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3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 3002 Love Spells
3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3002 Love Spells
  1. Kaitlyn's Love
  2. Passion
  3. Innocent Attraction
  4. Dream Of Me (For Girls)
  5. Truth Spell
  6. Increase Popularity X3
  7. Love Me
  8. Influence Someone
  9. Passion
  10. Innocent Attraction

#1711 - Kaitlyn's Love

An easy to do love spell.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "(Full Name) (First Name) (Your 1st name with his last) I love you, we now are two, not apart, but two together. I love you! Please love me! (His Full Name) (His First Name) (Your 1st Name W/ his last) So mote it be"

    Added to on Oct 03, 2013
    Last edited on May 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1712 - Passion

    I'm the same person as Starrdusty, so don't say I copied this.When you need your relationship ignited, perform this spell to bring that heart-fluttering feeling back.
    You may need:

  • Candle
  • Paper
  • Glass bowl
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    You may need:

  • Candle
  • Paper
  • Glass bowl
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    ***Step 1*** Write down on paper while thinking about who you want to become passionate about you: ''Gods and goddesses hear my plea, make (his/her name) forever want me.''

    ***Step 2*** Light the candle, and stare into the the flame. Say this three times, more if you want: ''Like the burning flame, let passion ignite in us, connecting us forever.''

    ***Step 3*** Light the piece of paper using the candle, then put it into the bowl. As it burns to ash, chant ''So mote it be'' over and over again until the fire goes out. Thank the goddess.

    Note: If the paper burns completely, it will happen. If it doesn't, it won't, and you're better off doing the spell again. And yes, you need to memorize the words.

    Message me if you have any questions, or if you want your testimony put up.

    Added to on Oct 03, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1713 - Innocent Attraction

    I'm the same person as Starrdusty, so don't say I copied this.Love is usually the most popular spells, even if Im not that interested. This will make whoever you love to feel the same way about you. Use wisely.
    You may need:

  • Red/pink (pen/colored pencil/marker/crayon)
  • Full moon (optional)
  • Paper (About a fourth of the page)
  • Voice
  • Night/Bedtime
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    You may need:

  • Red/pink (pen/colored pencil/marker/crayon)
  • Full moon (optional)
  • Paper (About a fourth of the page)
  • Voice
  • Night/Bedtime
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    ***Step 1*** Write down your crush's full name in the red/pink writing utensil, then draw a heart around it. Under the heart, write ''will fall in love with (your name here)''. Draw more hearts around your names.

    ***Step 2*** Fold the paper three times, and hold it to your chest, thinking about the person you're in love with. Visualize them clearly.
    ***Step 3(optional)*** You don't have to do this, but it will strengthen the spell. Hold the paper in the moonlight, thinking about him/her.

    ***Step 4*** Kiss the paper, and hold it so it barely brushes your lips. Close your eyes and sing this: ''Let my love fall for me.Let he/she want to be with me. We will love each other for eternity. This is my will so mote it be.''

    ***Step 5*** Thank the goddess of love,then put the paper underneath your pillow as you go to sleep.

    ***NOTE*** Yes, you have to memorize the song. You can do steps 3-5 every night for a week and it will more likely happen, but you can also just keep the paper underneath your pillow until it happens, while falling asleep thinking about your crush. Make sure to thank the goddess every night.

    TESTIMONY: My bff tried this, and it worked in about two weeks time. Message me if it also works for you, so there will be more testimonys.
    If you have any questions, message me. If you want to request a spell, or if you want me to cast a spell for you, also just message me.

    Added to on Oct 03, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1714 - Dream Of Me (For Girls)

    Make someone have dreams of you.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    So in that place that reminds you of him somehow, get a picture of him into your mind and go through a slideshow of pictures in your mind. Think of him asleep. Once you feel like: You can literally smile from ear to ear ORYou have "butterflies in your stomach", then you're in someway connected to him.

    If you continue to picture him, the more intense the feelings will be for you. Then picture you and him, alone, somewhere. It could be on the seat of a bus, in a meadow, or in your bedroom, either way, alone (it's best to picture you guys in the spot you are at now). Then talk to him, as you normally would. After awhile (this part is for more intense feelings) picture him leaning in to kiss you OR (less intense feelings) giving you a hug.

    Then once your done with your picture recite this: "In your mind I have invaded, you have seen what I've pictured. You know how I feel, and you know that you are the one in this picture. It may have been a dream but when you awakin, it will become real to me and you. (Name) I love you, you shall love me when you awaken from this replaying dream. I know I've invaded your dreamland but it's the best for us. Dream of me"

    When you are done picture him once more and try and fall asleep. Signs that it is working: Being shy around you, feequently staring at you, asks to meet you in place you pictured, sits by you on bus frequently.

    Added to on Oct 02, 2013
    Last edited on Mar 09, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1715 - Truth Spell

    Yeah well my last spell until i become a council in my new coven anyway this is a truth spell from The Book of Shadows
    You may need:

    You may need:


    For those who want the truth revealed
    Open their hearts and secrets unseal
    From now until its now again
    From now which the memories end
    For those who are now in this house
    Only truth will be heard from their mouths

    Added to on Oct 01, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1716 - Increase Popularity X3

    Sometimes you need a little help being accepted. Perform these spells to increase your popularity times three at school, work, or in your social life.
    You may need:

    You may need:


    I know it's long but it's worth it

    Making friends is not always easy. We all spend so much time just trying to be accepted by everyone, anyone actually, that we sometimes lose who we really are in the process. Wouldn't it be great if you could always be one hundred percent who you are without the worry of totally embarrassing yourself. Yes, yes, I do believe that you should not care what others think but keep in mind that it only takes mere seconds for someone to decide whether or not they like you. Sometimes you need more time to make a good first, second, or third impression, for instance, when trying to land a new client, or you want to catch the eye of a hottie whom you 'run' in to at the coffee shop every Saturday. Whether you are attending a new school, starting a new job or just want to increase your circle of friends then these are the spells you to perform.

    To Increase Your Confidence

    What You Need:
    1 Gold Candle
    3 Yellow Candles

    The type and size of candle does not matter.

    Carve your name into the Gold Candle as this represents you.

    Place the candles (unlit) to form a diamond shape with the Gold Candle closet to you between you and the mirror.

    As you are lighting the candles chant:

    I am here
    For all to see
    The Divine’s strength
    Encircles me
    We are one
    With poise galore
    Forever more
    This spell is true
    And harms no one
    As I will it
    It is done

    Once candles are lit, close your eyes and repeat the chant while looking at yourself in the mirror and imagine yourself being confident and so you shall be!

    CAUTION: Be very careful when using fire!!!!
    *Do Not Leave Burning Candles Unattended*


    Melting Chocolate
    Coconut Flakes
    Maraschino Cherries
    Wax Paper

    This is one of my favorites because it’s fun to make and tastes so good!
    The amount of ingredients depends on how much of this you want to make. Find melting chocolate at your local candy making supply store and follow their directions to melt.
    Lay the wax paper flat and put dollops of melted chocolate. Sprinkle coconut flakes over the chocolate dollops then add a cherry to each.

    While doing so, chant:

    With each gentle touch
    I charm these treats
    To gain acceptance
    From those received
    With each of these
    I begin anew
    Acceptance, trust and

    Friendships so true
    This spell is true
    And harms no one
    As I will it
    It is done

    Now, put the treats in the fridge and give them out when needed!
    Take a plate to work, or an event, or a family function, etc. No one will know they are enchanted treats! Everyone will love them, and you. Remember to eat one or two yourself, no one will accept you until you accept yourself.

    What You Need:

    1 White candle
    1 Teaspoon of Sunflower Seeds
    1 Teaspoon of Brazil Nuts
    1 Teaspoon of Parsley
    4 Teaspoons of Honey

    Grind & mix the Sunflower Seeds, Brazil Nuts and Parsley into a powder. Carve your name into the White Candle. Roll the candle in the Honey then roll it in the powder mixture. Light the candle and chant:

    All are drawn
    Inevitably to me
    My popularity increases
    By the Power of 3
    This spell is true
    And harms no one
    As I will it
    It is done

    Repeat this 3 more times then thank the Divine and blow out the candle. Repeat this every day until the candle is completely melted.

    Added to on Oct 01, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1717 - Love Me

    Is there someone you love who needs a little encouragement to love you back? Perform the "Love Me Spell" and they will come to you.
    You may need:

  • Picture of you
  • Picture of crush
  • Red ribbon
  • Red candle
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    You may need:

  • Picture of you
  • Picture of crush
  • Red ribbon
  • Red candle
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    Place the pictures together, face to face. Tie them together with the Red Ribbon. Melt the Red Candle and pour wax over the pictures to bind them together. As you do so, chant:

    "We are one
    Bound by love
    I am the only
    One you think of
    This spell is true
    And harms no one
    As I will it
    It is done "

    Now, put this spell in a safe place and keep it out of harms way. If you ever want to reverse the spell you will need this. Note: You need actual pictures for this spell, so drawing them won't work this time. Any picture will do, whether it's an actual photograph, from a yearbook, out of the newspaper, or anywhere as long as it is a picture of the person you are performing the spell on

    Added to on Oct 01, 2013
    Last edited on May 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1718 - Influence Someone

    Spell to influence on someone.
    You may need:

  • 1 Licorice
  • 3 Teaspoons of Rosemary
  • 8 Teaspoons of Baby Oil
  • 9 Tablespoons of Honey
  • Jar with a Lid
  • Picture or Personal Belonging of the Person
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    You may need:

  • 1 Licorice
  • 3 Teaspoons of Rosemary
  • 8 Teaspoons of Baby Oil
  • 9 Tablespoons of Honey
  • Jar with a Lid
  • Picture or Personal Belonging of the Person
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    Put the picture (or personal belonging) into the jar. Next, put the licorice in the jar. Sprinkle in the Rosemary. Pour in the Baby Oil then top it off with the Honey. Put the lid on top and chant:

    "My commands
    Are your sweet song
    Your hear only my voice
    From this moment on
    My words are your thoughts
    With love and trust

    I command you only
    Because I must
    This spell is true
    And harms no one
    As I will it
    It is done"

    Put the jar in a safe place where it will not be found. Be sure to only use this spell for good, otherwise it will turn around on you!

    When you are done influencing the intended, throw the jar in the trash and say:

    "This spell is done, Be free"

    Added to on Oct 01, 2013
    Last edited on May 13, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1719 - Passion

    When you need your relationship ignited, perform this spell to bring that heart-fluttering feeling back.
    You may need:

  • Candle
  • Paper
  • Glass bowl
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    You may need:

  • Candle
  • Paper
  • Glass bowl
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    Write down on paper while thinking about who you want to become passionate about you: "Gods and goddesses hear my plea, make (his/her name) forever want me."

    Light the candle, and stare into the the flame. Say this three times, more if you want: "Like the burning flame, let passion ignite in us, connecting us forever."

    Light the piece of paper using the candle, then put it into the bowl. As it burns to ash, chant "So mote it be" over and over again until the fire goes out. Thank the goddess.

    Note: If the paper burns completely, it will happen. If it doesn't, it won't, and you're better off doing the spell again. And yes, you need to memorize the words.

    Added to on Sep 30, 2013
    Last edited on May 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1720 - Innocent Attraction

    Love is usually the most popular spells, even if Im not that interested. This will make whoever you love to feel the same way about you. Use wisely.
    You may need:

  • Red/pink (pen/colored pencil/marker/crayon)
  • Full moon (optional)
  • Paper (About a fourth of the page)
  • Voice
  • Night/Bedtime
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    You may need:

  • Red/pink (pen/colored pencil/marker/crayon)
  • Full moon (optional)
  • Paper (About a fourth of the page)
  • Voice
  • Night/Bedtime
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    ***Step 1*** Write down your crush's full name in the red/pink writing utensil, then draw a heart around it. Under the heart, write ''will fall in love with (your name here)''. Draw more hearts around your names.
    ***Step 2*** Fold the paper three times, and hold it to your chest, thinking about the person you're in love with. Visualize them clearly.
    ***Step 3(optional)*** You don't have to do this, but it will strengthen the spell. Hold the paper in the moonlight, thinking about him/her.
    ***Step 4*** Kiss the paper, and hold it so it barely brushes your lips. Close your eyes and sing this: ''Let my love fall for me.Let he/she want to be with me. We will love each other for eternity. This is my will so mote it be.''
    ***Step 5*** Thank the goddess of love,then put the paper underneath your pillow as you go to sleep.
    ***NOTE*** Yes, you have to memorize the song. You can do steps 3-5 every night for a week and it will more likely happen, but you can also just keep the paper underneath your pillow until it happens, while falling asleep thinking about your crush. Make sure to thank the goddess every night.
    TESTIMONY: My bff tried this, and it worked in about two weeks time. Message me if it also works for you, so there will be more testimonys.
    If you have any questions, message me. If you want to request a spell, or if you want me to cast a spell for you, also just message me.

    Added to on Sep 30, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters