Take a piece of paper and write down a question you would like to have answered by a spirit. Chant: "Spirits of the West, do your best. Spirits of the East, bring the least. Spirits of the South, pay heed to my mouth. Spirits of the North, you're the fourth".
Now say some stuff to a spirit(s) and they'll answer back an on paper they magically write back when you close your eyes.
focus on how each others movemments with the relation to be contraled are the same...Imagine or vizulize if you can put them the same way in the realtion they should have...Imagine relation between them as u wannait to be
USING MIND(that was)
magic using:
My maya,
(me) and () shall be
(), with each an another!
My maya,
relations between (chris)
and (Sean) shall be (plesant),
with each an another!
Release your soul from certain bindings like hexes and jinxes.
You may need:
Your mind
You may need:
Your mind
First find a quiet place in your mind, and imagine your soul appearing before you. Next imagine it chained by a magical force of hatred, find a way to sever the chains. Do you relax and slip through them, or do you break them with force. When the chains are broken, state the following:
"Champions of light, I call to thee
Release my soul, let it fly free
Break the chains that hold it down
Let it be a beacon to be found."
Your soul shall fele pure and lighter for the next three days.
Take the glass of water and place it infront of the mirror.
Look through the glass and see yourself in the mirror imagine you standing there when suddenly people come running towards you then say:
"The people oh so quick,
but I feel only like a stick,
one stuck on a branch way too big,
That branch is destiny and its about to change,
Iwish to be famous and become my own destiny."
This spell has sexual content. If you find this content offensive leave this spell. I take no reasponsibility for anything that happens because of this spell.
You may need:
1 rose
1 crystal/quarts that has never had negative energy in it
2 glasses filled halfway with water
moderate ability in energy manipulation
firm will for______ to love you
red candle (optional)
You may need:
1 rose
1 crystal/quarts that has never had negative energy in it
2 glasses filled halfway with water
moderate ability in energy manipulation
firm will for______ to love you
red candle (optional)
Light candle if you have one. be touching the crystal/quarts (you can lie down on it) and preform any sexual act. Transfer the positive energy of the orgasim into the rock. Now take the 1st water glass in your hands and think about your love (an image,why you love him/her, think about the two of you having sex ect.) anr transfer these energys into the water. Do the same thing to the 2nd glass. Now pour all the water over the petals of the rose. Then pull off the 1st petal say:
"_______ notices me pull 2nd petal say,_______is friends with me 3rd petal,_______ likes me 4th,_______ loves me. "
Drop all petals and the crystal/quarts in the remaining glass with water. Set glass in sunlight for 10 min. While its in the sun watch porn or if you cant think positively about your beloved. After 10 min. drink the potion and bury the rosepetals and keep the crystal/quarts in a safe place. (Like a jewlery box)
This spell, may only, be performed on Tuesday nights.
You may need:
A picture of person you desire
A red or pink candle
A pen/pencil
You may need:
A picture of person you desire
A red or pink candle
A pen/pencil
Cast a Circle...
Invoke Venus with this chant:
"Venus, Mighty one of Lust!
I call upon you with your trust
To bring this person to me now
Your fragile trust is your vow!"
Light your candle and chant while visiualizing you and
your desired person doing what you wish.
"(Person's desired name) please come to me
Fufill my desire successfully
I beg of you to come to me
As I will, so mote it be."
Take the picture and write your name and the desired
person's name on the back of it. Kiss the picture,
place it to your heart. Extinguish the candle, and
place picture in your pillow case.
This is how to attract a boy/girl you like or if you already have a boyfriend/girlfriend, it will just, attract.
You may need:
Your Voice
Any Gemstone
A mirror
A candle (**OPTIONAL**)
A DNA fragment of the other person. (Hair, sweat, etc)
3 kinds of tree leaves
Glass (not the cup)
A picture of you
You may need:
Your Voice
Any Gemstone
A mirror
A candle (**OPTIONAL**)
A DNA fragment of the other person. (Hair, sweat, etc)
3 kinds of tree leaves
Glass (not the cup)
A picture of you
What you do, if you have a candle, light it. Or incsense. Who cares...OKAY, take the DNA fragment, and put it on the mirror. It should reflect. Take the picture of you. Kiss the mirror. Let the mirror shine on the two pieces. Place the 3 tree leaves in a 'triangle' around the mirror. Put the gemstone ontop of the DNA and picture, and say this:
"How do we compare
Oh how I should really dare...
The gods and goddesses make power upon thee,
make (name of person) come to me,
love will be enpowered
my beauty/handsomeness will be showered
I mote it be!"