea
#392 - The Martyr
After all the holy wars, it seems that very few martyrs have the power to rise from their death. For those who don't know what a martyr is, it is warrior of light, those who can fall in combat or be slain because of their intentions against the darkness. These warriors are not only physical but metaphysical as well, so even if you are just cleansing the land and get assassinated for it your power would triple as you become immortal. I myself have barley enough to raise again at death, and I do not age anymore.
So in this spell you will be generating energy for the martyr to be healed, and so long as you keep in knowledge that you did so you will be martyred if you die trying to help fix this world. So basiclly spreading light, so if an evil force kills you while you are not being dark you will be immortal. A warrior of Allah. The more people that do this, the stronger it will be. And this is not the only source where people are doing this.
Start by charging your ki, and your aura energy. Keep in mind that you are human, hence you can make all energys infinitly from the divine counterpart.
Do not think where its comimg from or going, just know it's going to the other side where the martyr is being resurrected.
So begin this chant: \-kiinlocra nool, yol alacva shiinlok, miion ookva, kaun miion alvaki-/
Pronounced keen-loke-ra nool, yole alac-va sheen-loke, my-on oak-va, kahn my-on al-va-kie
Accept that you are a 4th dimensional being, so bending this 3rd dimension is easy once you know what you are. You must be a being of light, and this only works if you die with intentions that a demon... or the betrayer would oppose. The path of the martyr is the path of the immortal, the immortals are put humans that have found the truth, made themselves immortal. For death is but a belief, this world is controlled by us, it is ours. So let us reclaim it!
#393 - Quartz Calming Charm
- Take your piece of clear quartz and expose it to whatever water you are using. Submerge it if you can.
- Take a deep breath in, and then breathe all of the air out. Close your eyes, and continue breathing deeply and slowly.
- Press a flat side of the quartz to your forehead. Move it in 8 clockwise circles.
- Take the quartz off of your forehead.
- Make a motion like you are taking something off of your forehead with your fingers, and throw the thing away from you. This symbolizes banishing negative energies. Remember, this charm is used to quickly calm you down or curb a panic attack.
- Press the quartz back onto your forehead and move it in 8 counterclockwise circles.
- Remove the quartz.
- Submerge it in the water again to cleanse it.
#394 - Healing headaches
Place your writing hand on to your stomach. Recite;
"Cuckerdya pal m're per
Caven save misece
Cuckerdya pal m're per
Den miseceske from odry prejial!"
Last edited on Oct 04, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#395 - High Health Tea
First mix all ground herbs stating the name of each herb and what you want it to help (stating herbs and uses is optional) and put a half a teaspoon to a whole teaspoon of the mix at the bottom of the cup. Make your tea. Pour the tea into your cup with mix at the bottom. Thoroughly stir. Add Honey/Sugar as needed. Pray to your deity (optional). Believe strongly in your ability to get better and enjoy beverage.
#396 - Anti Depression Herbal Remedy
The process of making this herbal anti depressant is fairly easy.
First grab the gray cloth bag. It must be gray because the color gray helps with loneliness. Next, add the dried Dandelion. Dandelion is used in healing rituals that are focused on depression. After that, add the Honeysuckle. Honeysuckle is known for helping with willpower. This can help battle the depression. Lastly, add the dried Lavender and the aromatherapy oil. To put the oil in the bag, place around 5 drops onto a piece of tissue. Lavender is commonly known for its relaxation properties, which can help calm the persons mind. Using agate is optional, but it is definitely beneficial. Agate has properties of relieving sadness, helping with mental health / depression, healing, and more energy. I highly recommend using it. Once you put all the ingredients into the bag, then you are set.
If you are giving this bag to someone, then you can also put positive energy into the cloth bag. To start with this, you will need to center yourself.
- Go to a place where no one can disturb you
- Regulate your breathing until it is even / Meditate
- Visualize your energy while rubbing your hands together
- Move them a couple inches apart. You should feel a tingling sensation on your hands.
Once you can feel the energy that you have took from within you, you can then shape it into a ball. Think happy thoughts and determination as you are forming this energy. Then slowly push it into the gray cloth bag. Now you're done!
Remember, you are not making new energy. Energy can not be created or destroyed. You are either borrowing it from your surroundings or yourself.
#397 - Voodoo Rock Curse
take a rock that is not quartz or Sapphire/ ruby and put it in an earthen circle. Say " young [ victim name] your life is small and meek you will never live to see a thing for your spirit is not worthwhile to taint this feeble planet" then chant the spell of ruin oh and during the whole thing you must hold a Sapphire in the left hand a quartz in the right.. after chanting the ruin curse rub the quartz and Sapphire together and throw them on the stone you have in the earthen circle. The stone will hold the soul of a human only until the stone breaks or is broken. If it breaks the soul of that human is lost forever.
#398 - Belly Inflation
Spread honey all over your belly until it is fully coated. Once your belly is fully coated with honey, chant the following thrice:
"For a bigger belly, I may wish,
Smoother, rounder, I shall dish,
Plum as much as it could be,
Bigger belly, let it be me. "
After the chanting thrice, proceed to drink the whole bottle of coke as fast as you can. Once completed, swallow 2 pieces of Mentos and immediately close your mouth so no air can escape. You should be able to hear sloshing sounds from your belly. If that's the case, then that means the spell worked. The spell lasts for six hours.
Caution: Do not attempt to cast this spell during the waning moon phase.
Last edited on Jul 19, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#399 - See sharp again
This method is called: HydroChromoPathy or color healing. The color indigo is the color that is suited to improve your eyesight. It is also a bit of a narcotic, and is also great for cataracts and, deafness.
What to do is as follows: Put the sheet of indigo paper around the bottle of water. Do this as convenient as you can. You could use tape to hold the paper in it's place, but it's not really necessary. Just put the botlle with the paper under the lamp or the lightsource you use. The side where the bottle is only covered once with the indigo paper, put this on top, exactly under the lamp. If it doesn't work right away, try a few times, you'll get it right. Be handy. The bottle must rest under the lamp for 8 hours.
When the water in the bottle is fully charged with the indigo color, drink half of the bottle of water,and wait 5 hours, then drink the rest of the water from that bottle. -After- all this, your should see (more) sharp. Better eyesight.
If your sight is not %100 sharp, repeat this the next day. And the second time should be final. You could overexagerate. You could take to much. So do this carefully.
The source of this method is from the author Raymond Buckland, from the book Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft, but written and altered in my own version.
#400 - A Bad Luck Hex
1. Sit on your floor, close all doors, and draw the curtains, so no-one can interrupt your casting.
2. Clear a space, then place down your white candle.
3. Light the candle.
4. Breath in and out slowly, focus your eyes on the flame of the candle.
5. Imagine the person you are cursing in the flames.
6. Blink once, then write down the person's name on the paper, with the red pen.
7. Close your eyes again, and whisper this:
"I call upon the Goddess. This person has wronged me, and hurt me. Curse my enemy with Bad Luck, as to have them feel the hurt they have caused me. Have it last as long as needed. So mote it be."
8. Draw two lines in black pen through the person's name, one for irritation and one for Bad Luck.
9. Pick it up, and burn the paper using the candle.
10. blow it out, and go on with your day.
Best peformed at night.