In the circle, ground and center.
Meditate on all the preconceived ideas you have about the perfect partner.
Release any ideas of a certain person you wish to get romantic with (i personally think that it's not love if you MAKE the person love you).
Release any thoughts of how your lover will look like, do as a career, or even sound like (These may cause you to overlook your ideal lover).
When your mind is clear and open, hold the candle of your favorite color (this represents you).
Meditate, then speak aloud all the qualities and energies you are willing to bring in an intimate relationship.
Replace that candle on the altar, and pick up the white one (this represents your ideal lover).
Speak aloud the essential qualities you desire.
Ask Aphrodite to bring you together in this lifetime.
Place the two candles in their holders at opposite ends of the alter.
Draw a heart on the center with the red chalk, large enough for both candle holders.
Each day thereafter, meditate on the perfect loving relationship for a few minutes, and mover the two candles an inch closer together.
By the full moon the candles should be touching in the center of the heart.
When they meet, draw two more hearts around the first one.
Raise energy by singing your favorite love song.
Say: "Nocturnal, my mistress of the night, give me the power to run faster than ever before. Nocturnal, my patron of theives, make my more flexible as slick an sly as I could possibly be."
Imagine what your life form will look like. Get in deep thought about it. Then, create a ki ball and push it a few steps away. Then the ki ball will get to its shape.
This is a spell to make your hair color change by using the ingredients stated and putting the color you have and the color you want in the blanks.
You may need:
3 orange or red candles
Hand mirror or free standing mirror
An altar (optional)
You may need:
3 orange or red candles
Hand mirror or free standing mirror
An altar (optional)
On a Friday during the 'waxing moon',go to a place where you can be alone for at least 15 minutes.Light your 3 candles and place them in a triangle on a flat surface, (preferably on an altar but optional).
Visualize the color of your hair fading and becoming white as the color drains from it. 'Hold' the color within your hands. Slowly lower down your hands above the candles and focus on the flames. Raise your hands above your head and imagine the colour you desire pouring into your hair and turning into that colour.
After all of this say the following:
"Fire warm and Fire red
Charm the hair upon my head
Fire dance and Fire shine
From ___ to ____ ,this wish is mine.
As i will ,it now shall be
By Fire,Water,Wind and Tree".
Light three black candles surrounding the picture of your true love. Anoint the candles with protection oil and burn protection with love incense. Take the protection amulet and place it on the photo of your true love. Chant:
''My true love I call to be your guided light. I will protect you with all my might. No matter how near or how far my protection surrounds you and stays with you. No danger, harm, negativity, or evil to come as I protect you now and for all of eternity. In my heart you will stay, I'll always keep you safe with me. As I will it, so mote it be!''
When you're done blow out the candles. Pour a little bit of the candle wax on the picture of your true love. Then, throw the image away.
breaking up a couple causing them to go there separate ways
You may need:
green or black candle
picture of each person or a picture as a couple
bowl for burning ashes
You may need:
green or black candle
picture of each person or a picture as a couple
bowl for burning ashes
Light a green or black candle. Take scissors and cut each person in half. If it's a picture as a couple, separate the cutting by cutting them apart. Chant: ''This couple will drift apart and separate. Their separate ways they will go. No longer meant to be and no turning back as they break up their love broken forever. As I will it with the power of three times three, so mote it be!''
Then burn each image of each person separately lighting their picture with the candle flame. Release the ashes into the wind.