3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Speak to Hades
- Blueberry Expansion
- Call a Witch's Power
- Love Spell
- Self-Initiation
- Red Berries Tea to Blood
- Shade Meditation
- Spell to Attract Men
- Love Spell
- Spell to find your Soul Mate
#1051 - Speak to Hades
Set up your candles in the order of red and black in a circle around you put the mirror in front of you and light each candle on the red ones when you light it say:
and on the black ones say:
"Death while doing so you should be in the middle of the circle of candles."
When they are all lit you should chant while looking into the mirror:
"Hades oh Hades powerful god of the underworld I wish to speak with you Hades oh Hades."
Three times then stare deeply into the mirror and he should appear for a short time but long enough to talk to.
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1052 - Blueberry Expansion
First squirt the juise from the blueberry onto the gum next chant this one time. The more you chant it the bigger you get ok? "Blueberries so round. Goddesses, hear my plea. Please turn me into a living blueberry. I know this is what I want. Hear my pleas, so mote it be".
Now put the gum in your mouth your belly will tingle. Get ready to inflate it will take 30 mins for the juice to get through your system.
Last edited on Sep 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1053 - Call a Witch's Power
Use belief and use your wand and chant:
"Powers of the witches rise,
course unseen across the skies.
Come to us who call you neat,
come to us and settle here."
Mail me if it work or not (or just comments)
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1054 - Love Spell
get a bowl of water (perferibly hot) and place it still
get the charms must be to dont have to be the same (could be headphone wire) dip it in the water them roll it in salt
dip it in the water again and say this spell
gods and godess of the world please help me out
with my true love i want to be so please help
we will saty to gether for a long time and help
eachother out i want to be with (name of love)
for all i wish SO MOTE IT BE!
then wait 5 min draw 2 harts in red and put them in the water and write yours and your loves name on a nother paper and put it in the water
stir for 2 minets and then take them out and kiss them the u may throw away
take the leaf and hold ur items or item in and have your love use it on carry it for at lease 5 min
in 1 hour your love shall be true but only to u and no one elce but no one shall know that yall are in love
#1055 - Self-Initiation
This ritual must be preformed alone, on a night when the moon is full. If indoors, the room should be clear of distractions. If outdoors, a private location, equally clear of distractions is desired.
For this ritual, it is best to work sky-clad. If this is not practical, then a simple robe or gown would be best.
Set up an altar. This may be a small table or any similar thing. At minimum you will need a small bowl of salt, and a small bowl of water. Some incense in a censer, or incense sticks in a holder. Two altar candles, and candles for the four cardinal points. Set your altar facing North. A pentacle of some form should be placed on the altar, even one just drawn or printed on a sheet of paper will suffice. Light all the candles and the incense. If indoors, turn off the lights.
Preform an opening ritual (Casting a circle). In place of an Athame, use the forefinger of your right hand. When drawing the Circle, do not leave an opening / gateway to the north-east.
Once the circle is prepared, kneel before the altar. At this point, take some time to meditate on the path on which you're about to embark. Use this time for prayer and contemplation, as you prepare to commit yourself to the craft.
When you feel prepared, state the following aloud, while facing towards the altar.
I, [your name] do pledge to learn the ways and secrets of the Craft, to use this knowledge in honesty and truth, and not to cause pain, nor for personal gain.
I, [your name] do pledge to honor the Goddess and the God, and to honor my fellow Witches.
This I do pledge before the Gentle Goddess [Goddess name here], the Powerful God [God name here], in witness thereof, beneath the full moon, before the altar, and within this Circle.
Move to kneel facing the Eastern Watchtower, and state:
Ye lords of the Watchtowers of the East, Ye lords of Air, in your presence and as ye witness, do I pledge to become a Witch.
Move to kneel facing the Southern Watchtower, and state:
Ye lords of the Watchtowers of the South, Ye lords of Fire, in your witness, do I pledge to become a Witch.
Move to kneel facing the Western Watchtower and state:
Ye lords of the Watchtowers of the West, Ye lords of Water, Lords of Death and Initiation, in your presence and as ye witness, do I pledge to become a Witch.
Finally move back to kneel before the altar and state:
Ye lords of the Watchtowers of the North, Ye lords of Earth, Boreas, thou guardian of the Northern Portal, thou Powerful God, thou Gentle Goddess, in your presence and as ye witness do I pledge to become a Witch.
Now, using the consecrated water and your fingertip, anoint yourself in the following sequence: Forehead first. Then right hip second. Left shoulder third. Right shoulder fourth. Left hip fifth. Then finally the forehead again.
As you are anointing yourself in this way (essentially creating an Invoking Pentagram upon yourself), speak aloud the following words:
Gentle Goddess [name], Great God [name], before thee in this Circle, I do now call myself, [your name], a Witch, a follower of the Old ways, and a worshipper in Your Names.
If you wish, you may preform a single consecration at this time, of some piece of personal jewellery, to be worn for the next lunar month. Otherwise, no works should be preformed at this time.
After further meditation or prayer, preform the Closing Ritual, again using your forefinger in place of an Athame, and finally blow out the candles. The initiation is ended.
Take time over the next month to further reflect upon the path you have begun, Read the book, and be attentive to the ways of the natural world. Upon the next full moon, you may begin your work as a true Witch, preparing and consecrating any working tools you have made or acquired.
Hope this goes well for you. If you have any questions feel free to message me!!
Blessed be !!
#1056 - Red Berries Tea to Blood
Good for vegetarians/vegans
Place pentacle on table or altar (optional)
Place a cup or heat resistant glass (be careful with hot drinks) on top of the pentacle (or the table if you skipped last step)
Don't move the cup until the spell is complete
Pour tea into the cup
Grab cup with both hands and say:
''Roses and berries red
Turn this drink of innocence
In what the spirits have bled
Let there be no difference''
Don't let go of the cup and close your eyes.
The idea is that you include the cup in a circle of energy.
Feel the energy in your brain, let it slide into your dominant arm, dominant hand, the cup, other hand other arm and back to the brain.
Let it circle a few times, you'll know when it's ready.
When you are done, open your eyes and use the blood at your discretion.
This is a good alternative if you are vegetarian/vegan.
Last edited on Apr 30, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1057 - Shade Meditation
If possible, turn all lighting source in the space off, then sit up straight and sit in a comfy position. After this, picture a blank black space in your mind, let yourself get lost in its darkness. The picture a light somewhere in this darkness. Imagine you walking towards it, and then finally out into your favorite natural place. Do this for as long as you like.
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1058 - Spell to Attract Men
"I conjure thee I conjure thee,
I'm the queen and you are the bee,
As I desire so shall it be."
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1059 - Love Spell
Begin Part 1: Prepare the ritual area and spell components. On the red candle, inscribe a name or magickal symbols and runes, or place a photograph of the target under it (letters from the person will work as well) Bathe or shower using the rose scented soap. Clarify your mind at this time, wash away negativity as with any ritual bath, and focus your goal. Reinforce your magickal circle. Make sure you know the entire ritual, go over it in your mind. Know your ''lines'' or memorize the ones included here.
On to Part 2: Go outside or to a window or door. Clear your mind and reinforce your personal protective circle or aura. In your own words, state or think your goal. In a clean container (non plastic or metal) dissolve the salt in about 2 cups (500 ml) of water. Use the consecration, cleansing, or blessing techniques of your choice to charge the water, or use this one:
Hold the container of water so you can see a reflection on it's surface. Try to reflect the moon back to you. Take a deep breath. Draw the energy of the moon into the water by visualizing a stream of white light pouring into the water. Take the salt in your projective hand (usually right, or writing hand) and while slowly letting it fall into the water, move your hand clockwise over the surface three times while saying slowly and clearly: (you can repeat each words of power group 3X if desired)
Water pure and clean
Protect me from all unseen
The love I call I will never wean.
Dip your fingertips, wand, or athame into the water and anoint each chakra point, or use your fingers, a bunch of herbs (patchouli is good) or other tool to sprinkle the water over yourself.
Light the two white votive candles now and say:
Waxing Moon
He/She will be here soon,
morning, night, or afternoon.
Prepare to light the red candle
as you say this:
Burning desire,
will not expire,
passion burn as I light this fire!
Part 3: Hold your focused goal in your mind the entire time you are performing this rite, but double your efforts now, hold the lit red candle (both hands or projective hand) and force everything you've got into it. Do NOT allow any doubt in at this point (if ever). When you've ''spent'' your energy projecting it into the candle, set down the candle (on top of photo or letters if included) and prepare to light the patchouli incense while saying:
Drawing scent,
will not relent,
in calling forth the one who's meant.
Confirm your goal once again. Allow the candles to burn down (make sure you have a fireproof surface) and close the rite in your own manner or by saying:
So Mote it Be!
You may include the following optional closing, or some variation of it if you wish:
Let all aspect be true and right,
freewill remains with all this night.
Let this spell not turn on me,
and harm no one, so mote it be!
The red candle should take 3 days to a week and a half to burn down, and by that time, you should have some prospects! If not, go over the 4 checklist questions, and try again. Some witches prefer to repeat this entire spell each night for the three nights prior to the full moon. They leave the red candle burning, but refocus the goal and the remainder of the working again each night.
#1060 - Spell to find your Soul Mate
Reinforce your personal circle/aura and prepare for workings in your usual manner. Using the ritual pen and special paper, write words of power that will call the most perfect partner to you at this time. Do not include specific names, and avoid thinking of a specific person. If you can't find quite the right words, use the following:
If there be a perfect match,
this work tonight will surely catch.
the perfect one who is meant to be,
shall find His/Her way home to me.
In perfect love and perfect trust,
I send this out, but not from lust,
This spell will guide us to unite,
free will remains with us tonight.
When you are finished, read over what you wrote and confirm that everything you want to say is included. When you are certain it is as you wish, spend some time meditating on your goal while you light your ritual fire or the charcoal. When you get ''that feeling'' (the one when you know everything is right, your will is focused, you know it is certain, you know the feeling...) prepare to begin the physical aspect of the ritual. When the fire has become coals, or the charcoal is glowing happily, read aloud your writing, repeating it 3 times. As you read, or as you come to the end of each repetition, sprinkle a small handful (about a tablespoon) of the Moon Incense on the fire. You will want to be practiced at this for the best effect as well as safety, so make up a full recipe of it and accustom yourself to its nature prior to the rite.
Fold the paper and keep it near you for three days. Keep it under your pillow, mattress, or pinned to your night clothes (if you aren't sky/star clad) while you sleep. After three days, light another ritual fire, repeat the Circle of Power/Protection, reading and incense procedure and this time, burn the paper when you are done. OR you can keep the paper in a special spell box if you use this method. Many witches have special containers to keep finished workings in. These are usually decorative and personalized with engravings or painting on them that echo their contents. For example, a heart shaped heartwood box with runes and magickal symbols of love on it for this spell. Usually only similar spells are kept together, or each spell is kept in its own box.