talk to any roman or greak god. it will help you understand what the god needs you to do.
You may need:
your mind
a friend
You may need:
your mind
a friend
think as hard as you can. and say the following fill in the blank with what god you want
Hello god of ____
will you tell me my deestiny
i will serve you well'
just tell me what i shall do.
Pleas ____ tell what to do
have your friend hold your hands and say this till you here a person call your name.This means that the gods have told you what u have wanted to know.also if you feel u must do something do it. this means the gods have given you a task.
Fill your saucer slightly with some water. On the paper, write the things you most desire (like love or money). Fold up the paper and place it on the saucer in the water. Now put your 7 day candle on the paper and light it. Each night before you sleep, visualize your desires being obtained. On the 7th day, snuff out the candle and dispose of it away from your property.
Visulize the person whom you wish to cast the spell on and say: "(Their name here) Come to me please,where ever you are come to me. Love me please, I love you cant you see? Come at last be with me, this is my will so mote it be.
Say, "Baby, baby, come to me. Let your spirit now roam free. Baby, baby, give me pregnancy. You're so hot, so come to me. Baby, baby, come to me". Throw the rose peddles into the air.
This will hurt the one you cast it on.
Just be careful!
You know it's black magic.
You may need:
A branch from a lemon tree
Some gods tears(rosemary,thyme,green pepper mixed together in a mortar)
A pentacle
Some things that represents the elements.(5 things)
A doll made of cloth ( Cloth ONLY!)
A picture of the target (you can think of him to)
A red,white and blue candle
You may need:
A branch from a lemon tree
Some gods tears(rosemary,thyme,green pepper mixed together in a mortar)
A pentacle
Some things that represents the elements.(5 things)
A doll made of cloth ( Cloth ONLY!)
A picture of the target (you can think of him to)
A red,white and blue candle
Put the the pentacle on the floor / table. Place the things that represents the elements around the pentacles points.
Pour both the gods tears and the lemon tree branch in a glass of water. Place the glass in front of the pentacle. Now, place the doll in the middle of the the pentacle. If you have a picture put it there then. Light the candles and say:
Now, this spell will rise in their power and curse my enemy. So mote it be.
If you don't have a picture you can think of the person instead.
This spell works best during a full moon and is to bring a lover back to you.
You may need:
You may need:
Visualize your lover arriving from afar. Dip the water onto your fingers and then across the photo of your lover while you say, "Sacred water, flow from me. Draw him/her near. As endless rivers run to see. Make his/her path to me clear". Dip your fingers into the water and repeat, "A love that true once here they will find. And know their journey's end. And in their soul and in their mind, now our lives will blend".
#2607 - To get Annoying Brothers or Sisters to Shut Up
Use this to shut your siblings up.
You may need:
You may need:
Say, "My mind and heart cannot hold. Zap them". Zap means when their mouths get stuck and they cannot open it. To wear off the spell, say, "My mind and heart are fine, please give them the power to speak".
This spell will make you feel closer to your friend.You may use this on your family if you lke.
You may need:
1 friend ( or family member).
1 stock of each others hair.
Hand and hand energy.
Must belive.( BOTH OF YOU!)
You may need:
1 friend ( or family member).
1 stock of each others hair.
Hand and hand energy.
Must belive.( BOTH OF YOU!)
1.) Put the stock of hair like a X.
2.) Fold your legs.
3.) Hold hands and focus on your energy.
4.)Chant the following:
Gods and Godesses hear our plea,
As we make our friendship stonger,
Unity us together,
That is all we ask,
So mote it be!
Try chanting it again to make it stronger. Use wand if possible.( when using the wand just place the wand next to the hair.) I did this with my friend and it worked we hang out and talk more then we used to. ( only use this spell if you have done atleast one spell before this one.)
This spell takes someone else's pain and lets you feel it for them.
You may need:
1 white candle
A picture of your friend
You may need:
1 white candle
A picture of your friend
Light the candle, hold the picture and chant, "My good friend (name) is feeling pain. All their pain makes me ashamed. Let me be the one that feels. I'll take their pain, please make it real". Blow out the candle.
Concentrate hard on yourself disappearing. Close your eyes and chant the following this until you feel invisible. Trust me you will feel the energy field around you. "Oh Gods and Goddesses, hear my plea. Make me unseeable to all eyes. Shield me from sight and hide me in clearness. This is my will so mote it be".