While staring into a mirror, chant: "Mirror mirror on the wall. I am the fairest of them all. You don't tell me, I tell you. Everyone will see my beauty through and through. So mote it be"
If using a handheld mirror, chant: "Mirror mirror in my hand. I am the fairest in the land. You don't tell me, I tell you. Everyone will see my beauty through and through. So mote it be"
It will help you awaken the powers in you it is a very easy spell.
You may need:
A note book
A blue pen
You may need:
A note book
A blue pen
Cast on a evening of the moon. take a bath to cleanse and purify your aura then find a place where you cant be disturbed for about half an hour then dress up in some clean and comfortable clothes place the note book on a flat surface fa and close your eyes and sit down near by and close your eyes for a few moments while you take deep relaxing breaths and imagine that you feel and sea a white light surrounding you and filling you with a feeling of peace and happiness.
Then open your eyes and open the first page of the note book and with your pen draw e shape of a angle or square on the page and look into the square while imagining that is a door way and it is opening up and you are stepping through the door. Let your self relax and feel happy and up lift as you imagine that your mind is stepping through the door into a sunny garden that is full of your favorite flowers and plants (you may even see faeries and things you like )and let your self in that enchanted place have fun imagining a while as you say these words
"To the left and right of me above and below me,i awaken the spirit of nature and magic with in me "
When you feel you are ready, let your mind come back through the door and close the note book and say"
"I am a wonderful child of the universe, and so will it be ".
When you finished your spell, you can write the words "My magical diary", or what ever words you like on the front cover and keep this book as your enchanted work book for spells and wishes.
Believe in the spell. Believe it will come true. Use a chant to help increase the power of the spell. Strong concentration, focus and intent will guide your spell. Also be patient and give it time to work.
This is a spell for those friends or people who just won't listen.
You may need:
Group of friends(if they are in the same room as you)
You may need:
Group of friends(if they are in the same room as you)
While thinking of your friends or a group of people, or while in the same room as them chant:
"For the (person/ people) who (listen/listens) but never (hear/hears)... Make them see how it feels to be all ears".
Make someone fall in love with the first person they see, just select a gender and you're done.
You may need:
Your Voice
You may need:
Your Voice
Warning: This is not a spell to make someone fall in love with you. It makes them fall in love with the first person they see, so if you want them to fall in love with you make sure YOU are the FIRST PERSON they see.
CAUTION: Never cast this spell in front of a mirror
Now on with the spell
Simply chant this while facing or pointing at the person you desire to cast this on:
Kisses are lovely
sweet as can be
fall in love with the first boy/girl you see
This I like to call innerflamed spell, but this will cause a fire ANYWHERE, exept on people.
You may need:
A Mat
An eyelash from your eye
A little pinch of your skin
Your Blood (2 drips)
A Firous Flower or red candle
Finger tip
You may need:
A Mat
An eyelash from your eye
A little pinch of your skin
Your Blood (2 drips)
A Firous Flower or red candle
Finger tip
First place the Fireous flower or red candle in the bowl, place the bowl on the mat. Put the eyelash in, put ONE drip of blood on it, too, leaving you with only one more drip of blood. Put the skin in there. Rub the rest of your blood on your finger, then stir the ingredients around 3 times with your finger tip. Then chant this enough times that you think a fire will start:
''I call on day and night,
To start an element fight.
Cause the burning ash to come,
Start a fire, not alot but some.
Elemental war, bring me on,
donnot involve people, or you
will resolve, bring the element
to me, nearest you can go.
Let the fire start, as the
energy drops, then goes.''
I don't know about you, but alot of people seem to get the wrong impression about me. these people hold everything against me.
You may need:
1 cube of ice
1 bowl or plate
a peice of paper
photo of the person
a black pen or marker
You may need:
1 cube of ice
1 bowl or plate
a peice of paper
photo of the person
a black pen or marker
write the full name on the paper in the black pen and place it on the plate with the photo (if you have one. if you don't it doesn't matter)
put the ice cube in the middle and chant.
"I ment your cold, cold heart with angel fire
the truth you'll see, and not the mire
as the ice ments, the truth will appear
pushing away all that you fear
if gossip and lies are at the root of this
this little spell shall not miss
and ten shall expose the liar
angel fire, rise higher and higher."
Chant the last line as long as possible, the more the better.
Let the ice melt into warm water. flush it down the toilet, saying:
"I flush the negitavity away and bring myself a brighter day!"
Put the candles in a triangle large enough for you to fit in it. Focus your chi to your hands,but don't over pulse your heart or it won't work.if about two minutes,a ball will form.