A wand can help make a spell stronger. Be willing to cut your hand.
You may need:
1 knife
You may need:
1 knife
When you are in a forest find a tree and put you hand on the trunk and put your energy into the tree. With your best gut feeling pick a stick off the tree with the knife. Now this is a hard part for some people, with the knife cut a line sideways on the palm of your hand, make a drop of your blood fall on the stick. Okay this step you don't have to do but I recommend it, carve a hex sign(s) on your wand.
On the night of a full moon, put salt water into a bowl and fresh water into another bowl. Choose whether you want to be a salt water or freshwater mermaid. Take the water you chose and add a scale and symbol to that bowl.
Sing: "Mermaid, mermaid, of the moon. Chant my feet to glowing light and then to a mermaid tail. I want (power) and to sign like a siren. So mote it be"
Want to push that special someone a little closer to you? Trying to get that crush lined up for a long term relationship? This spell will help you get a foot in the door without creating a stalker (or other possible bad side effects).
You may need:
You may need:
Suggested wording:
"Magic moon
Quarter bright
Give me what I ask tonight
A little love
Is all I need
I can do the rest indeed
Create no zombies; Make no trouble
I just need help to solve this puzzle
The one I love, (s)he needs a nudge
Into my arms, where (s)he can’t budge
And there (s)he will forever stay
For all of our remaining days"
Tips for casting: The moons phase has a lot to do with this spells intensity and overall effect, and should be (as with all magic) used with extreme caution. Aim for too little effect, and add on from there. No matter how much you think you like the person, they might wear on you if theyre totally dependent on you for their own happiness.
That's really nice; most people only ever request spells for themselves and that can be problematic. Doing a loving heart healing spell for another person is a wonderful gift. You can use this spell for any friend who could do with more love in their lives, or a relative, or a lover, or a child. Beautiful spell, only two ingredients - your intention and your love.
You may need:
Use a photograph of your friend
Write their name on a piece of paper
You may need:
Use a photograph of your friend
Write their name on a piece of paper
Draw a heart either around their picture or name. Look at the photo/name in the heart and take your time to think about your friend, about how much you love them, and your real desire to help them. Breathe deeply and let the emotions rise up so you can really feel them; thats the energy which powers the spell.
When you are ready: Put both hands on the centre of your chest (over the place where you would point when you say, thats me) and take three deep breaths in and out. Say out aloud and in your mind at the same time (evoke):
"I call to the powers below and above North, East, South, West in the name of love."
Keep your hands in the Heart Healing position; in between each verse of the spell, take deep breathes in and out and concentrate on your love for your friend.
"Heal (your friends name) heart
Who is so dear
Heal all (his/her) pain
Heal all (his/her) fear.
I send(him/her) power,
I send (him/her) light
To heal (his/her) heart
To make it bright"
Now really concentrate, focus, and let this last one ring out powerfully so you can really feel it in your own body:
"From me to you
My love will flow
You shall be healed
And it is so".
"Fun day
(The day you want fun for ex. Friday)
(The date you want fun ex. August 15 2013)
Come to me
Bring me an amazing day
A day I will never forget
Bring it to me
So mote it be"