2963 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Health/Healing
- Charge a Wand
- Make Me Prettier
- Poseidon's Song
- Black Death Curse
- The luck of Snakebark Woods
- The Dragons Eye
- Self Infliction/Illness
- Cleansing Meditation
- Control Fire
#851 - Health/Healing
''I am healthy no matter what,
Germs don't stand a chance,
All of my illnesses are gone,
Enchant me with this spell
So mote it be!''
Then blow out the candle.
Or if it's somebody else, repeat the above instructions, but put it in third person.
Last edited on Mar 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#852 - Charge a Wand
Thank you.
#853 - Make Me Prettier
Go somewhere where the moon is visible. Light your candles and put them beside you. The candles shouldn't be too far away from you, but not too close. Look into the mirror. Make sure you can see the candles in the mirror.
Say this chant 3 times:
"Lust and craving, watching eyes, I'm the one they all despise. Make me prettier by the sight, as I cast this spell with all my might. Let my inner beauty shine, let everyone know that it is mine. This is my desire, so mote it be."
After saying this spell, you cannot look in the mirror for at least 6 hours. The spell will start to take effect while you are sleeping.
Last edited on Nov 03, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#854 - Poseidon's Song
Chant this song once:
Verse 1
"I'll return one day
To the glimmering cove.
I'll return one day
To the place I call home."
"If anyone needs me,
In the primordial sea I shall be,
Amongst creatures that live in the sea.
If anyone needs me,
That's where I'll be."
Verse 2
"I'll find my way,
To the lost city
I'll find my way,
To the place that humans call pretty"
Verse 3
"I'm heading home,
Under the sky's watery dome
I'm heading home,
Back to my father's throne"
4th and final verse
"Return to me,
My home in the sea,
Return to me,
The life worth living under the sea."
Last edited on Nov 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#855 - Black Death Curse
Turn off the lights at night and light your 3 candles. Put the black one in front of you and the red ones on either side of you.
Concentrate on what your victim looks like and when you are able to hold a clear picture of them in your mind with your eyes open, say this: "It's the plague, going to kill ____ in a few days, because there is no cure. It's the BLACK DEATH!"
Yell Black Death at the end and fill in the blank with your victims name. Hope this works!
Last edited on Nov 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#856 - The luck of Snakebark Woods
This is where the applicants come in. Tape or glue the parts together.
If you decided to use nails, hammer them in at each end of the bigger silver birch, the outer ends of the rest of the silver birch, and the acacia doorframe.
Put this in a high place in your house(simulating the tree), and wait a total of one week. After said week, take it down. See if your luck changes.
#857 - The Dragons Eye
Prick your finger on a pin or needle and drop your blood on the item. When doing so chant this- "Hoc sanguinem meum corripiam dracones exi mentis meae. In igne furoris eius inmensa mortem veniet ex hac mea. Custodi me, et vide, quoniam dignus sum ut fiat!" (With this blood, I do bind, dragons come out of my mind. Fiery anger, burning death, this will come out of my breath. Protect me, and you will see, that i am worthy so mote it be!)
When the sun peeks over the horizon and that huge flash of light bursts free, light the match. (you can stop chanting after you drop your blood) and put the match up to the blood on your item. Wait until it boils to nothing. Do this step SLOW, you can't have your blood just burn up, watch it start to bubble and go into your charm, this step is VITAL!
When your blood is gone, snuff out the match with the finger you cut, you can lick it so it doesn't burn as much. The dragon spirits are now with you.
Last edited on Nov 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#858 - Self Infliction/Illness
Reach relaxation. Afterwards, make a cup of tea and say the following words:
"Gods and goddesses who are listening,
As this tea goes into my being
with every sip and every drink
I want to feel my health shrink
Make me ill, I ask this please
This will put my mind at ease
This is my wish so mote it be
Last edited on Nov 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#859 - Cleansing Meditation
If you've had such an overwhelming day that not even a hot shower or bath can calm you down, and everything seems stressful, this could definitely work.
Set up a clear space, even if it's just your room. Set up the incense, and burn on fire proof surface.
**Note: Wormwood is a slight hallucinogen. If you can't open your windows, only burn a small amount. With a small amount, you should have fairly nice and vivid dreams. I also found that it's relaxing at that level, and makes the meditation and the music much more effective. Burning it with the Jasmine is a very nice combination, because it dispels the negative energy and or spirits lurking, allowing positive forces to move in.**
When you've started burning the incense, take a moment and think about what you want to accomplish in this meditation. Get relaxed, and start meditation. You can use the labradorite as a grounding stone. I did this, and placed it on my chest before I started. You can also use meditation music. Isochronic tones work well, if you have access to YouTube or the internet.
Otherwise, just focus on your breathing. Make it your only focus, clearing all other thoughts.
Imagine breathing in white and warming energy, expelling that negative energy as you exhale. Eventually, you will just be breathing. Not thinking at all. You can fall asleep after or during the meditation, which is why you need the fireproof surface.
Last edited on Oct 13, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#860 - Control Fire
Gather yourself outside around an open fire, and clear your mind.
Step 1: Release your elemental spirit
Once you've cleared your mind, set it on fire, and fire only. Think about the color of fire, the meaning of fire, the shape of fire, and especially how it is to be the fire. You will release your "elemental spirit". There are only 5, fire, water, wind, ice, and snow. You will feel an unknown feeling in your mind, as if there is someone or something next to you.
Step 2: Be the fire
This step is easy, stare into the depths of the fire for at least a minute. This will give you mental memory of fire. Now, to control fire, you must tell the fire that you are going to use it. If you don't, fire will sting you. Simply chant to the fire,
"My bridge is breaking, I shalt stand on yours. Whether yours is breaking or not, may it be my trail to your doors."
Once you do this step, you must imagine a bridge from you to the fire. As you connect, be the fire, binding with you.
Step 3: Control
This is somewhat hard, but it requires really strong faith in magic. Slowly move your hands over the fire, as the fire will almost touch your skin. Feel the heat, feel yourself being accepted to another world of fire. Then turn your hands over with your palms facing upwards to the sky and the back of your hand facing the fire. Close your eyes. Fist your hands slowly and raise them. You will feel intense pain in your hand, something heavy. You'll feel like you can't lift it, but remember, have strong faith. Then quickly cup both of your hands as if you were catching something, open your hand and open your eyes. There shall be a flame in between both of your hands. If you don't see the flame, you will need to keep on practicing. If you do have the flame, be gentle with it. If you move your hands around too much, it may be unstable and possibly become into a fire psi ball. You will feel the control within you and what you can do with the fire. Because, you ARE the fire.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.