3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Appear in a White Room
- See into Someone's Soul
- Take Away Freckles and Zits
- Make Luck Charm
- Truth Spell
- Dark Sky
- Charm of the Oak
- Heal a broken relationship
- To End Confusion or Find Truth
- Dream Walk to Your Lover
#2461 - Appear in a White Room
Get a piece of white paper,your wand,and a clear cube. Then get your scissors and cut a square shped peice of paper then put the piece of paper under the clear cube then pick up your wand and swirl your wand and say this chant:
"Spell spell cast away put me in this white box."
Then you should be in the white room if not message me.
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2462 - See into Someone's Soul
#2463 - Take Away Freckles and Zits
Put the water in the bowl. wave hand/wand over the water and then draw a pentagram in the water, and say: "Now with this water, with this might, make me look a little handsomer or prettier with your might. Please remove these freckles, remove in sight these zits, so I may be attractive".
Last edited on Oct 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2464 - Make Luck Charm
First make a pentagam (can draw, paint, etc.) now lay your object in the middle of it. Make sure there is moonlight on it. Now stare at it and chant three times "Oh, (personal deity name) I call to thea, this item I need for good luck this day; everyday. for good luck be to all around (object name) so that the users may be lucky. This is my will. so mote it be."
Last edited on Oct 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2465 - Truth Spell
When I look at you,
I only see lies.
When you speak,
That is all I hear.
Right now you shall answer these questions,
Not with lies, but with truth.
You have to concentrate on the person and ask them questions, they should tell the truth.
It is best that you fit this spell to your needs. If the person doesn’t want to answer that certain question, fit the spell around that. It is better for you to shift it around, it works best like that.
#2466 - Dark Sky
Sun, sun go away
Come again another day
The sun must hide away
To make today a darker day
Now in the mornings instead of sun light
All we will see is stars shining bright
Moonlight and star bright will only be seen
So mote it be!
#2467 - Charm of the Oak
Sacred oak
Blessed seed
Growth and wisdom
Mine indeed
Visualize a mighty oak tree, and all the things it may have to teach you. Place the acorns in the bag, and leave it near the candle. Let the candle burn out on its own, and leave the bag somewhere where you will see it every day. Opportunities to gain new knowledge will soon present themselves.
Last edited on Mar 22, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2468 - Heal a broken relationship
''I (your name) ask for (loved one's name) to forgive me for the things I've done. Allow your heart to open up and set aside the things I've done to you and what you have done to me. Let the next time we speak or meet be more pleasant.'' And from there add in whatever your asking forgiveness for and anything else.
As you think or say the words of forgiven visualize a loving and healing aura surround that person.
For here light your blue first and with it light your pink candle, then your red candle. After you light them meditate and ask that this spell will reach this person and mend any hurt feelings and you broken relationship. From there open your eyes (if closed) and blow out the candles in the order you light them. Think of the good times you've had and visualize an aura/mist of the candle's color swirl around that person then seep into them putting forgiven into there heart.
The time it takes for it to work may vary
#2469 - To End Confusion or Find Truth
Color Code...Blue: Calm. Red: Love. Orange: Jealousy. Yellow: Happy. Purple: Stressed. White: Hopeless. Teal: Loss. Grey: Lonely. Black: Satisfied. Green: Lively. Magenta: Sick/Sickness. Steel Blue: Sadness
Your mythical creature or guardian would be something like your Djinn or guardian dragon or angel. It's not necessary, and this will still work if you don't have one. It just guarantees more successful results if you do.
Light your candles.
Whenever you go to sleep, or to take a nap, go through all your memories as your falling asleep. EVERYTHING you can remember. It doesn't just have to be about what your curious about, but include that too.
When you fall asleep, you'll dream about the answer or a way to solve your confusion. If you don't get it when you wake up from your dream, think about it. It might take a while to understand because your brain has a weird way of presenting things, as well as this spell or ritual.
This shouldn't be too hard, but if you have troubles, message me and I'll help you.
#2470 - Dream Walk to Your Lover
Recite this chant five times:
"My goddess I'm crying out tonight
Because my lover may be losing sight
To him/her help me fly
So I can tell him/her not to say goodbye
Help me dream to my lover,
Dream to my (name)"
Last edited on Oct 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.