3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Apple Seed Love Spell
- Advaced Love Spell
- Attract the Perfect Lover
- How to attract a new Love
- To Bring Back Lost Love
- Wishing spell
- Becoming Mermaid Spell
- To get Rid of an old Love
- Love passed from the Godesses
- Please wait for Me
#2911 - Apple Seed Love Spell
Pick a time when you know you will not be disturbed. While getting all the things you need together, think of the love you would like to invite into your life.
Light the oil burner and the red and green candles. Place the red rose in front of the burning candles. Hold the Rose Quartz in your hand and as you stare into the candle flame, repeat the Angel Invocation below:
"Archangel Anael I invoke thee on this Venus eve,
to grant me my wish.
I ask for love eternal and true,
may the flame of the candle.
The fragrance of the Rose,
carry it afar and grant me my hearts desire.
So mote it be!"
Thank the Archangel Anael for helping you and leave the candles to burn out. Eat the apple and save the seeds.
Place the rose, the apple seeds, and the rose quartz crystal on a window ledge where they will attract the magic of the moon. The following morning as soon as you wake up, plant the apple seeds in a pot with suitable growing medium.
Look after your seeds in a caring way and as the seedlings begin to grow, love will come into your life. Keep the rose in a vase and when it wilts, dry the petals and keep them in a special place along with your rose quartz as a keepsake of your love spell.
#2912 - Advaced Love Spell
This love spell can be performed at any time. I usually find that the evening is the best. When your mind is clear and open, hold the candle of your favorite color: this represents you. Meditate, then speak aloud all the qualities and energies you are willing to bring to an intimate relationship. Replace that candle on the altar, and pick up the white one. This represents your ideal partner. Speak aloud the essential qualities you desire in a mate, and ask Aphrodite to bring you together in this lifetime.
Now place the two candles in their holders at opposite ends of the altar. Draw a heart on the center with the red chalk, large enough for both candle holders. Each day thereafter, meditate on the perfect loving relationship for a few minutes, and move the two candles an inch close together. If you started on the new moon, then by full moon the candles should be touching in the center of the heart. When they meet, draw two more hearts around the first one, raise energy by singing your favorite love song, and charge the candles.
#2913 - Attract the Perfect Lover
Begin Part 1:
In you bedroom, open your curtains. If it's warm enough, open your windows and let the moonshine and breezes in.
Light some candles around your bedroom and make yourself comfortable on your bed, placing the unlit red candle on your bedside table. Hold the stones in your power hand (the one you write with). Visualize yourself in love; love, given and received, enhancing your life. At this point, put a few drops of the human pheromones behind your ear and on your wrists.
What type of partner do you want to share your days with? What type of relationship do you wish to have? Don't focus on who you want, rather what you want. Honesty, commitment, respect, love. Casting a spell to make someone love you is wrong. It isn't fair, it violates the Wiccan Rede, and it always backfires. Visualizing yourself with love in your life is a wonderful thing. Sharing your life with someone special is something all of us have in common. Actively taking part in its manifestation helps us to be open to the possibility of such love.
On to Part 2:
Charge the three stones with the emotions you generate and your wish to attract love into your life. Set the stones around your red candle. Light your candle and let it burn all the way down. As the candle slowly burns, the energy you charged the stones with is slowly released. Give thanks and close the rite.
#2914 - How to attract a new Love
The spell is best practiced early in the morning, preferably immediately after waking up when your mind is still half in the world of dreams. The night before, gather all your items and either wrap them in the piece of material or place them in the cloth bag and set them close to your bed so that you can easily reach for them.
The moment you wake up, place your treasured item next to you and light the candle. Take your notebook and pen. Close your eyes. Silently repeat the following affirmation several times:
"May I find the love I seek. May the love I seek find me."
Begin to write whatever thoughts come to you. Do not censor yourself. Keep writing until you have to stop and think of something to write. Do not re-read what you have written. Close your notebook and carefully put away your materials. Do this every day for nine days. On the tenth day, burn all of the pages you have written. Gather up the ashes. At dusk, cast the ashes which contain the secret desires of your soul to the universe. Trust that the universe will respond to your call. Repeat this spell once a month until you are satisfied that your true love has felt your desire.
#2915 - To Bring Back Lost Love
''Beautiful Goddess, powerful God, hear my prayer! Lords of fire, burn my desire, times three If it is meant to be, Bring *NAME* back to me.''
Obviously chant the name of the person you want to come back to you. This is known to work as well as scientifically proven pheromones
#2916 - Wishing spell
#2917 - Becoming Mermaid Spell
1. Wear necklace( after doing the spell don't remove it)
2. Touch water
3. Say the spell 10 times:
"Insouciant inclemency
Redoubtable mediocracy
Refutable humanity
Make me what I wish to be...
Witches one and witches all
Give this power to me."
#2918 - To get Rid of an old Love
Think about the person you love and imagine yourself breaking away from them.
Say in a clear voice:
"My red hot love for _______ has now turned blue
I fair thee well I bid adieu
The love for ___________ was like fire
To erase that love is my desire."
#2919 - Love passed from the Godesses
Draw a pentagram on the ground and circle with salt. place the thing holding the water in the middle of pentagram while adding the 2 drops of red coloring and rosemary chant the following:
"I call onto thy From Goddesses I ple,
Bring my Lover Forever close to Me,
For I Love only thy with pure passion and trust,
I desire this Love Forever on end,
So mote it be By three by three."
#2920 - Please wait for Me
This spell will ask a loved one to wait for you in the afterlife and greet you when your time comes, and then you can be together for eternity.
Please be aware this spell will not work if you are not devoted or very very close to this person.
Set the White Candles in a circle, with gaps inbetween the candles.
Place the red Candles in a smaller circle inside the white circle of candles, placing the red candles in the gaps so the red circle is seperate to the white circle.
Place the picture of a loved one in the middle of the circles.
Light the outer circle then the inner circle.
Sit just outside the circle, staring at the picture.
Imagine the person standing in the distance, and hold onto that image as you chant:
"Loved one who was lost,
I ask of you to leave me not,
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me
I beg of you
Wait for me
Wait for me
Wait for me
Leave me not
My love shines so bright,
I miss you every single day,
In every single Way,
Wait for me I pray you."
If while chanting this, the person is coming closer to you, the spell is working and once they are so close you can feel them with you in spirit the spell has worked and the person has accepted your request.
If the persons image does not get closer, keep chanting, with more feeling and volume. ( They are far away, you need to reach them! )
Sometimes if your relationship is not strong enough, the person will move further away and disappear, if this happens, the person has not accepted your request.
Once you have had your answer, blow out the candles in the order you lit them and pack them away.
Keep the picture in somewhere you can see it so the person can watch over you until you meet when your time comes.
- Blessed Be -