3307 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- light is longer in time
- Intelligence Booster Potion (Home Herb Addition)
- Crystal Power Spell ~My Spell~
- Make A Dream Real Spell
- Get a Sibling!
- Apple and Athame
- Spice Up Your Wallet
- Happiness Potion
- Speak fluently in any language
- Make people forget
#491 - light is longer in time
Forever evolve higher than the darkness give it a fright
Learn all you can to destroy the dark
Leave the light mark
Ever growing light
Kills the dark that hides in the night
All the darkness that is swift
Light Kills their powers so they can be stiff
As you drain the darkness the light gets stronger
Now there is only light which in time is longer
Now light you will learn how to drain the dark
Now ever stronger the light will bring on the ark
Light will completely drain the dark, the darkness
Let that bitch continue to be heartless
Light will now drain everything wicked
Now they are weak and afflicted
Now the light is addicted to destroy the dark
Light learns from dark to destroy is deadly mark
Bless it be 3x3 p.s no consequences, no personal gain
#492 - Intelligence Booster Potion (Home Herb Addition)
It is meant to give you a boost when you feel you just can't figure out that answer!
Use sparingly, as an overdose can result in severe headaches and stomach cramps.
Add water until the bowl is around halfway full.
Add the Thyme, Cinnamon and Honey.
Stir until the honey has disappeared.
Add 2 thoroughly washed quartz stones
Let it soak for 1-2 hours
Strain over jar until there is no potion left in the bowl
Bless this potion by adding 1 teaspoon of holy water and leaving outside under the moon for a night.
#493 - Crystal Power Spell ~My Spell~
Stare into the salt for 10 seconds
Say this spell 3x
I call on the crystals
All clear and bright
To give me the power
to control you
With my might
I shall control all types of crystals
From bright to dull
From big to small
I shall (hand movement)
to control the crystals
Please grant me this power
in 3 days
It shall last (forever/your time)
So mote it be
In ''your time'' it means you
put the time you want it to last
like 4 months, 23 years, 2 decades, etc
For hand movements, you put how you want
to control the power like sticking your hand out,
putting it into a fist, etc
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#494 - Make A Dream Real Spell
2.Spread your bed sheets all across your bed, tucking the edges underneath your mattress, making your covers smoothly flat
3.slip into the bed
4.stare up at the dark ceiling and feel yourself drift away
5.feel yourself asleep but mind awake and aware
6.once you enter a lucid dream say the following spell 3 times
''Dear creators, monsters, creatures and spirits, enter my mind and search for the dream I describe (describe the dream you wish to be real), once I wake things In my life shall mould into my dreams, SO MOTE IT BE''
This spell has a high chance of backfiring, so if it's harming someone, you may get it, or share it with whom you wanted to attack.
Side affects depend on your dream
Thanks to my pack for helping me write this
#495 - Get a Sibling!
This spell is quite complicated and long, so I hope you're able to read this carefully and slowly. Pick a flower or a leaf from outside and place it in the bottle. Add the hair. Then write the following on the piece of paper: Peto a multa di deaeque dent, ut benedicat puer potius eligendum et ad familiam meam in aestimatione excipienda. Ego curo ut illis se defendat atque in tempore opportuno. Sic fiat et benedicti omnes liberos. (It's basically latin for saying you ask the gods and goddesses for a child to be adopted and welcomed into your home. In turn, you must care for them, protect them and help them when they need help.) Roll up the piece of paper and put that in the bottle too. To increase your luck of your wish coming true, place a drawing of 7 ladybirds into the bottle, a penny, a four-leaf clover or dice into the bottle! (These are said to bring good luck! Search it up, if you don't believe me.) You can even do all of them at once if you want. Next, you must go outside to a quiet place, such as your garden or an area that isn't visited often in a local park (take the bottle with you!). This must be done when the moon is waxing (getting bigger, for the people who don't understand moon phases yet) or when it is a full moon. This can be done anytime. If there are any hills of dips in the terrain, find the centre of it and place your bottle there. Take off the lid and place it upright, then say the following. Opus domus Dei in filios. Peto a dis adoptabimur puer et ad parentes, ut sit crescere eorum natura id habente, cum consilio atque afflatu idcirco pertinet de domo mea. Ego promitto tibi hunc puerum quemquam esse minus deditum cum cura et orate deos, ut mei ex velle quod sit vera. Ego tantum volo facio bonum est illis. Sic fiat et benedicti omnes liberos. (again, it is latin for saying you ask of the gods to let a child be adopted by your parents to let them grow up with care from your family and you promise to care for the child too. you pray to the gods that your wish may come true) Leave your bottle there (you can keep the lid) overnight and check if it's there the next day. If it is your wish will come true! The words you spoke have been truly spoken and have floated up to the gods. They believe you have done enough good in your life to deserve a sibling. If it isn't, your bottle has been taken by the gods! You haven't done enough good to deserve a sibling. Try again when the moon is waxing again. (CONTINUE ONLY IF YOUR BOTTLE IS STILL THERE OVERNIGHT) You may now take the bottle home, but every month when the moon is waxing, you must say the prayer again until your sibling arrives! Try to focus on all the good things that happen with them in your dreams. Focus on your parents agreeing to adopt a child. With enough belief and focusing, your wish will come true!
Last edited on Nov 27, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#496 - Apple and Athame
By the powers that be,
Bring new wealth to me.
In this apple, find the power
Add abundance from this hour.
Set the apple back down so the pentacle is facing you. Repeat the words again, and drive the knife into the apple. Try to embed it in the top so the apple stay upright when you let go of the blade. Let it sit like that, with the knife sticking out, until the end of the day. Then remove the knife and eat the apple (you can take out the cloves).
#497 - Spice Up Your Wallet
#498 - Happiness Potion
2. Brew a pot of hot water. Play an uplifting song that makes you happy while you do this.
3. Add the dried orange peel in a tea strainer.
4. As the tea brews, chant:
''Gods and Goddesses of joy and happiness, join me. I enchant this cinnamon tea, to make me happy!''
5. Add the honey. Stir three times. The third time, chant:
''By the power of three, this brew will fill me with warmth and joy. This will last for three days, but it won't stop there. An' it harm none, so mote it be.''
#499 - Speak fluently in any language
''Gods and goddeses i call on you to make my wish come true
i shall speak fluently in (language) thats all i ask of you. thats what i shall know what i shall be able to speak so mote it be!''
#500 - Make people forget