2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Energy Manipulation
- Seraphian
- Repair Wing Feathers
- Strong Healing Incantation
- Cat Curse
- Colors of Power II
- Age Spell
- Awaken anything within you
- Power of Thor and a Hammer
- Powers
#711 - Energy Manipulation
-Sit/Stand and relax.
-Breathe deeply but not forcefully.
-Put your hands together and rub them then place them apart about three inches.
(Dont let your palm touch anything but air.)
-Close your eyes and imagine a light.
-Visualize your energy flowing from your heart and head to your shoulders down your arms into your hands.
(It must be all colours that represent the five elements combined to form a ball of energy between your hands. If you feel a pull and push from the middle of your two palms like magnets, your energy is stimulating.)
Last edited on Mar 05, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#712 - Seraphian
Turn on the alpha binaural beats. put the healing crystal in warm water to make it warm. After that dry it off and lay it on the forehead area and slowly sink into a half slumber on the comfortable location. No voice is needed. Just imagine yourself slowly starting to glow as you sink lower into slumber. Let go of any thoughts troubling you. Breathe in your nose and out your mouth. As soon as you feel recharged that means it is done. You can go back to casting other spells again.
Last edited on Dec 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#713 - Repair Wing Feathers
Make the 'potion'. Mix the salt into the water until dissolved, then add the blood, then mix in dirt until it becomes mud. Boil it for a few minutes, then stir until it's pleasantly warm. Transfer to another container and go to where the spell will be done.
Put the pink candle to the left, green to the right, and white in the middle. Light the white candle and light the other two candles with the white candle. Take the down feather and place it onto the mud mixture and chant:
"O natural powers! O gods and goddesses!
Heal my wounded feathers, repair my broken wings!
I call the powers of the elements to heal me and rejuvenate me,
So I can fly again with my mighty wings!
This potion I have made will heal me,
And regrow my precious feathers,
Which have been damaged or perhaps even lost.
And thus I cannot fly.
But the potion, warm and welcome,
Will grow in lost pieces,
Repair broken tips or even lost feathers,
And make my wings able to fly again!
And once again I shall fly over clouds,
Beating against the wind and drifting lazily,
Over mountain, city and hilltop,
With my beautiful wings.
So mote it be!"
Now rub the mud on your wings where you need to heal them. Leave it on for a little while, until it's a bit firmer, but still wet enough to come out in a good wash. Don't let it dry up, or get hard enough to stick and rip out more of your feathers! Your feathers should regrow their missing parts soon. Be extra careful with them as they heal.
Last edited on Dec 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#714 - Strong Healing Incantation
Focus on your will and concentrate on that while you chant the spell: "Per terram et aquam, aerem et ignem audis Huius diei Source ano ipso vita et lux terrae Invoco te sana mente corpus meum"
Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#715 - Cat Curse
You must meditate for at least ten minutes before performing this spell, summoning your victim's face up within your imagination. Next, summon up all your anger, remembering what they did to you in the past. You have to have this anger to channel all the strength you have into the spell, otherwise it will last three days at a maximum. Make sure you want them dead, because, if cast correctly, this curse will last an eternity.
Then, get back into your meditation pose and chant the following:
"I wish to punish (victim name),
For all they've done to me,
I wish to transform him/her,
Into something that they seem to me,
Transform them into the exact,
Replica of a cat,
With fur the colour of darkness,
And eyes the colour of black,
I wish to make them see themselves,
And feel the purest guilt,
And I wish for this to last eternity,
So mote it be."
Once you are done, you may cast it again to strengthen it. If you have a familiar, then thank them for their help in casting the curse.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#716 - Colors of Power II
If you've read the first Colors of Power this should not be to hard. The colors are veiwed using a gland of which I connot recall its name at this time, it is what people call the third eye it is a part of your brain that allows certain magic.
These colors not only effect your mood but are the keys to your Chakra. Each color will heal your Chakra, here's how. Meditate on each color, by bringing as much of it to the center of your vision. Each time it heals your Chakra and mskes it stronger.
If you get all of the colors in a circle in the center of your vision andif done correctly can send yoy out of yoy body and to what some desribe as the gray mist. It will feel like going out the back of your head. Exploring the gray mist is not encouraged for it is the land of no protection and where some demons lurk. Its useful to see if a house is haunted nearby or the one your in.
This power should be used wisely.
Last edited on May 10, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#717 - Age Spell
Picture yourself as the kid you want to be.
Feel the power from your soul fade and your body shift.
Feel your old life go to the back of your mind you are now a child enjoy.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#718 - Awaken anything within you
#719 - Power of Thor and a Hammer
Say one time: "Spirits, Gods, and Goddesses of holiness, I ask for the power of thor and his hammer as soon as the sun rises, I shall wake up with thors powers and his hammer, so if the spirits and the gods and goddesses allow it, let it be for this is my will, so mote it be."
Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#720 - Powers
Write down a list of your powers. Say this spell 3x
"Elements and Magick
I have a plea
Please grant these powers to me
That I wrote
For me to use without weakness
For me to use without fear
These powers shall stay with me
Until I cast a reverse spell
For now, they shall not go away
For now, they will stay
Grant me these powers in (your time)
So mote it be"
- You can now choose how you want to use your powers
- Don't make it too soon, your powers need time to develop
- They will stay until you cast a reverse spell
Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.