3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- To Become A Mermaid
- Enchant a Object
- Sleep in Peace
- Dark Lust of the Flame
- Simple Love Spell
- Potion for Beautiful Hair
- Wedding Candles
- Make Him Love Me
- Make Yourself Irresitible
- Better Musical Voice
#2471 - To Become A Mermaid
Dip your hand in the water and rub it all over your legs.
Then say,
''Powers of water, wind, fire, and earth, I ask of thee
to come help me out.
I ask you do this, I ask you to change me
Into a mermaid, a fish tail I'll sprout
When I touch the water, when I will it so
Then that is when the tail will grow''
Then sit for a while picturing yourself as a mermaid.
#2472 - Enchant a Object
I haven't done the spell myself; so tell me your results. Put the candles around three main points of the object. Say:
"God and Goddess hear my plea, once was a normal object is now enchanted postive energy runs through it like a river forever good. With harm to none; so mote it be."
Last edited on Oct 28, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2473 - Sleep in Peace
These are hung by your bed to encourage a restful sleep and sweet dreams.
- 10 Cardamon pods
- 1 tsp. Salt
- 15 cloves
- 1/2oz peppermint
- 1/2 oz rosemary
- dried peel of 1 lemon
Light a white and pink candle, place them on your work area (kitchen table, counter top).
Crush the cloves, cardamon and salt to a fine powder. Blend with the herbs and put in bags.
As you are making the bags concentrate on peaceful memories and beautiful thoughts.
When you hang the bags by your bed say out loud:
"Sleep be with me Peaceful sleep Restful sleep
Let my mind be eased Let my body be calmed
Wings of darkness Let the sight of night and dream
be clear, be quiet Let my troubles drift away and let me dream"
Last edited on Jun 20, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2474 - Dark Lust of the Flame
Write the intendeds name on the paper, set aside.
draw a ring of salt and if you have a wand follow the circle round casting a protection spell.
light the candles around the circle, and sit inside it.
braid the bay lavender sage and sweet grass together. You can use string to hold it together.
now burn it and say:
"By herbs smoke,
and my power
I banish dark spirits
an cast this circle this night and this hour!"
You must now set the braid aside and let it smoke beside you
"The darkest lust
bound in this world
shall converge on what it must
will burn ablaze
passion unfurled."
"By these red candles power,
by the magic that is born this hour!
I summon the lust that may reside,
oh deap down flowing hot inside
my target who will now feel
the blackest darkest passion, that will soon be real."
Inhale smoke
"By the night and by the day
by the moons and suns way
I summon all those spirits of lust
do my bidding you must
by the element of fire and of earth
Iask thee his desire be unearthed."
"No on this night and in this hour
Icast this spell with my power!"
Burn the paper with the name on.
"Blessed be,
spirits do what I ask of thee
this rite is closed."
Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2475 - Simple Love Spell
Place one candle on each side of yourself. Light them both. Now draw a heart on the paper, and inside the heart write the name of the person you want to love you. Put it to your chest, then burn it the next morning.
Last edited on Oct 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2476 - Potion for Beautiful Hair
When to do this ritual: On the Hag's Hare Moon, during the Venus hour.
The "hag's hare moon" is the full moon of March (the season of wildness, the moment of flowering, the time of renewal). If you don't want to wait until March, simply do the spell on a Friday, the day dedicated to Venus, during the waxing moon (closer to the full moon is better.)
Bend over at the waist and brush your hair upside down for one hundred strokes, making sure the scalp is stimulated and all residues of styling aids are gone. Anoint the candle with the oil. Light the candle and the incense. Place the lemon juice, flaxseed oil, egg, maidenhair and ginseng in the mortar, and grind with the pestle until the potion is gooey.
During the Venus hour (or on a Friday, the day dedicated to Venus), recite the incantation over the potion. Incantation:
"Potion of witches with beautiful hair,
Adorn my head beyond compare.
Rich and thick the potion goes,
Absorb the sunshine and the glow.
Maidens weave the gorgeous threads,
That creates the hair upon my head.
Combine the the egg, magick, and grain,
And rise me beautiful with iris rain.
So mote it be"
Work the potion into your hair until it is saturated. Place the plastic wrap over your hair and let it sit. Go outside and soak up the sun. Feel the potion tingling and revitalizing your hair. After a hour in the sun, shampoo and condition your hair, but before your final rinse of the conditioner thoroughly rinse your head in the rain water. Allow your hair to air dry naturally. You will see a improvement in your hair instantly.
Last edited on Oct 15, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2477 - Wedding Candles
Create a wedding alter, with decorations or photos for things you want at your wedding. Add a bride and groom from a wedding cake most resembling you two.
Carve your names circle with a heart your birthdays, astrological signs, and maybe the desired wedding date, into each candle.
Dress your single candle with as many of the oils as possible. Light the candle, focus on your goal as it burns. Once they've burned down, wrap all the wax in a silk scarf and put them in a safe place.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2478 - Make Him Love Me
Blend the honey, jasmine flower water, orange flower water, and rose water in the shallow dish.
Place the pink candle in the saucer. With the pin or thorn, carve his name and yours, on the 5 sugar cubes and the candle, and place the sugar cubes around the saucer.
Strongly visualize the fulfillment of your heart's desire and light the candle. Repeat this ritual every night for 5 consecutive nights for extra strength.
Last edited on May 13, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2479 - Make Yourself Irresitible
Carve into each candle Aphrodite, Circe and Oshun, one name to each candle and your name and birthday 3 times on each candle. say:
"Please Aphrodite, please Circe, please Oshun. Immerse me in your beauty, intelligence, and charm. Bearing your essence, I am irresistible."
Leave by each candle an offering; a rose for Aphrodite, a dish of honey taste it first for Circe, and a toy lion for Circe. Then draw a bah, smear honey on your body and soak in the warm water, visualize your desired self.
After getting out of the bath, take the Orris Root and Cinnamon Stick and anoint it with either Reoli or Petitgrain essential oil. tie them together with the yellow ribbon and wrap it in the cloth to carry with you as needed.
Last edited on Oct 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2480 - Better Musical Voice
Relax, letting go of all tension you might have. Chant 5x: "My voice needs improvement. Like the moon, it shall shine. My voice will be ten times better. A better voice, be mine!"
Last edited on Oct 15, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.