3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- The Old
- Pokémon Creation
- Friendship Of Sprites
- Reunite with an Ex
- Paper-intuition Divination
- Cutie Mark Spell
- Love Candle Ritual
- Vampire Spell
- Tell the truth
- Better Jester
#1941 - The Old
Get a mirror and place it in front of you. Then put the candle between you and the mirror. Look into the mirror and your eyes should show people in the mirror.
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1942 - Pokémon Creation
Draw you next to your pokémon. It will be that taller/smaller than you. Then, color in yourself. Write down your height next to you. Then, draw tally marks above you. I.E., if you are 5 feet, draw 5 tally marks.
Continue to make your pokémon's height. I.E., 1 in.=1 ft. Then, draw tally marks over it.
Underline the heights and circle the tally marks.
Fold the paper hamburger style once so you can't see your drawing.
Write down its info. (Name, species, type, gender, level, ability, moves, etc.)
Fold the paper hamburger style again.
Say aloud and write the following, ''(Species), pokémon of mine, come to me, by egg/pokéball of (species). I summon the newborn fictional creature. So mote it be.'' (So mote it be should be written as big as you can.)
Fold the paper.
Draw a pentagram (star).
Fold it once more.
Every night, for three nights, chant, ''God, grant my dream pokémon in the real world from beginning to end.''
Kiss the paper and put it under your pillow. As you fall asleep, dream of you and your pokémon together.
I'm currently using this spell. I am hoping I will get an Eevee, the evolution pokémon. I became successful and waiting for him to come. Good luck!
Last edited on Apr 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1943 - Friendship Of Sprites
Sit quietly in the grassy area with dandelions in your hand but you have to be alone.
Sit still with no noise at all for two minutes then grab your element you chose place infront of you then close your eyes and imagine what your Sprite looks like from head to toe.
Now whisper: "Sprite beings please come to me the image in my head form for me watch over me protect me guard me become my guardian. Sprite for me hear my voice we will be friends you'll see."
Then burn the flower you picked and the dandelions then mix the ashes together and blow it into the air.
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1944 - Reunite with an Ex
STEP 1: Place all four candles on top of the picture, (Black to the North, Red to the South, White to the East and Pink to the West).
STEP 2: Light the candles in the order of North, South, East and West.
STEP 3: Chant this four more times: "Sheknor taysoh ratsu henor kantu freksho kanstu tay raktu. Let a love of mine that was once in my life be here again. Let us be lovers forever and not friends. Let us be together now and forever. Let the day that we part again be never. Gods, goddesses, and spirits of love, bring the heart of (first and last name of ex) back to me. So let it be".
Last edited on Oct 10, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1945 - Paper-intuition Divination
Cut a long piece of paper, then write your question in the paper with the pencil, and remember to include the question mark. Then fold the paper and throw the folded paper either in fire or room temperature water and when the paper burns or gets wet, concentrate in the feelings, the feelings will be the answers.
Then say "I need an answer to my question" and end with "so mote it be" or "amen", and then visualize a question mark coming from the paper and going up to the roof or sky.
The answer takes time to come. If it's a bad feeling, then it's the bad news, if it's a good feeling, then it is the good news. Remember, ask only a yes or no question, and don't ask about big things like weather or about a car crash or about something bad happening to you.
Last edited on Mar 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1946 - Cutie Mark Spell
Say 3 Times:
Cutie Are For The Inner Talent, Let Me Find My Inner Talent In A Cutie Mark, So Mote It Be.
After Saying It Three Times,
Look Around And See If You See A Picture That Represents Your Inner Talent.
And When You Have Found One, You Have Your Cutie Mark!
#1947 - Love Candle Ritual
2. Write the name of your lover and your name on the red piece of paper.(Like this: Nicole Black *heart* Michael Foley)
3. Slowly fold the paper and put it in the flame and let it burn. While it burns look at the picture and visualize yourself in the picture with your lover.
4. Let the candle burn out completely or the ritual won't work.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1948 - Vampire Spell
You will need to have belief in vampires and mythical creatures.
You must be concentrated!
It has to be A Full Moon at night for this to work.
At night chant these words in a dark quiet room with no one else but yourself inside (Repeat them 3 times)
Blood red pale skin, Moon light draw me in
Quench my thirst coarsing vains
let my body feel no pain.
#1949 - Tell the truth
#1950 - Better Jester
Direct your energy towards the person who tells bad jokes and say this incantation: 'Before these jokes get faster, make this fool a better jester.' And s/he will no longer tell bad jokes, unless you (or someone else) reverses it.
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.