2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Successful Surgery
- Herbal Health Poppet
- Poverty Banishing Ritual
- Ultimate Fighter (Demonic)
- Healing spell
- Become a grey shapeshifter
- power drink potion
- Be hungry
- Healing spell
- Make a Nature Wand
#531 - Successful Surgery
This spell will work if you are very desperate for it to happen
After that lit the candle and meditate thinking about how happy and healthy (name) is going to be after surgery.
Drip exactly three drops of wax on the paper and store safely or else something bad is going to happen to that friend/family
#532 - Herbal Health Poppet
Make a poppet or small doll out of the white material, sew it up leaving a whole for stuffing. Wrap the strands of hair around the stone, and stuff it into the head of the doll. If the hair is short, don't worry about it, just put the hairs and crystals in the head part together. Stuff the rest of the doll with the herbs, and sew it shut. In the middle of the chest, draw a circle, then a heart within the circle. Now you have a health charm to leave on your altar or in a quiet spot, until you've gotten over your illness.
Last edited on Nov 05, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#533 - Poverty Banishing Ritual
Begin by anointing the candle with the oil as some of the incense burns asking for all poverty to be banished. Set the candle in a candle holders and light it. As the candle burns, add each herb, one by one, stating the intention for each. (See Oil Recipe)
Once complete, add the tourmaline/amber. Asking for all negative energies become positive ones for the highest benefit of all.
Now, tie the bag loosely around the base of the candle holder as the candle burns, but don't close the bag fully. Once the candle gets down to a small bit when you can still take it out of the holder, snuff it out and place it in the bag with the herbs and stone.
Thank all entities whom were invited to aid you and breathe into the bag. Once done, tie the bag shut.
The Ritual is complete. :)
#534 - Ultimate Fighter (Demonic)
(This step is VERY important so please be calm and patient)
Meditate on your fighter performing a fight on someone else.Anazlyze your fighter combos and stunts carefully.You'll see a clear image while your meditation this means your letting that fighter spirit in within you.Keep on meditation until you feel collected enough moves.
2)Making A dark PSI Ball
(This will allow you to feel the enrgy you just gained)
Place your hands like your holding a ball. Move your hamds around the ball slowly and steady...you'll feel a dark invisble energy ball within your hands.Now place your energy ball above the flames for 3 seconds on each candle then release the ball forward.
Say the following ''I will fight like a champion walk like a champion I am (your fighter name) fear not a thing come in me so mote it be.''
4)Blow Candles
Once you chanted blow out the candles and take a deep breath in and out.
Body Strength Increased
Agile Increased
Anger mood swings (controllable)
Not afraid to fight anyone
Remember this is a spiritual body swap powerful spell and may only be use if your serious about chamging your life.
Last edited on Mar 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#535 - Healing spell
#536 - Become a grey shapeshifter
2. light the white candle and put it in front of you(to represent the future)
3. sprinkle the dandelion in a circle around you(keeping the candles on the inside)
4. Chant 3 times: oh, shapeshifters, here my call, i wish to be like you, like you all. to run like a wolf, to fly like a bird.not being like you is driving me absurd. make me like you and i will be true. shapeshifters, hear my call. this is my wish, so MOTE IT BE!
5.Blow out both the candles and mix the wax until you get grey.
6. Wait three days and then try and do your fist shift by imagining you as that animal.
Last edited on Feb 20, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#537 - power drink potion
1. Take the container of your choice, and fill it with a either water or a fluid you like to drink.
2. Charge your body with the type of energy that you usually use. In my case, I draw Energy from the deity Jehovah.
3. Once your body is fully charged with energy, clasp both hands onto the surface of the container of fluid.
4. In the same way as you would form an energy ball, channel your energy into the container's fluid inside and imagine the energy infusing with the fluid until the liquid inside is thoroughly impregnated with the energy you just channeled into it.
5. Enjoy.
Last edited on Apr 30, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#538 - Be hungry
Last edited on Jun 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#539 - Healing spell
Place your candles in a circle around the jar do not light them yet. Take your bowl and crush the Blackberries in the bowl until it is a juice texture, set the bowl aside. Take your Cinnamon and put 2 tablespoons of it inside the Jar sprinkle your water on the cinnamon inside, put the lid back on the jar. Place your Violet Petals around the jar - they do not have to be touching.
Take the Peppermint Oil and rub it in an upwards motion on each candle carefully. Open the jar once again and fill it with the crushed blackberries. Light each candle while chanting:
"Gods and Goddesses my friend is in need, please heal him/her, hear my plea, so mote it be."
Allow them to burn down to the very end, snuff it out if needed. Pay attention to the candle smoke, and listen to the candle if it is cracking or hissing. After your candles have burned all the way down you may take your Violet Petals and put them in the Jar. Put the Jar in a safe place or cleanse it out.
Last edited on Jul 29, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#540 - Make a Nature Wand
Find a stick on the ground or put your hand on a tree and say:
"Mother Nature, allow me to use your branch for magic purposes."
If the wind blows leaves towards you, you can take a branch. If it blows away from you, try a different tree. Then remove the bark if you want, and carve it if you would like. Then, stick the end in the dirt and say:
"Oh Mother Nature, enchant this wand so the tendrils of your magic wrap around and embrace it. Give it power similar to yours!"
Remove the wand and bow. Then leave slowly.
Last edited on Sep 30, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.