3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Increase my Love
- Bring a Desired Love to You
- The Spell of Revelation
- Skin Care Spell
- Demonic Revenge
- Please Love Me
- Full Moon Love
- Remove Obstacles from a Relationship
- Spell of the One Love
- Spell of True Love
#1721 - Increase my Love
Imagine the person you want to increase your love with, think why and chant this three times:
''Hectate, I cry out to thee, my love has been grim, increase my love, I chant this thrice, on this day, thus my will so mote it be."
Last edited on Mar 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1722 - Bring a Desired Love to You
Write your desired's name on a piece of paper and underneith that, you name. Use full names. Place the paper infront of the incense with the rose quartz on it. Close your eyes and visualize the chances of you two coming together.
Chant three times: "Goddess of love, hear my plea. I intend not mess with freewill but bring the chances to me. The chance to be the lover of _(desired's name)_ in perfect love and harmonty. On the power of three times three, this my will, so mote it be."
Let the candle burn itself out and the next day, bury the paper and the left over candle in the dirt. Make sure they're burried together.
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1723 - The Spell of Revelation
1. Set up the magician's circle.
2. Place a round table at the center of the circle.
3. Place the photograph/hair in the center of the table.
4. If using a hair, you may mold it into a wax figure of human.
5. Place the pot with the fire burning behind the image, if it will burn the table, place it on the ground or on a stand that is fire-proof.
6. surround the pot of fire and waxen image/photograph with the white and purple candles(Perhaps anointing them before use) alternating between white and purple, forming a hexagon. Do not put the candles so close to the pot to make them melt.
---The Ritual---
1. Light the candles.
2. Link hands around the table if there is more then one of you.
3. Recite an invocation to an ancient god or goddess of war, the invocation is your choice. Perhaps instead invoking the God Mars.
4. After the invocation, release your hands.
5. Each caster takes out a wand, aims it at the figure or photograph, and chants this:
''We see thy actions, wicked one! Thou have caused pain to come to the innocent! Thou have caused pain and suffering without justice! We curse thee that thou will show thy shame and evil for all to see! Take a life, thou won't. So mote it be!''
6. The candles are burnt out, and the item burnt, thoroughly.
7. The circle is banished, and the ashes of the item, if any, are scattered to the wind.
I have not yet tested this spell myself, but I am fairly optimistic it will work. However, I can not guarantee HOW it will work; that is, how the wicked one will be revealed in the end. The candles should burn down to at least halfway before the spell is complete; if you have to make sure this occurs, either repeat the incantation provided or, as an optional step, have all of the casters, including yourself, walk in a circle around the table in a clockwise direction for a few minutes, thus letting the candles burn down and heightening the spell's power.
You should use Oak, basswood, or apple wood wands.
#1724 - Skin Care Spell
First go to the quiet bathroom at night in your house, and stand in front of the tub. Pour the water into the bath tub until it fills enough for you to bath.
Place the candels everywhere you think will make the room beautiful and magically. Concentrate and slowly sprinkle the petal on the water, chanting: ''The Fairy of Beauty, please help me. I wish for a white and healthy skin. By using the herbs's glamourness, i pray for my dream to come true. So mote it be.'' Finishing the sprinkle, you apply the yogurt on the face, hands or anywhere you wish. Gracefully step inside the water-filled tub and decorated by rose petals. Bath normally, praying again is OK.
#1725 - Demonic Revenge
Like I said this is an extremely dangerous spell. Anything that involves demonic presence are better to be keep hidden. I recommend you to use trick spells when things haven't go serious. This spell is for the most desperate moment. Reconsider if you don't want to throw yourself at a danger spot. I also need to tell you that even the slightest mistake during the ritual will cause harm to your life. If you are an advanced or expert caster then it is fine. Learn all the basics about summoning ritual before practice this dark magic.
Ok. Now, ready, place the candles in there rightful places, and go to your place. Spend a minute to concentrate, gather all the hateful feeling you save for this moment. Place the object in the middle of the triangle. Don't forget to light up the candels. The object i recommend is something you can hide (a key, a teddybear...) or anything that you think is the best. Get ready and read out loud
" I gather all powerful elements of the universe, gather their power to perform this spell. I now contact the dark side by using my wholesome magic! I here by open a portal to hell, call help from a diabolical and hateful demon, you can now pass the portal!" Don't stop or things will get worse for you. "Listen me clearly, I've sent you here to help me punish a living, that has harmed me. You can unleash your power of evil upon that person with my help. You can never harm me but harm the enemy that i told you to. By possessing that object I chosen, your evil deeds will be accepted as our curse fall upon our enemy. So mote it be!"
Important: Clean the circle right after you finish the ceremony to keep yourself safe. Recommend a protection spell for you before perform summoning spell to avoid any possession from the demon's bad intention. Creative is the key to success in spell casting.
If you can then hide the object inside the enemy's house immediately. Or consider it as a fake 'peace offering'.
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1726 - Please Love Me
Say: "Oh, please love me (person you wants name). Oh, please love me more than anyone else. So mote it be".
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1727 - Full Moon Love
Meditate so you can gather your energy.Cast your circle and call the elements. Invoke your deity associated with love. Dress the candle with the herb(s) Charge your candle with intent (Love for you or someone else).
Light your candle and visualize your goal complete and that someone is with you to love you or someone is with someone else (e.g a friend). After that to give the spell another boost write on paper your name/friends name and your crush or your friends crush OVERLAPPING. Then if the the spell is for you then fold the paper toward you. If its for a friend then fold the paper away from you.
"Upon this blessed night
I ask that the God/dess (Name)
to unite two souls so that we/they
may find happiness, may I/their
romance with me/together warm the hearts of
others, with the power of the herbs and stones,
so mote it be"
Leave an offering for your chosen deity when spell is completed.
Last edited on Mar 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1728 - Remove Obstacles from a Relationship
Cast your circle. Light up the pink candle with the wooden match. Use the candle and drop 13 drops of the wax onto your picture and your lovers. (make sure you put a lot of energy while droping wax on both pictures. Make sure while your dropping, you're focusing your energy on removing all the problems in your relationship.)
Stick the two pictures together (face to face to symbolize everything getting better between the two of you.) Blow out the candle and chant: "So transfer my will, my spell has been heard. As I will, so mote it be"
That same day, give the stuck together pictures to nature.(Bury them, or put them in any body of water outside like a river, bayou, or lake.) Light the candle on the following full moon until it's burned itself out.(Do not use the pink candle you used for this spell for anything)
Last edited on May 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1729 - Spell of the One Love
(1) Place the altar facing magnetic east. Have the altar bowl in the center with two red candles behind the altar bowl. Draw a six point star with the chalk large enough to sit in the center with the altar facing the east point. Place a red candle at each point. Light all the candles in whatever order suits you and sit in the center. Sit and relax your body. Let the thoughts in your mind go without paying attention to them.
(2) Open your third eye to see your guides.
(3) Visualize a radiant white light while chanting the next line.
(4) Burn an offering after you call each name.
(5) Burn an offering after this line.
(6) Open your mind to Aishas powers and project them into the person you are madly in love with. Put a power into the person that will drive other suitors away. The lucky persons name is placed into this (name) blanks.
(7) Now you use Aishas powers to force the emotions to the way they should flow. The emotions are open to suggestion, so push your ideas into your love through Aisha Toma.
(8) Burn the last offering.
(1) Hear my thoughts and answer me Puthadian Gods. With the candles to light my path, I ask you to guide them. The candles are my guides and their fires are their swords to protect me on my journey. Almighty Puthadian Gods come and hear me!
(2) The candles light my path and I ask you to guide them. The candles are my guides and you guide them.
(3) Puthadian Gods, guide me to the light.
(4) Rekale, Goddess of Dreams, I invoke thee.
Jubali, God of Temptation, I invoke thee.
Fovita, God of Sexual Pleasure, I invoke thee.
Toko, God of Time, I invoke thee.
Shana, Goddess of Peace, I invoke thee.
Tivanuf, God of the Majestic, I invoke thee.
Tosha, Goddess of the Righteous One, I invoke thee.
Juda, God of Wine, I invoke thee.
(5) I ask of you these favors to make this journey safe and joyous in your sacred names, accept this offering of Prophecy pages?
(6) In the name of Aisha the Goddess of Love and Hate, bring the desires of my heart to me. By the Power of Hate, drive away all (men/women), but me whose heart is pure of love. Make (name) feel alone without me and power these feelings on my love for my One Love.
(7) By the Power of Love I turn (name)s heart to desire me and only me for all time. I bind this love for all time in perfect unity as our hearts shall be one in love. The power of this love shall grow with the passage of time until they can hold out now longer and they find them selves jumping into my arms.
(8) Hail Aisha the Goddess of Love and Hate.
I now have to be done for this time and release you from the bonds I placed around the circle. We can now end this session and return to our worlds till next we meet.
#1730 - Spell of True Love
(1) Place the altar facing magnetic east. Have the altar bowl in the center with two red candles behind the altar bowl. Draw a six point star with the chalk large enough to sit in the center with the altar facing the east point. Place a red candle at each point. Light all the candles in whatever order suits you and sit in the center. Sit and relax your body. Let the thoughts in your mind go without paying attention to them.
(2) Open your third eye to see your guides.
(3) Visualize a radiant white light while chanting the next line.
(4) Burn an offering after you call each name.
(5) Burn an offering after this line.
(6) Open your mind to Aishas powers and project them into the man who is driving away your love. The other mans name is placed into this (name) blank.
(7) Now you use Aishas powers to force the emotions to the way they should flow. The emotions are open to suggestion, so push your ideas into your love through Aisha Toma. The lucky persons name is placed into this (name) blank.
(8) Burn the last offering.
(1) Hear my thoughts and answer me Puthadian Gods. With the candles to light my path, I ask you to guide them. The candles are my guides and their fires are their swords to protect me on my journey. Almighty Puthadian Gods come and hear me!
(2) The candles light my path and I ask you to guide them. The candles are my guides and you guide them.
(3) Puthadian Gods, guide me to the light.
(4) Rekale, Goddess of Dreams, I invoke thee.
Jubali, God of Temptation, I invoke thee.
Fovita, God of Sexual Pleasure, I invoke thee.
Toko, God of Time, I invoke thee.
Shana, Goddess of Peace, I invoke thee.
Tivanuf, God of the Majestic, I invoke thee.
Tosha, Goddess of the Righteous One, I invoke thee.
Juda, God of Wine, I invoke thee.
(5) I ask of you these favors to make this journey safe and joyous in your sacred names, accept this offering of Prophecy pages?
(6) In the name of Aisha the Goddess of Love and Hate, bring the desires of my heart to me. By the Power of Hate, drive away (name) who is holding back my love from me; with the power of this love not meant to be, make mine to be.
(7) By the Power of Love I turn the Power of Hate into love for me. Drive all others away and bring (name) to me. When my love is mine, bind it to me. This is what it needs to be.
(8) Hail Aisha the Goddess of Love and Hate.
I now have to be done for this time and release you from the bonds I placed around the circle. We can now end this session and return to our worlds till next we meet.