3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- 3 Wishes
- Pair of Wings
- Pair of Wings
- Wish Spell
- Gain a Friendship Back
- Luck for a Day
- Change Personality and Traits
- Light Feelings Invocation
- Mark Remover
- Reveal What Someone Thinks
#1001 - 3 Wishes
If you are using a wish to enchant an item, get that out as well. Place it atop the wish you're using, and leave it in moonlight. (If you are wishing for a magical item and do not have one, it will come to you. Do not think too hard about it once you find it.)
Make a calm environment. If you're thirsty, grab a glass of tea. Make sure you're as comfortable as possible!
If you have any pre-spell rituals, perform them.
Now, start the spell.
Dip your pen (if using ink).
Write your FULL NAME (middle name not needed) at the top of the page, as small as you can. (You'll need space on the page.)
As I write my name I cast out all daemons, fiends and malevolent spirits of any kind that dare attack my spell, body or mind.
Sprinkle a pinch of salt over your name.
I ask of three things to be granted in the way that I have envisioned them. From my wish no harm will come to myself or others, either to grant it or as a side effect of its granting, and if I make a wish to harm others it shall be negated. There will be no other limits to my wishing. This is my offer, this is all I request. I shall write my wishes in ways that shall benefit myself and others, granted in a way that will not harm others.
Write out your first wish, then sprinkle a bit of salt upon it.
After writing the wish, read it aloud and say:
This is my will, so mote it be. None shall harm or be harmed by the choice I have made.
Write the next two wishes and sprinkle the salt. After each wish, say the wish then the chant above.
Then, draw a pentagram at the bottom. It can be as simple or complex as you want, but make sure you draw it. Say:
By the power of three, so mote it be!
Curl up the paper to put the salt in the container. Close the ink (if any) and leave the area. Dismiss spirits if necessary. If you have any post-spell rituals, perform them.
Make sure the paper is safe, it might break the spell if it's destroyed.
Message me results and info about how it worked out!
#1002 - Pair of Wings
Take your bowl/mug of hot water and prick your finger, letting one, only one drop of blood fall into the water. Don't mix. Now take the picture and fold it three ways, put a drop of blood on it, burn it, and drop it in the water before it burns you. Tear the feathery stuff on the feather off and drop it in the water. Now hold the other feather to your heart and recite this once:
"God and/or goddess, I call out to you, give me the wings in which have been filled with my blood and burned. Give me the power to soar high with others. Let me retract my wings when they are not to be seen, and open them when I wish to be free. I hold this feather to my heart to show my undying wish for wings. Hear my plea and set me free".
Last edited on Jun 06, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1003 - Pair of Wings
Take your bowl/mug of hot water and prick your finger, letting one, only ONE drop of blood fall into the water. Don't mix.
Take the picture and fold it three ways, put a drop of blood on it, burn it, and drop it in the water before it burns you.
Tear the feathery stuff on the feather off and drop it in the water.
Hold the other feather to your heart.
Recite this once:
"God and/or goddess, I call out to you, give me the wings in which have been filled with my blood and burned. Give me the power to soar high with others. Let me retract my wings when they are not to be seen, and open them when I wish to be free. I hold this feather to my heart to show my undying wish for wings. Hear my plea and set me free."
Last edited on Jan 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1004 - Wish Spell
Make sure there is a tiny amount of water in the cup. First,put the salt in the count to 2,this goes for the paint and soap also. Then,put in the paint. If it doesn't come out,squeeze it. After that,put in soap in. As soon as that's done,write down 3 wishes on a piece of paper It's best if you write, "I wish for this to work" for best results. Finally,count to 5 and it should work.
I hope this works for you,because I tried it and it worked for me. If not,let me know
Last edited on Jan 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1005 - Gain a Friendship Back
Say this 10x while holding the gift.
"I wish for us to be friends again. I don't want to see (name of friend) made at me anymore. Please I want her/him back! I want him/her by (whenever you go back to school or wherever) so please make my wish come true so mote it be!"
Last edited on Jan 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1006 - Luck for a Day
''Goddess of Luck
Grant me your blessing
So that no misfortune
Shall come my way
For a whole day
So mote it be.''
Now you'll have a day with good luck!
#1007 - Change Personality and Traits
Write what personality and traits you want to have on a sheet of paper when you do put it in a safe place and chant:
"Hecate, Hecate hear my plea over the night please change me,
From my tastes to traits,
to my hobbies and hates
and by the power of 3, please change
So mote it be."
Say it 3 times for extra assurance.
Last edited on Jan 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1008 - Light Feelings Invocation
Find a spot that is very calm and quiet. Sit down and close your eyes. Sit in the position you feel most comfortable in. Now imagine a white stream flowing through you from the ground, it flows through and fills your body. Now speak. "Spirits of the light, I call upon thy help, fill me with the emotions that those of Dark may view as feelings of a whelp. I ask this not as thy master, but as your kin, please make me feel the emotions of light through my thoughts and my skin. May I feel happy and filled with glee, I ask this of the spirits of light, so mote it be."
Last edited on Oct 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1009 - Mark Remover
First, number the pages of the book, if you haven't already. Secondly, you must think whether you want to erase pen, pencil, etc. Then, you have to chant:
"Oh, how I want these (writing utensil) marks gone
A clean book is what I long
Erase these (writing utensil) marks
And leave only (pen marks, pencil marks, marker marks, clean pages)
From pages (number) through (number)."
Then, close the book and wait. You have to wait however old you are, as in if you were 13, you would have to wait for thirteen minutes. I would wait an extra minute or 30 seconds just to make sure. Then, open the book and your pencil marks will be gone! Make sure to also say Thank You to Mother Nature, the God and Goddess of your choosing, etc. for the trees that made the pages of your book and/or the animals that provided the leather for the cover of your book. Then, you can keep on writing!
Last edited on Jul 20, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1010 - Reveal What Someone Thinks
Cast a circle and light the candle, charging it with your intentions. Light it for truth and for mental illumination. Visualise a clear picture of the person in your mind because it's very important.
Write on a piece of paper I wish that what this person thinks of me be revealed in my dreams.
Fold rosemary or if you're using any other herb in the paper so that it is tightly bound, and then carefully light the paper and put it in the flameproof dish. As it burns, visualise that's person's face again and focus intently on what you want.
Speak the following words:
"With dreamers eyes I seek to see
What this person thinks of me.
Be it good or be it ill
Reveal to me as is my will."
When the rosemary and paper stop burning, snuff out the candle or let it burn out and go to sleep. You will receive the answer to your question in your dreams.
Last edited on Nov 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.