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3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

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3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3002 Love Spells
  1. Powerful Love Spell
  2. Spell for love in New Moon.
  3. Vampire
  4. Make something happen
  5. Mermaid Spell/potion
  6. Good Singing Voice
  7. Break Up Friendship/Relationship
  8. Bingo Love
  9. Attention
  10. Powerful Love Spell

#2381 - Powerful Love Spell

This is a very powerful spell designed to arouse feelings for you loved one.
You may need:

  • 12 Roses
  • Candle
  • Photo
  • Tray
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    You may need:

  • 12 Roses
  • Candle
  • Photo
  • Tray
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    Spell is better spend on growing the moon. Put the photo on the tray, put the candle on top. Roses lay around the photo. Take a candle and say a strong spell on a man's love: "Candle, I give you the name of (name)." Put the candle back in and light it. Repeat nine times a spell, concentrating on his desire:

    "I stir up your heart, as it kindled a candle burns let your love for me. Your heart will melt like wax melts, as this wax flows, and you love to come to me. The candle burns, and love for me grows. Light a candle, and will show you the way to me. "

    Let the candle burn down. Collect all the roses, and attach them to tie on his bed down the flowers, they should hang to dry. Brush a photo of the wax and hide in a secret place. If, before the full moon spell did not work, you can repeat it back to the Moon. Roses - a presentation of a gift of the goddess of love, so they must be at least a dozen.

    Added to on May 31, 2012
    Last edited on Dec 31, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2382 - Spell for love in New Moon.

    To carry out the ritual should be on a Friday night in the Moon (or the first Friday after the new moon).
    You may need:

  • three strands of silk
  • three of your hair
  • olive oil
  • red wine or red fruit juice
  • red pitcher
  • red thread
  • the red pen
  • matches
  • onion peel
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    You may need:

  • three strands of silk
  • three of your hair
  • olive oil
  • red wine or red fruit juice
  • red pitcher
  • red thread
  • the red pen
  • matches
  • onion peel
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    On Friday evening, weave together three of his hair, and three silk threads. Hum at the same time:
    - Scourge silk plet time plet destiny, weaving words. Weave it (name), the fate of his fate. I will be a reign in his heart, mind, soul and desires. Suppose he does not know the rest and relaxation, yet connect with me into one. As I said, so be it!
    Roll the hair and thread woven into a ball and hold it between your palms of your hands until it is heated by the heat of your body.
    Straighten the table onion peel and write on it the name of your favorite red marker. Circle the name of the pattern of the heart. Now, wrap the ball in the husks and silk from the hair. Tie bundle of red thread. Take it in hand and attach to the heart. Then the bundle you need to burn to the ground. While he will burn think about your loved one. Gather the ashes and put it in a red jar. Pour a little olive oil and place the jug under your bed before the full moon. In Moon, remove the jug, dip into the oil left thumb and lightly grease with butter crystal glass edge. Pour in a glass of red wine or red fruit juice and treat your loved one.
    This spell is very effective and works immediately.

    Added to on May 30, 2012
    Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2383 - Vampire

    Be warned. This works. It's irreversible.
    You may need:

  • A single white wax candle (Scentless)
  • A cup of blood from another magical being
  • A magical or enchanted knife
  • Wooden matches
  • An (Optional) Sun ring
  • Planned food source
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    You may need:

  • A single white wax candle (Scentless)
  • A cup of blood from another magical being
  • A magical or enchanted knife
  • Wooden matches
  • An (Optional) Sun ring
  • Planned food source
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    For this you must be confident in your own abilities. If not, the spell will fail and possibly backfire. The effects of this spell are completely permanent and everlasting. Do not take this lightly. If you do do this spell, you cannot show even the slightest bit of fear or pain. It wont work if you do. You have to give yourself happily to Satan.

    Now, you need to go to a completely secluded spot. A spot away from all worldly distractions. This place should be a place of nature. A field or forest. I find this spell works best in a forest. It should be dead silent except for the sounds made by the creatures of nature. Immense concentration is a must. This is best done at night. Two nights away from a full moon. This spell will be done three times. Once two nights before full moon, again the night before a full moon, and finally on the night of the full moon.

    There you will place the wax candle in front of you. Light it carefully with the match. As the flame illuminates the natural world around you close your eyes and clear your mind. Concentrate on what you are about to become. Focus on the monster inside.

    Once your eyes open take the knife and place it on the underside of your wrist. Make one long horizontal cut across your flesh until blood pours from the wound. Try and make the cut shallow and not deep enough to hurt yourself. Caution: Seek medical help if bleeding heavily.

    As the blood flows take the bloody knife and burn the tip before placing the hot blade on your open wound. Don't make a single sound of pain. Once this is done take your open wrist and place it over the flame of the candle so the flame licks at your blood coming from the wound. As the flame burns your blood say this:

    "Satan hear my plea. Free me from my mortal bonds. Take my soul and set me free. I want to run with the night. The moon rises as I succumb to my true nature. Please! Give me unrest!"

    After you are done with the chant take the cup of blood from another magical being and drink it. You must drink every drop.

    Added to on May 27, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 15, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2384 - Make something happen

    Get something to happen to someone using only parchment and a pencil.
    You may need:

  • A single piece of parchment.
  • A writing utensil. Preferably a piece of fresh-made charcoal.
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    You may need:

  • A single piece of parchment.
  • A writing utensil. Preferably a piece of fresh-made charcoal.
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    Take a strip of parchment and write the name of the target on the parchment with the charcoal. Then, fold the piece of parchment in half so the name is on the inside. Close your eyes and think of what you want to happen to this person in your head. Picture it and think these thoughts for at least thirty seconds before opening your eyes. The longer you think; the stronger the magic.

    Once your eyes are open unfold the piece of paper and rip it in half. Try to get either directly through the center of the name or try to rip the crease. The crisper the edge on the rip the more likely the events will happen.

    This has worked for me 99% of the time. I've 'wished' for everything from sex (Eh, it's natural), to getting a good paycheck at work. You can write either your name on the parchment or another persons'. The effects will be the same. (If you write your name you ARE wanting the effects for YOURSELF)

    Now, as will most magic, this is dangerous. The effects of your 'wish' can be irreversible so think twice before wishing death or something else bad on another human being. If they die, there is no way to bring them back. Mean what you wish!

    This 'wish' works best when you are alone with little to no distractions. Give yourself space from most worldly objects. Let your mind drift into the essence of what you are wishing for.

    Have fun with this. I've done this quite a lot and it works most of the time. The only time it did not work for me is when I 'wished' for someone to be killed in a car accident. Mind you, the accident DID happen, but they were not killed. Just a few broken bones and a concussion. I really regretted it and I'm so thankful that the person didn't die. So please, heed my warning. Be careful.

    Added to on May 27, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2385 - Mermaid Spell/potion

    GIRLS ONLY!!!!! Hint: works best when lights are dim, non-exsistent or candle lit
    You may need:

  • Bath tub filed with water
  • bubble bath
  • sea salt
  • sea shells
  • one tear from your own eye
  • one tear from a friend's eye(must wish to be a mermaid as well)
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    You may need:

  • Bath tub filed with water
  • bubble bath
  • sea salt
  • sea shells
  • one tear from your own eye
  • one tear from a friend's eye(must wish to be a mermaid as well)
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    get into the bath with your friend. ( the bubble bath will be in there and besides, you'll be wearing bikinis! no one pieces allowed!!) then you need to surround the outside of the bath tub with the sea shells. take out your legs and rub them in the sea salt. keeping your legs in the water, pour it all throughout the bath tub and mix it in. then chant the following:

    Mermaids near and mermaids far, hear me as i need your power, water has been calling me, begging me to join your group my legs are twitching my legs are itching to become a tail. may my tail be (color you want your tail to be) and have powers of (power you want). i need to become you, help me become you, and please please please let me be a beautiful mermaid.
    drink your friends tear. put your legs back into the water. after at least thirty minutes get out. every day for a month get back into the bath for the same amount of time. make sure you INSTANTLY dry off after exiting the bath tub.

    Added to on May 25, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2386 - Good Singing Voice

    This will make your singing voice improve.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Put your hand on your chest and say: "Voice, oh voice, oh singing voice. Make it great without a choice".

    Added to on May 25, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 15, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2387 - Break Up Friendship/Relationship

    Just a simple way for beginners to break up couples or friend for reasons of jealousy/hatred.
    You may need:

  • A cord
  • Two black candles
  • Scissors
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    You may need:

  • A cord
  • Two black candles
  • Scissors
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    Light the candles as you say:

    "Couple I see, couple I name,
    I cursed thee,
    Cords of dismay,
    Cords of hate,
    Cords of jealousy,
    This being the cords of three,
    Fall under my spell,
    Your relationship shall now fail,
    Dismay you shall feel,
    Jealousy of each other there shall be,
    I times this with the cords of three,
    But let hate be the curse I put upon thee,
    And So may it be."

    Then bring the cord and focusing all your energy and remember your reasons of hatred for theses 2 and imagine them during the final fight and then cut the cord and burn the two halves in very far locations (as far as you want them apart).

    Added to on May 24, 2012
    Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2388 - Bingo Love

    Simple love spell.
    You may need:

  • Soil
  • 1 picture of him/her
  • 1 picture of you
  • Lighter or matches
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    You may need:

  • Soil
  • 1 picture of him/her
  • 1 picture of you
  • Lighter or matches
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    Dig a hole in the ground and trace a pentagram over it with your longest and shortest finger imagining electric blue/purple flames going over it. Then put the pictures side by side in the hole and drop the match or put the lighter above the pictures until they start to burn. After 30 seconds chant this latin spell

    "i amare
    tu amare me
    mihi de
    ita mote sit
    amare me donec senioribus et cinereo
    sed nostra amor numquam marcescunt"

    Bury when burnt out and leave it there. If its ever disturbred the spell will come un-done.

    Added to on May 22, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 19, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2389 - Attention

    This will help you get the attention that you want or need.
    You may need:

  • 6 strands of your hair
  • A sea shell of any kind (small)
  • A jar of any kind
  • Some milk
  • A lighter
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    You may need:

  • 6 strands of your hair
  • A sea shell of any kind (small)
  • A jar of any kind
  • Some milk
  • A lighter
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    Sit or lay down on a bed ( or a floor) but make sure your in the house you live in. Calm your mind of anything stressful or depressing. Make sure everything in the room is off like radios, computers, ipod, cell phone, tv, anything that will distract you from doing clearing your mind of everything.

    Take 6 strands of hair from your hair brush or just get the small ones in the front.get a sea shell and a jar of anykind. Put everything in the jar besides the milk and the lighter. mix them all up and after 5 minutes or so put in the milk. After 5 minutes is up put the jar cap on it and seal it.

    Take the lighter and light it and hold the flame under the jar for about 4 to 5 seconds then stop.Take the jar and put it under your bed and keep it there for about 2 to 3 weeks. (yes it will get nasty but that's why you put the jar cap on it). After the weeks are over go outside and pour it on a flower of your kind. your results will come in about 3 to 4 weeks.

    Added to on May 21, 2012
    Last edited on Nov 14, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2390 - Powerful Love Spell

    This love spell is on the cemetery. I recommend that only experienced practitioners of black magic!
    You may need:

  • 1 photo
  • 1 bunch of sagebrush
  • 1 roll of red thread
  • 3 sticks of aspen
  • 1 box of matches
  • 13 white coins
  • 1 piece of fresh meat (beef)
  • 13 chocolates
  • 1 bottle of red wine
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    You may need:

  • 1 photo
  • 1 bunch of sagebrush
  • 1 roll of red thread
  • 3 sticks of aspen
  • 1 box of matches
  • 13 white coins
  • 1 piece of fresh meat (beef)
  • 13 chocolates
  • 1 bottle of red wine
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    9 lunar day to take photos or personal things (clothes), the person who should bewitch.
    Exactly at midnight, go to the cemetery. find the grave of a man (if you're a man bewitches. grave or woman (if you're a woman bewitches).
    Age of the deceased should be the same, how many years, your favorite (to whom you want to bewitch).
    From the cemetery to take a bunch of sagebrush, natural red reel of thread (cotton or silk).
    At the tomb of tie beam sagebrush red thread and say:
    ''Sagebrush! Cleave not to my liking, but to ___ (name of who bewitches). Amen!''

    In the center of the grave to insert three aspen sticks and set fire to. As soon as they flare. put out of them. So that they are going smoke.
    Fumigate this photo of smoke and a bundle of sage. and at the same time say:
    ''How in the grave of a dead man lying through your name ____ (name of deceased), your soul. I beg you, how do you know when the life of all human needs, and was among the needs of The Human Love. And the love that your heart is still burning . And your heart is not extinguished, either by day or night. Grave these words, these cases are grave.
    Yes, love is fervent in your chest _____ (name of deceased).
    Yes, the deceased will go out of my chest, this fervent love living in the heart of _____ (name of who bewitches).
    Will become the love of his (her).
    Thus, in the heart of ____ (name of the person you bewitches) enters a fanatical love of
    Yes, this indefatigable love for me _____ (your name).
    Smoke this road through aspen this grave. Yes, a dead man ____ (name of deceased).
    If you're dead from the grave did not get up, do not go.
    Until then, the heart of _____ (name of who bewitches) love me _____ (your name) will glow.
    For ever and ever. So be it! ''

    Aspen taper to pull out of the grave and the grave to throw, and spell the word twice more to say. then pick up aspen taper burned so and stick them together into the ground (beam) and say the words:
    ''Three sticks of aspen, a fervent love. ____ (name who bewitches to) love me _____(your name). Amen!''
    At the grave to leave a generous left to (a gift from the dead) - a bottle of red wine, chocolate, meat and 13 white coins.

    Leave the cemetery. Silent and did not look back. If you look back - will be trouble for you!
    A beam of sagebrush or photo (or thing) to store in your house
    If love spell make a witch, it gives a beam of sagebrush and a photo to the customer.
    This ritual can perform advanced practice, black witches or sorcerers. You need to know ''How to rituals in the cemetery'': how to find the right (active grave, the spirit in which active) as gifts to hold the ''Owners of the cemetery'', how to set up the defense (to the spirit of the dead are not attached to you) and so on.

    Added to on May 19, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters