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2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2961 Health Spells
2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2961 Health Spells
  1. revenge to who you strongly hate
  2. Kramon Released (Fallen Angel)
  6. Rid yourself of anger/sorrow/any negative thoughts.
  7. Help with Insomnia
  8. Bring happiness
  10. Poison Spell

#591 - revenge to who you strongly hate

To call upon Lucifer to see what he can do
You may need:

  • 1-3 candles
  • moonlight
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    You may need:

  • 1-3 candles
  • moonlight
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    when i cast a spell i always do it at night for the moon, place your candles on a surface outside and chant

    "for one has seen me fall, and thee will see me arise, he who I wish misfortune upon will surley pay now carry a chain of bad luck, hate, anger and jelousy for what you have done, for this I call upon Lucifer, to see what must be done"

    To use these spell i have created my own spell book with mine and others spells that I have used and worked I would highly recomend this as I only need to open my book and find the page/ spell i need.

    Added to on May 06, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #592 - Kramon Released (Fallen Angel)

    Finally I have decided to release a very dark enity. His name is Kramon used to be an angel but has fallen from heaven. His main manifest is a black shadow headgehog carries a cythe. He'll only protect you if someone did you wrong.
    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen (No pencil)
  • Focus
  • Imagination
  • Strong Belief
  • Anger(optional)
  • Dark Room
  • Quite place
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    You may need:

  • Paper
  • Pen (No pencil)
  • Focus
  • Imagination
  • Strong Belief
  • Anger(optional)
  • Dark Room
  • Quite place
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    1.)Draw my picture of Kramon from my profile as accurate as you can be.
    Be sure to be in a dark quite room alone.

    2.)Put the white candle below the black candle few inches apart.Put the two candles on the paper straight line horizontally then light them.(VERY IMPORTANT THIS WILL ALLOW KRAMON TO BE GOOD AND BAD WITHOUT THIS MORE CHANCES HE'LL TURN AGAINST YOU)


    ''Oh Kramon you have fallen from heaven down to earth
    Your heart is half darkness
    Bless me with your protection against ALL my enemies that
    striken me dirty
    revenge shall BE!''

    Let the candles burn out over time,If one of them burn out suspiciously 5 minutes after the spell then he's with you. You can also tell he's with you when you see him in your dreams.

    The more focus you put on Kramon the more you'll give him power to achieve your will.

    *You'll see him in your dreams/deep sleep.
    *Others will sense your anger mood(Kramon Energy)
    *Awareness Increased N/A (He gives each human a supernatural limit)
    *Body Strength increased N/A

    Added to on May 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.


    This spell is made from the circle it maybe similar to others who made the spell but we are the owners of this spell.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Just simply chant this spell three times:
    ''Let me have scales of a dragon. Let me transform into a dragon any time I want. Let me have control in my dragon form. Let me be a creature I want to be. So Mote It Be.''

    This spell should work instantly after chanting three times. If not, allow up to three days.
    Some people will get side effects, and they are:
    Nausea (Mild to moderate)
    Growing claws
    Backaches (If dragon form has wings)

    -Imagine you turning into the dragon you want
    -To turn back into a human, imagine yourself in human form and claw the ground 3x in a row
    -To turn into a dragon again, picture your dragon form and chant, ''I shall turn into the dragon I was before.''

    Added to on May 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.


    The circle is a coven that has both werewolfs and vampires working together as one whole team to help the human race.
    You may need:

  • Hope
  • Believe in this
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    You may need:

  • Hope
  • Believe in this
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    This is the spell Angels flying high
    Angels soaring through the sky
    I wish to be you, flying too
    Make me one of you
    Human no more, only angel that can soar


    *Say the spell 3 times at night and then wait.
    *It's better to say the spell on a full moon
    *Wait 1 month for your wing bones and after that (month later) your wings should start growing, it takes a year to fully grow your wings

    *sleep in your stomach and in a big T-Shirt or sports bra
    *If you feel tickling or pain on your back that is your wings and not your imagination
    * Don't let people see your wings, if you show them to someone your wings will fall and die
    *When your wings start to grow there will be a little blood and not much pain
    *Common powers: fast healing, calming people down, travel faster than a car...
    *You can show your wings to angels only and you could go to heaven if you are chosen
    *After the spell you may see feathers around you

    Learn to fly:

    *You should jump off 3 feet and land on something soft.
    *You will develop a reflex in your brain that will tell your wings to open.
    *Go to a place where people don't go often.
    *In the beginning you won't be able to fly much just once or twice a week. But then your wings will become stronger and you will be able to fly more often.
    *If people see you and you don't know that, nothing will happen and they will think it's a trick of their eyes or a big bird

    Added to on May 03, 2017
    Last edited on Nov 13, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.


    The circle is a coven that has both werewolfs and vampires working together as one whole team to help the human race.
    Now we got a new member of the circle: the demon.
    You may need:

  • Night time.
  • Alone time.
  • Focus.
  • Belief in the occult, Satan and demons.
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    You may need:

  • Night time.
  • Alone time.
  • Focus.
  • Belief in the occult, Satan and demons.
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    Say the following Once:

    Demon, Demon I call thee!
    Possess and take full control of me,
    Make me immortal, a Demon i wish to be.
    In trade for my soul, it has no use to me!
    So make me a immortal Demon! and I thank thee,
    Grant this wish! So let it be.

    Added to on May 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #596 - Rid yourself of anger/sorrow/any negative thoughts.

    This is quick and easy, and works 100%. I've done this many times, and I assure you it really works! Easy way to fill yourself with positivity and energy.
    You may need:

  • Preferably outdoors
  • Rainy day (optional, works best)
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    You may need:

  • Preferably outdoors
  • Rainy day (optional, works best)
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    Imagine yourself as a catipillar in a cocoon.
    Place your hands in a fist above your head, and make a downward ripping motion, like you are ripping off the cocoon.
    While you are doing this, chant: (for a rainy day)
    ''I rid myself of my anger,vengefulness, sorrow,and all negativity. And just as a snake sheds itself skin, I will be made anew. And as the rain falls on this day, I shall be cleansed.'' Repeat until you feel happy, and charged with energy.
    For a non-rainy day, chant:
    ''I rid myself of my anger,vengefulness, sorrow,and all negativity. And just as a snake sheds itself skin, I will be made anew. And as the sun shines, wind blows, and clouds roll,I shall be cleansed.'' Repeat until you feel happy, and charged with energy.

    Remember: Do the actions while you chant. Good luck, and blessed be!

    Added to on May 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #597 - Help with Insomnia

    This spell should help you if you have Insomnia.
    You may need:

  • 3-4 Blue Candles
  • 1 Feather
  • Clear Mind
  • Full Moon
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    You may need:

  • 3-4 Blue Candles
  • 1 Feather
  • Clear Mind
  • Full Moon
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    First: Please the three candles in a triangle form, If you have four candles place them in a square form

    Second: Place the feather in the middle of the triangle or square

    Third: Cast your circle of protection

    Fifth: Sit and relax in criss-cross and relax

    Sixth: Chant... You can chant how many times you feel sleepy or feel like it worked.

    Dear gods and goddesses dear those who listen I ask you take what I have so I can sleep and rest shut my eyes and dream good nothing but good I ask you take what I have that won't let me rest... I ask now I ask now so mote it be

    -Blessed Be.

    Added to on May 02, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #598 - Bring happiness

    this spell will help turn your depression into happiness but if you do have serious depression try a strong spell and/or seek help or you can talk to me im willing to listen i have had and still a little depression and im happy to help you!
    You may need:

  • one red or yellow candle
  • a picture that makes you happy
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    You may need:

  • one red or yellow candle
  • a picture that makes you happy
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    find a quiet room and clear your mind until you hear completely silence feel your whole body recognize it be one with yourself now light the candle and say this:

    Happiness I call on you bring with you your magic too for Im unhappy I wish not to be grant me your power to live in peace and harmony give me something to make me happy so mote it be.

    after you have recited this spell draw a pentagram on your power hand (the hand you wright with)draw it right if you are right handed or left if you are a left handed person then draw a happy face on the other hand.blow out candle and whirl the smoke over head be careful about the wax!this part might hurt a little so be careful and you dont have to do this part if you really feel its not necessary but drip the wax slightly in a pentagram shape where you drew the pentagram and imagine all the sadness getting soaked up by the wax as the wax cools imagine it replacing your body with haplessness simile!:)

    Added to on May 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.


    *this spell is owned by the circle, and the circle is a small coven that i havent made just yet but i will try to put it in the system so you guys can join.*
    This is should work and if it doesnt then contract me so we can make it work. P.S rate this five stars it will help alot.
    You may need:

  • Yellow candle
  • Purple candle
  • Royal blue candle
  • crystal
  • Knife
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    You may need:

  • Yellow candle
  • Purple candle
  • Royal blue candle
  • crystal
  • Knife
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    *this spell is owned by the circle, and the circle is a small coven that i havent made just yet but i will try to put it in the system so you guys can join.*

    Sit in a circle outside with the future pack. The alpha should sit to the direct right of the beta. Everybody should have a candle before them. The alpha should have the purple candle, the beta the royal blue candle, and everybody else a yellow candle. Everybody should place their crystal between them and the candle, then hold the knife to the left of the candle. Place the picture to the right of the candle. Everyone lights their candles. The alpha should chant:

    "The moon guides us,
    So let it be.
    Let us be the moon's children.
    We shall be mighty wolves,
    Our powerful paws, blunt claws and sharp fangs
    Will strike down our prey.
    And I shall lead our pack,
    As the Alpha Wolf."

    The beta then follows with this chant:

    "We shall transform under the night,
    Into great wolves,
    (The size of regular wolves/As tall as a human at the shoulder)
    And wild, and free.
    The shift will be quick and painless,
    And we can bring it on whenever we wish,
    Or end it when we wish to walk in human skin.
    We will have full control.
    We will not kill except by our own will,
    And we will run free.
    We shall have our wolf senses,
    strength and speed, and agility,
    In both of our forms.
    And we will also have colour vision in both.
    Freedom will be ours!
    And I will aid our alpha,
    As the Beta Wolf."

    The rest of the circle continues, starting with the person to the left of the beta and continuing around the circle. They all say this chant, one by one:

    "I run free, I run wild,
    The moon my guiding light.
    We rise above man,
    One with the land.
    Earth, air, water and fire,
    Our world, we know you well.
    Drive us forward, let us be,
    Beautiful wolves!
    Mote it be."

    Then the alpha, then the beta, then everyone else in the same order as before says this chant and then burns the picture.

    "I shall resemble this wolf,
    The one in this image.
    My pelt will bristle with its colours.
    I shall change at will, forward and back,
    And rise high as the moon.
    This is my will,
    Mote it be!"

    Once the picture is burned, each person lifts the gemstone or crystal and imagines running through forests as the wolf in the picture. When they have a clear picture, they put the crystal down and carve their name in the candle, and a pentagram below it.

    When everyone is done, bow to the center of the circle. Take the knife and crystal as you leave, and leave the candles to burn down.

    To initiate a new person, have them say the chant (not alpha or beta chant) over a yellow candle, then say the picture chant, burn the picture, hold the crystal, imagine the wolf form, do the carving, bow to the moon, and leave the candle to burn. Then the alpha says over the candle:

    "Moon, welcome (name) to our pack.
    Let them change as we change.
    Let them shift as we shift.
    Drive them forward, make them a werewolf."

    Added to on Apr 29, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #600 - Poison Spell

    A potion to poison your enemy.
    You may need:

  • Cup
  • Water
  • Experience of the use of Magic
  • Something to stir with
  • Oil ( any kind )
  • Soap
  • Clay
  • Stick
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    You may need:

  • Cup
  • Water
  • Experience of the use of Magic
  • Something to stir with
  • Oil ( any kind )
  • Soap
  • Clay
  • Stick
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    Take a cup and put the water in it. Then add oil in the water. Also add the soap into the water with Clay.

    Stir while chanting:

    "Aviik de mai et mey lavie de mai et mey jodos jugos de luif er domnek."

    Leave it to rest for 24 hours. When 24 hours is up put the tip of the stick into the water. Leave it there for 2 hours. When 2 hours is up you may put this concoction on the skin of whoever you want to poison.

    Note: Do not let anybody have this. If they drink it, it will severely injure them.

    Added to on Apr 28, 2017
    Last edited on Apr 14, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters