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2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters

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2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2961 Health Spells
  1. Summon The Grinning Cat
  2. Gluten potion
  3. Shun pain
  4. Simple Match Spell for Anger
  5. Happiness and Well-Being Sachet
  6. A Curse to Lose Inspiration
  7. Paper Charm to Heal a Heart
  8. "Cut It Out, Cut Them Off"
  9. Secret healing spell
  10. Cleansing Spell

#551 - Summon The Grinning Cat

This should summon The Grinning Cat
You may need:

  • Park
  • bench
  • 8 pm
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    You may need:

  • Park
  • bench
  • 8 pm
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    Go to park, sit on the bench and say '' come here little kitty, let me see you smile.''

    Added to on Jun 30, 2017
    Last edited on Apr 21, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #552 - Gluten potion

    A potion that can make certain people throw up... or worse!
    You may need:

  • Water
  • Bottle
  • Wheat
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • Bottle
  • Wheat
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    Shred the wheat/unbleached flour and place it in the bottle. Add the water.
    While you shake the bottle say this chant (not important)
    Gluten gluten beautiful gluten won't you be ingested by thee
    Gluten gluten make thee feel like they fell from a tree
    Gluten gluten plague thee who is gluten free

    Say this three times
    A week later you may put it through a sieve.
    The potion is now ready for use.

    Added to on Jun 24, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #553 - Shun pain

    If you are wounded or in pain this simple incantation will give you the strength to continue
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say this simple incantation : As long as their is blood to be spilt flesh to be severed and tendons to be torn I will not fall to this scorn! This should ease the pain and give you strength.

    This works best in combat situations, if the spell fails you are at least likely to confuse your assailant. Also saying it with passion improves the effectiveness of the spell.

    Added to on Jun 23, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #554 - Simple Match Spell for Anger

    This easy to perform spell will help alleviate any feelings of anger inside you, to leave you feeling calm and able to feel happy.
    You may need:

  • A match
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    You may need:

  • A match
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    When you’re mad, light a match; as quickly as you can, channel all the anger you have into the flame, before it reaches your fingers. Envision your anger “burning down” and decreasing as the flame moves down the match. Put it out (hopefully before you get burnt) and your anger is gone.

    Added to on Jun 23, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #555 - Happiness and Well-Being Sachet

    A sachet spell to help you feel happy, and draw positivity and general goodness into your life.
    You may need:

  • White fabric
  • A needle and yellow thread
  • A bay leaf
  • Peppercorns (courage)
  • Rosemary (general good health)
  • Sage (healing and protection)
  • Thyme (good luck)
  • Lilac (self love)
  • Lavender (peace and relaxation)
  • Salt (protection and cleansing)
  • Yellow citrine (happiness)
  • Sandalwood incense
  • A bell and ribbon
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    You may need:

  • White fabric
  • A needle and yellow thread
  • A bay leaf
  • Peppercorns (courage)
  • Rosemary (general good health)
  • Sage (healing and protection)
  • Thyme (good luck)
  • Lilac (self love)
  • Lavender (peace and relaxation)
  • Salt (protection and cleansing)
  • Yellow citrine (happiness)
  • Sandalwood incense
  • A bell and ribbon
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    Fold a piece of fabric in half, and sew two of the open edges, leaving the last side open. As you sew, think or chant:

    "As I sew each stitch,
    Let happiness be sewn into my life."

    Write your name, or the name of whoever the spell is for, on the bay leaf, and put it inside the pouch. Add the rest of the herbal ingredients, focusing on their magical properties as you do so; feel free to put your own energies into the herbs to amplify their own magic. Put the crystal in last.

    Finish sewing up the bag. Pass it through the sandalwood incense to cleanse it of any negativity, then tie the bell on it to bring good cheer.

    If possible, set the completed charm bag on top of an amethyst cluster to charge it with an extra boost of calming feelings.

    Leave the sachet to sit in the sun for a full day to charge it. Replace the ingredients inside every month, if you wish for this to be an ongoing spell

    Added to on Jun 23, 2017
    Last edited on Aug 14, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #556 - A Curse to Lose Inspiration

    This curse will cause your target to lose inspiration for something in their life.
    You may need:

  • A cloth poppet
  • A needle and thread
  • A taglock
  • A curse sigil to lose inspiration
  • Cotton balls
  • String (optional)
  • Sand or dirt
  • Toxic herbs (optional)
  • A jar
  • Honey or molasses (optional)
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    You may need:

  • A cloth poppet
  • A needle and thread
  • A taglock
  • A curse sigil to lose inspiration
  • Cotton balls
  • String (optional)
  • Sand or dirt
  • Toxic herbs (optional)
  • A jar
  • Honey or molasses (optional)
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    1. Create a poppet of your target. Insert a taglock in its chest, or draw a likeness of their face on the poppet’s head.
    2. Some ideas for taglocks: hair, nail clippings, a copy of their handwriting, an object of theirs, a picture of them, a copy of their fingerprint, etc.
    3. Draw a curse sigil for losing inspiration and wrap it around the taglock. Alternatively, draw it on the back of the poppet’s head, opposite of the face (if you drew one).
    4. Fill the inside of the head with cotton balls, to fog up their mind and muddle their thoughts. You could, alternatively, tangle up some string into a ball to have their thoughts tangled and confused.
    5. Weigh down the poppet’s limbs with sand or dirt, so the target is heavy, sluggish, and unmotivated to do the things they need to do.
    6. If you have access to any poisonous herbs, you can put some in the chest of the poppet to “poison” their creativity and drive.
    7. Remember to always, always, always research any poisonous herbs you plan to use thoroughly, and take whatever precautions necessary to keep yourself safe - you don’t want to hurt yourself just to hurt someone else!
    8. Seal the poppet shut, with the intentions of trapping all the negativity inside them, and preventing any inspiration from going in.
    9. Finally, pop that poppet in a jar, and fill it with honey or molasses - some sort of viscous liquid - to keep the target stuck.
    10. Put the jar in a dark place, to keep them in the dark.

    Added to on Jun 23, 2017
    Last edited on Nov 03, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #557 - Paper Charm to Heal a Heart

    This is a simple spell to help assist in the healing of another's heartache; it can also be performed on the self, if desired.
    You may need:

  • A square piece of paper
  • A writing utensil suited to your paper
  • Scissors
  • A candle and something to light it with
  • A fireproof dish
  • (Optional) Herbs relating to healing and love
  • (Optional) Crystals pertaining to healing and love
  • (Optional) Glue or tape
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    You may need:

  • A square piece of paper
  • A writing utensil suited to your paper
  • Scissors
  • A candle and something to light it with
  • A fireproof dish
  • (Optional) Herbs relating to healing and love
  • (Optional) Crystals pertaining to healing and love
  • (Optional) Glue or tape
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    This spell is best performed either at dawn or during the night; on a Monday, Thursday, or Sunday; from the waxing to full moon.

    Light the candle. If you cannot use candles or have open flames, don’t worry about it.

    If you opted to use crystals, set them on a flat, even surface, and place the paper between or before them. Write the target’s name on the piece of paper (full is preferable), and draw a sigil over their written name to assist in the healing of the heart.

    White paper is fine, and lined works in a pinch, but feel free to use any colors that you associate with healing (e.g. blue or green), or love (e.g. red or pink). Alternatively, you can color on the paper or draw more symbols of love and healing on it before continuing on.

    Fold the paper into an origami heart, or just cut the paper into a heart shape.

    If you opted to fold the paper into a heart via origami, you can fill it with herbs to use as a sachet for a boost of energies.

    Hold the heart-charm in your hands and concentrate on the person. Focus on sending them feelings of love and healing. Fill the heart with positive energies, and the intent that your target will heal from their heartbreak and be able to feel all of the love that still surrounds them. Do this for as long as you feel is adequate for the charm to be charged.

    You can either seal the charm and gift it to your target, or burn it to release the feelings and energies to send to them; if you are not able to light fires or use candles, tear it up into small pieces and give them to your target or allow the wind to carry it away (bonus points if the wind happens to be blowing in the direction of where your target lives).

    If burning the charm, you can set it in a fireproof container and drop a match onto it. Alternatively, you can set a corner of the charm into an open flame, then quickly put it into a fireproof container to finish burning. Ensure that the fireproof dish is also set on a fireproof surface that will not heat up. If you opted to use herbs in the charm, depending on how dry they are, the charm may simply smoulder and not completely catch on fire, and this is fine. Continue to burn it as much as needed before it is completely burned or singed, then dispose of the ashes. They can be released into the wind, kept in a vial or sachet and gifted to the target for further energies, or merely thrown out.

    Remember to always practice appropriate fire safety when working with candles and burning paper!

    Be careful if you filled the charm with herbs and you decide to burn it- ensure that the herbs you chose are safe to be burned!

    Added to on Jun 23, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #558 - "Cut It Out, Cut Them Off"

    This spell is to help you sever any ties with a person that you no longer want in your life. It can also be used to assist in removing any negative habits or intrusive thoughts.

    It requires simple supplies, things you could find at the dollar store, so it isn’t hard to perform in that sense… but it does ask you to draw and reflect on negative things in your life. If there are some things you simply cannot face or think about in regards to anything you wish to be free of, this spell may not be the best for you.
    You may need:

  • A length of ribbon, preferably white, long enough to wrap around an ankle or wrist
  • A thin tipped marker, pen, or Sharpie, preferably in black
  • A pair of scissors
  • A fire-proof container and matches (optional)
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    You may need:

  • A length of ribbon, preferably white, long enough to wrap around an ankle or wrist
  • A thin tipped marker, pen, or Sharpie, preferably in black
  • A pair of scissors
  • A fire-proof container and matches (optional)
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    Gather your supplies. Prep for spellwork in the way you normally do (cleanse your space, cast a circle, invoke any deities / spirits, light candles or incense, play mood-setting music, etc.).

    On your ribbon, write the name of the person that you want to cut away, or the habit / thought you wish to remove. When you are done, hold the ribbon in your hands, and think of what you wrote, how it makes you feel, all the negativity it brings into your life. It may be painful, but pull up as much as you can - bring every last bit to the surface if possible. Take as much time as you need to do so.

    After you have brought forward everything you can / can think of, push it all into the ribbon and the words you wrote upon it - every last thought and feeling you have about what you are trying to rid yourself of. The aim is to get all of the negativity outside of you and into the ribbon.

    When you feel you have done that, or as much as you can, tie the ribbon around your wrist or ankle. As quickly as you can, snip it off your body and let it fall. It is gone.

    Take the ribbon with your writing and get rid of it. (If you can, burn it, though this is optional.) Cut it up into smaller pieces, throw it out, bury it someplace you rarely go, let it go in the wind or water, as long as you completely rid yourself of it.

    After the ribbon is gone, take some time to meditate on how you feel now that you are free of that person / habit / thought. Feel how light your shoulders are now, how bright your spirit. Reflect on how great your life will be now that what troubled you is gone for good.

    Do your best not to think of the spell, or what you got rid of, again.

    Optional: Go have a shower to be sure to cleanse yourself of any of the negativity from the ribbon on your skin. Also, have a snack, drink some water, relax - you just purged yourself of some pretty heavy stuff, you deserve a break.


    Only write one thing on the ribbon - one person, one habit, one thought. If you have more than one thing you wish to be rid of, do this spell multiple times. Just be careful not to drain yourself from expending too much energy.

    This spell may best be paired with a self-love spell; you should bring in some positive to fill up the space and make you feel better after dealing with all the negative thoughts and feelings.

    Added to on Jun 23, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #559 - Secret healing spell

    You can cast this on someone dear to you when they are suffering from any kind of pain.(A heartbreak,or some injury)
    You may need:

  • A relaxed mind.
  • Imagination.
  • Need to have the spell in memory.
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    You may need:

  • A relaxed mind.
  • Imagination.
  • Need to have the spell in memory.
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    1.Take 3 deep breaths to make yourself relaxed. 2.Place your hand on the part where the person is having a pain. 3.Imagine the energy flowing from you hand to the,person.Now Chant the following spell with the utmost positivity '' AS I TOUCH YOU HERE,LET THE PAIN VANISH INTO THE AIR, IT WILL HEAL SO QUICKLY,YOU WILL NEVER KNOW IT HAPPENED REALLY'' 4.⚠Warning :Never ever say to the person nor anyone that you cast this spell.The good deeds will never be forgotten.❤❤❤.You need to memorise the spell and chant it without stumbling upon the words. AND ALWAYS BELIEVE IN MAGIC AND MIRACLES.THEY DO HAPPEN WHEN YOU ALLOW THEM TRULY.WIshing all the best-💐

    Added to on Jun 19, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #560 - Cleansing Spell

    A spell to cleanse an area: of bad energy, spirits, etc.
    You may need:

  • Quiet environment
  • Focus
  • Candles (optional to increase focus)
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    You may need:

  • Quiet environment
  • Focus
  • Candles (optional to increase focus)
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    If using candles, place in a circle around the caster. Sitting in the center of this circle, meditate until you feel peaceful, calm, and strong.
    Imagine this peace as an energy inside of you, and imagine it spreading across the area, cleaning it. It will wipe away dirt, and dust. Imagine it spreading even into the darkest of shadows and smallest corners, purifying each with your peaceful and pure energy until the area is entirely cleansed.
    When you are finished, open your eyes with the mindset that the area has been cleansed effectively. It should feel brighter. If you are using candles, blow them all out before exiting the circle.
    This spell may need to be repeated every now and then because as people enter the area, they bring their own energy with them, and they often leave some behind as they leave. Repeat this spell as often as you feel you need to or whenever you feel uncomfortable in this space. Blessed be.

    Added to on Jun 16, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters