3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Love
- To Find Love
- Summon The Fairies
- Meet a Secret Agent
- Bring All Spirits Under Your Attention
- Bigger Boobs
- Love Me
- Control Relations with Magic or Mind
- Soul Release
- Lilth Seduction Spell
#2731 - Love
Pick up the cinnamon and say: "Scent familliar, love true,bend -------'s heart threefold rule!" Then pick up the string and say: "With this thread I tie this love so true."
Tie the string around the cinnamon three times and state: "It is my will, so shall it be!" keep the cinnamon on your altar with the string still on.
#2732 - To Find Love
On the paper draw a medium sized pentagram with your marker or pen. In the middle of it place the pink/red candle and light it. Then drip the blood on the candle. As you do say this once:
"I call upon the goddess Aphrodite to find me my lover."
Then blow out the candle and then chant loudly:
"Whether he/she be cute or he/she be ugly I plea you find my lover."
If you have any questions or comments please mail me.
#2733 - Summon The Fairies
2. Place the 2 leaves on each side and your ''gift'' infront of the candle. Now imagine you and the fairies foing something.
3. Now chant:
''Fairies of all kind here my call,
Nature fairies, house faries, Let me see you all
Fairies O fairies here me now
Let me hear and see you and your sounds
So mote it be!
(that night you should here voices talking to you so dont have much sound in your room the voices will be the fairies. Now befriend them and you can do anything, talk even play good luck)
#2734 - Meet a Secret Agent
This spell takes some before planning and more than just a little bit of imagination. First you need an egg of Silly Putty. As you mold the Silly Putty, imagine that it is a living creature, next, rub the Silly Putty onto each dollar bill you have in your possession. While you are doing this, chant
"Oh, Silly Putty, exalted Ditto
Help me find the phonies"
The Silly Putty can be used as a talisman to attract Secret Agents. If the green on the dollar bill is taken off by the Silly Putty, put that into a pile. If you find any coins that seem off, like coins that have a chip in the date or bubbles or coins that should have ridges that dont or coins that have ridges that shouldnt, put those in the pile. Also if you have any dollar bills that are odd in any way, like having wrong portraits or odd denominations such as a zero dollar bill, put those in the pile
Next, write a short story explaining your goals. Make the Silly Putty you just handled the star of the story. Give it the name Silly Putty, and have it catch counterfeiters, handle money, or who knows, even have raunchy Secret Agent Sex. If you know any real counterfeiters, add their name, phone number, address, and distinguishing characteristics. Even if you know a person who wants to kill the President, add them in. If you think youve won the medal of honor, put that in too. Be sure to tell how you received it any why you dont have it anymore, you can embellish a little bit and leave parts out if they are too embarrassing, but be warned, you cant fool a Secret Agent. Finish the story by having Silly Putty catch the counterfeiters, presidential assassins, etc. and put them in jail.
Next gather up all the bills and coins that you put in a pile, and write your initials on the suspect notes and coins. Put them in a brown paper bag and put it in your purse. You will need a purse to carry the coins, bus pass, Silly Putty and manuscript in. Next, get changed, put on perfume, your best dress, make up and pumps on. If you havent recently done so, take a shower.
Next, go to the Federal Reserve and try to pick out a Secret Agent in a business suit. Hand him the manuscript and the bag of suspect money. Try to strike up a conversation with him. If he gives you bubble gum, accept it. If he gives you any drugs, make sure theyre legal and the Secret Agent has a badge. He may give you a ride to the Secret Agent Headquarters, make sure he has a badge before you get into the car with him and do whatever he says. Also there are Female Secret Agents, but they are rare and harder to spot.
#2735 - Bring All Spirits Under Your Attention
Take a piece of paper and write down a question you would like to have answered by a spirit. Chant: "Spirits of the West, do your best. Spirits of the East, bring the least. Spirits of the South, pay heed to my mouth. Spirits of the North, you're the fourth".
Now say some stuff to a spirit(s) and they'll answer back an on paper they magically write back when you close your eyes.
#2736 - Bigger Boobs
Basically you think about the blood flow and let your energy spew out your finger tips around your boobs and it'll make them bigger.
#2737 - Love Me
Light the candle and concentrate on the person you want to love you...chant:
"Love me please, I love you cant you see?"
Blow out the candle and when you see the person who you wanted repeat the chant in your head.
#2738 - Control Relations with Magic or Mind
USING MIND(that was)
magic using:
My maya,
(me) and () shall be
(), with each an another!
My maya,
relations between (chris)
and (Sean) shall be (plesant),
with each an another!
There...worked or not msg me
#2739 - Soul Release
First find a quiet place in your mind, and imagine your soul appearing before you. Next imagine it chained by a magical force of hatred, find a way to sever the chains. Do you relax and slip through them, or do you break them with force. When the chains are broken, state the following:
"Champions of light, I call to thee
Release my soul, let it fly free
Break the chains that hold it down
Let it be a beacon to be found."
Your soul shall fele pure and lighter for the next three days.
#2740 - Lilth Seduction Spell
Light the candles and invoke Lilith, saying,
''Lilith, the succubus who seduces everyone into her power, I ask you to help me attract men from this hour.''
Then say the spell when putting on the musk that is synthetic,
Lilith, the goddess of seductive feminine powers, please grant me the powers, to attract the sex in this hour in ease. So mote it be.
Thank Lilith and snuff out the candles, disposing of the rose petals by burying them