2961 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Reverse a Curse
- To Heal a person
- Flu Healing
- Working Sickness Curse
- Half Demon Spell
- Angel's song
- Throat Healing
- Re-bond a Broken Friendship
- Simple Protection Spell
- Mystic SilverThread's Dark Cauldron
#681 - Reverse a Curse
Light up those four candles and chant:
"Magic magic help this is tragic.
Curse curse be reversed.
Please set me free,
so mote it be."
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#682 - To Heal a person
Cut your finger with the knife then put the rosemary in the bowl at least get 2-6 drops of blood out and then put the candle in the bowl with your blood and rosemary. Then chant good luck.
Last edited on Nov 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#683 - Flu Healing
Light and place the tealight candle in ceramic burner and put in a few drops of eucalyptus oil, followed by a table spoon of water, and leave to burn for up to 3 hours.
Mix the honey and the warm water together, followed by a bit of lemon juice and drink.
This should help with head aches, blocked nose, coughing and sore throat.
Last edited on Oct 26, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#684 - Working Sickness Curse
1. Think of the person. You can be next to them, or far away, but you should be able to focus on them.
2. Point your finger/wand where they are. This is optional, but it increases their chance of getting sick.
3. While thinking and pointing at them, chant the following:
"You fill us/me with hate,
Now you have a terrible fate."
3. Focus on their form. Now in the next couple days, they should get sick.
1) It is easier to do this with someone, so you can double curse someone. In that case, say you fill us with hate, instead of me with hate.
2) Message me if it doesn't work for you, it should work.
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#685 - Half Demon Spell
(NOTE) This will cause different amounts of pain on each moon. NewMoon will hurt moderately high waningMoon will hurt almost none fullmoon will hurt the most waxing will hurt moderately now that you know that we can get started of the spell say:
"Deep in my heart, I give the desire to enhance the inside of me as to if I suddenly change myself into this devilish creature that will suddenly come to me, jumping, running, overcoming will soon to become more of an advantage! Give me the power of a demon that will change my life forever, give me the power to transform into this halfway, make me half demon and create me a better soul."
Side effects tempory for 1 day stomach aches,headaches, bones hurting,breathing heavy, strength, better at physical activities,eye color changing, urges to be outside, angry more,ect This will now allow you to be a class 1 low level demon, with teaching and practice you can level up transformations and such and become a total badass.
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#686 - Angel's song
This spell is simple, doesn't use any chant words or visualization.
Just sing what you want,treat your voice like your problems and the melody is your friend.
After a few minutes, you'll get better.
Earth Angel will make sense!
If the spell doesn't work for you, it means your heart is tough and your soul is black as the coal.
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#687 - Throat Healing
1. Put tap water into a cup- about halfway.
2. Take a spoonful of the table salt and dump it into the water.
3. Stir. While you stir, chant these words until you feel it is enough:
Salty water, hear my plea, I wish this nuisance of a sore throat to vanish, so mote it be!
There! Voila! Your throats should heal!
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#688 - Re-bond a Broken Friendship
Your paper needs to be sideways.
Write the peoples names you wish to rebond on opposite sides of the paper in the black pen.
Ex: Elizabeth Alexis
In the black pen, put a heart between the two names. Color the heart in with the red pen while saying:
"Lord and Lady rebond these two. Fighting is all they seem to do. Revive all my friends from their headaches and pain, and bring these two back together again. So mote it be!"
Draw a line to each name in red, connecting them to the heart and each other. Fold the paper in half (hamburger style) and put it under your pillow for 1 night. After that night, put the paper somewhere safe so their friendship can last.
Last edited on Jan 29, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#689 - Simple Protection Spell
Start by writing your zodiac sign one one side of the paper. Find out which planet is assigned to your zodiac, and write it on the other side. Then, light the candle and burn the slip of paper. While it is burning, chant the name of largest moon of your planet and then say your first and middle name. Keep doing this until the paper has finished burning. Once the paper has finished imagine your room filling up with blue light. You should feel a warm tingling sensation afterwards.
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#690 - Mystic SilverThread's Dark Cauldron
This spell came to me after long debate over a "problem" that I HAD with another witch. The inspiration came from one of my dark Lwa and ever since, I have not had the problem again.
My cauldron is suspended (in a dark corner) under my working altar and above a dragon flame candle.
The purpose of this cauldron is to be a place of agony, pain, misery, torture and destruction for whoever the witch decides.
Once the cauldron is ready, all that would be needed is a "link" to the subject to be placed in the cauldron.
A link could be hair, nail clippings, bodily fluid, photograph or piece of paper with as much of the subject's information as possibly.
This can easily be customized by the witch as needed.
****This cauldron, once completed, if done right should make the witch cringe a bit and that is the point. I am not saying you should be afraid of this... but it should, at the very least, make you nervous opening the lid. Not because of its ingredients but because of the purpose and its power!
I use a medium to large sized cauldron for this spell as I never know how many subjects will be in at the same time. You are free to use whatever you have on hand. Not all ingredients will be available to everyone and that is ok, Magick is mainly about the intent and not so much about the ingredients. The more of these ingredients you can get the better and if you only have a few for now and can order or wait for others later, then work with what you have and add as you go.
When you construct this spell, it is REAL IMPORTANT that you are mad, upset, angry and hurt. Now, it is also REALLY IMPORTANT that you separate those feelings from whoever or whatever was the cause. When you do this spell, you want only the negativity to go into the cauldron and not the person who caused it for you. The reason is that you will want this cauldron to work with more than one subject (if not, then disregard).
Each ingredient can be used for positive or negative, in this case, we want the negative for most ingredients. For some ingredients you want to use for force and/or power.As you place each item into the cauldron you want to transfer the energy into that item. You will want to have a cauldron full of anger, fear, poison, hatred and destruction. Once everything is all complete, you will want to consecrate the cauldron. Be creative and mean/feel what you say.
For me, I place a photo of the subject into the cauldron. The photo usually will have the name, date of birth and a sigil. *If you don't have a photo of the subject, be creative or message me for ideas.
Right before putting the subject into the cauldron, I find it helpful to think what they did that wronged me and decide how long I will keep them in the cauldron. I let the anger build up then I transfer the energy into the photo and place it into the cauldron and walk away.
*I like to come up with the length of time they will stay in the cauldron before I get angry that way it doesn't become a ridiculous amount of time. I don't use this spell on the folk who back talks me or trash talks me, my family or loved ones as I have other methods of Magick for them. This is for someone who has truly caused torment, harm, hurt, and pain (Examples would be: someone who raped you or a loved one, someone who tortures you, someone who tries to ruin your name or attack you).
(I encourage you to make this personal to you, if you need help with ideas I am more than willing to offer suggestions within reason so feel free to message me.)