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3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 3002 Love Spells
3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3002 Love Spells
  1. Break Ups
  2. Easy Love
  3. Love Spell
  4. To attract [good] luck
  5. Come To Me Love
  6. Morning Dew
  7. Attract a New Person
  8. Mute Silence Spell.
  9. Fireside Lust
  10. Far Away Hearing

#2951 - Break Ups

Want to see someone split up? This spell will do just that.
You may need:

  • 1 black candle
  • 1 bottle crossing oil
  • 1 packet crossing sachet powder
  • 1 packet crossing incense powders
  • 1 packet hotfoot powder
  • 1 packet goofer dust
  • 1 bottle
  • 9 pins
  • 9 needles
  • 9 nails
  • Black dog hair
  • Black cat hair
  • 1 packet devil's shoe strings curio
  • 1 packet devil pod curio
  • 1 packet hyssop herb
  • 2 white offertory candles
  • Personal item
  • Paper
  • Black and red ink
  • Paper
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    You may need:

  • 1 black candle
  • 1 bottle crossing oil
  • 1 packet crossing sachet powder
  • 1 packet crossing incense powders
  • 1 packet hotfoot powder
  • 1 packet goofer dust
  • 1 bottle
  • 9 pins
  • 9 needles
  • 9 nails
  • Black dog hair
  • Black cat hair
  • 1 packet devil's shoe strings curio
  • 1 packet devil pod curio
  • 1 packet hyssop herb
  • 2 white offertory candles
  • Personal item
  • Paper
  • Black and red ink
  • Paper
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    This spell is presented in several degrees of severity, allowing you to choose just how much trouble you want to make. In addition to the items here, you will need something personal from both parties, such as their hair, footprint-dirt, menstrual blood, semen, photos, business card, or the like. The more intimate the better. In addition, you should symbolically write their full names on two pieces of paper 9 times. Use black ink for the one you want to have get away and red ink for the one you want to stay near you. Use black ink for both, if you want both to get away. Whatever item you use, those things, plus the name-papers, will be referred to as "the couple's personal items." Work during the waning of the moon).

    Make the Crossing Incense Powders into cones (use a twist of paper, pack the incense in with your finger,and turn it out of the cone). On the Black Couple Candle carve the couple's full names with the words BREAK UP between their names. Dress the candle with Crossing Oil and sprinkle it with Crossing Powder. For each of the next seven days burn a portion of the incense and one section of the candle. Pinch the candle out between times, never blow it out. During these 7 days, you will work the spell itself.

    The bottle contains 9 Pins, 9 Needles, 9 Rusty Nails, the Hair of a Black Dog, and the Hair of a Black Cat. These are to cause pain, anger, emotional incompatibility, distance,and quarelling between the couple so that they will "fight like cats and dogs" and seek to part from each other. You have 3 types of powders. Each is alleged to produce a certain result. The more you use, the more mischief is believed to result. Hotfoot Powder is to drive someone away.Crossing Powder is to bring about bad luck, trouble, and illness. Goofer Dust is to mess people up seriously, even unto death. Choose 1, 2, or all 3 powders; blend them together if you want.

    Mix the couple's personal items with the powder(s) you have chosen, then put the mix in the bottle with the pins,needles, nails, dog hair, and cat hair; stop up the bottle and bury it under their doorstep. As you do this, pray aloud for their intranquility and break-up in your own words; ask in the name of your God or Saint. If you can't put it under their doorstep, hide it in a hollow tree where they can't find it, or carry it to the nearest graveyard and bury it (praying for the death of their relationship), or carry it to a crossroads and throw it into center of the road (praying for them to travel apart from each other), or throw it into running water (praying to have them both carried out of your life).

    Wrrap up any left-over candle wax, incense, ashes, and unused materials in a piece of black cloth. Secure it with black thread and tie it. Throw it out at a crossroads or bury it in a graveyard.

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    Last edited on Apr 21, 2018
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    #2952 - Easy Love

    A very simple love spell.
    You may need:

  • Your favorite scent
  • A pink candle
  • Something sharp (a pin)
  • Matches
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    You may need:

  • Your favorite scent
  • A pink candle
  • Something sharp (a pin)
  • Matches
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    First carve a heart in your candle with a tack or toothpick, something sharp. Light the candle
    in a window where it will receive moonlight (full moon light is best). Put the scent container in front of the candle and say:

    "Venus, grant me the love that I lack;Through this scent, my mate attract!".

    Let the candle burn out naturally, then carry the scent with you, spraying on a little whenever you are out or may be meeting people. Increase the power of the magic by repeating the invocation as you put on the scent!

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    #2953 - Love Spell

    A common love spell.
    You may need:

  • a red candle
  • a crystal
  • a picture of the person your doing the spell on
  • a picture of yourself
  • a paper clip
  • and a vocal chord
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    You may need:

  • a red candle
  • a crystal
  • a picture of the person your doing the spell on
  • a picture of yourself
  • a paper clip
  • and a vocal chord
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    light the candle

    chant this thre times three (totall of 9 times) 3x3x3

    I call on forces higher then I,
    To awaken the dreams that I hold in inside
    Through this connection that knows my need
    I ask for love's enchantment with all speed.
    May this work for me in the most correct way attracting
    the love I need today....
    I call on thee in perfect love & trust working
    with me sending what’s just...
    Harming none and helping all is how it
    Shall be
    This I make true.

    This spell is bested begun when the moon is waxing, but if you cannot wait that long go ahead and do it. Take a photo of your lover and a photo of yourself. Using a paper clip, hook the photos together so that the faces are on top of each other. The idea is that the person cannot see past your face. Take the photos and place them at the bottom of your underwear drawer. The person should soon write, call, or reappear.

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    #2954 - To attract [good] luck

    this is a simple luck spell
    You may need:

  • drawstring bag
  • two lode stones
  • dried sea horse
  • a horseshoe
  • a clover
  • straberry incense
  • some matches
  • two green candless
  • violet oil
  • holy water
  • a vocal chord
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    You may need:

  • drawstring bag
  • two lode stones
  • dried sea horse
  • a horseshoe
  • a clover
  • straberry incense
  • some matches
  • two green candless
  • violet oil
  • holy water
  • a vocal chord
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    Put the following items in a drawstring bag: two lode stones, a dried sea hores, a horseshoe, and a clover. Burn Strawberry incense. Get two green candles (or which ever symbolizes luck to you) and dress the candles with Voilet oil. Then chant over the bag,

    ''Luck shall come to me by the powers of three, by my will so shall it be!''

    At this point in time you should anoint the bag with holy water and say,

    ''The bag is sealed and this charm is made.''

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    #2955 - Come To Me Love

    This is a simple love spell.
    You may need:

  • A rose-quarts crystal
  • A clear glass filled with purified water
  • An emerald green or pink candle
  • A small bowl
  • A piece of parchment paper
  • Pink or green ink pen
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    You may need:

  • A rose-quarts crystal
  • A clear glass filled with purified water
  • An emerald green or pink candle
  • A small bowl
  • A piece of parchment paper
  • Pink or green ink pen
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    This spell should be performed on a night of the full moon, and can be worked within or without a magick circle. Put the rose-quartz crystal in the glass of purified water and place it outside in view of the full moon for several hours. Carve your name and the name of your intended into the top half of the candle while visualizing an image of your intended. Stand and secure the candle in the bowl so it won’t topple over.

    Write your names on the parchment paper with the pen, encircling it with a symbol of the heart while visualizing your hearts desire being drawn to you. Tear the parchment into small pieces and mix the pieces together visualizing any reluctance on his part being torn away and your meeting and joining together in happiness. Scatter the pieces into the bottom of the bowl all around the candle.

    Retrieve the glass of water from outside and light the candle. Call the Goddess or God to aid your spell, or call other deities such as “Aphrodite” if you wish to be more specific. Build and raise your personal power while visualizing your intent, and infuse the water with your energy saying or chanting something like:

    "My hearts desire I call to thee, Come to me as quick as can be."

    Pour half the water into the candle bowl dribbling it over the parchment paper while visualizing it soaking up your intent. Now drink the rest of the water visualizing your intent being accomplished then release and direct your energy to its goal. Finish your rite with cakes and wine to banish and ground any remnants of energy, then thank the Goddess, God, or other deities for their aid.

    Allow the candle to burn until the water extinguishes its flame. The remaining candle can be saved and re-used, but pour the water and soaked up parchment paper outside onto bare earth allowing the elements to disperse it naturally. Magick is done.

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    #2956 - Morning Dew

    This is a spell to make you beautiful.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    The dew in May has always been the witch's beauty secret. An old Cornish proverb associated with the May solar festival of Beltane says: "The fair maid who, on the first of May, goes to the fields at break of day, and bathes in dew from the hawthorn tree, will ever strong and handsome be."

    On a Thursday evening during a waxing moon, take a small bowl outdoors and place on the grass. Anoint the rim with vanilla or ginseng and make a statement of your desire to enhance your looks. On Friday morning— Venus' day, the planet ruling personal appearance—, use your hands to bathe your face in the collected dew. Bathe other visible parts of your body with any remaining water. Be sure to visualize clearly the outcome you desire as often as you can from the time you first touch the bowl until the spell is done.

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    #2957 - Attract a New Person

    To attract a new person from a unwanted,or/bad relationship. This encompasses: relationships,attractions,or friendships.
    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 pink candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 pink candle
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    In the morning light both candles and say: “Late to bed early to rise. May we go to bed late and wake up early”. Say this 5 times then blow out candles. Next, invite a new person out to lunch, breakfast or dinner.

    If the person accepts:

    For breakfast light the candles before you go, then say “may we see sunrise together” 3 times. For a relationship or for just friends light the candles and say, “this new friend of mine”. For attraction light candles and say “look at me in the morning, so divine” 11 times.

    For lunch light candles before you go and say, “mid-day mid-day afternoon delight. Lover lover turn to me. For us both so mote it be!” 13 times for a relationship. For friends say, “lunch will fill us with warm friendship” 3 times. For attraction say “as the middle of the day is near the person who you want will be very dear” 6 times.

    For dinner and a strong relationship, take candles with you .If going to restaurant write both names on candles, then keep them with you. Later on light each one and say each other’s names aloud or silently in your mind. With the person there or not, proceed to let the candles burn. If at home, cook a dinner and place candles in table center. Do the same for friendship. Light candles alone beforehand and say “alone I was no more” 4 times. For attraction, burn the candles in secret and say, “You to me, what I want shall be”. Say each other’s names out loud. Do this 24 times. After each lighting, proceed to blow out candles.

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    #2958 - Mute Silence Spell.

    This spell makes the person you cast this spell on not talk for one minute.
    You may need:

  • No spell ingredients needed.
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    You may need:

  • No spell ingredients needed.
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    To successfully cast the Mute Silence Spell, you must look at the person first and while you are staring at the person, say: ''From your chin to your toes, a mute silence grows.'' That is all you have to do to cast the spell.

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    #2959 - Fireside Lust

    a spell to make someone want you
    You may need:

  • a red candle
  • thoughts of your intended
  • a pen
  • paper
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    You may need:

  • a red candle
  • thoughts of your intended
  • a pen
  • paper
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    Write your intended's name on the paper. Light the candle. Hold the paper above the candle with a corner touching while chanting the following:

    Let thoughts of (intended’s name) abound
    By this firelight, lust surround
    Their gentle smile and smold’ring gaze
    Make them alluring in all ways
    Make their spirit yearn for mine
    Hunger for me for all time
    Let their body crave just me
    By my words, so mote it be.

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    #2960 - Far Away Hearing

    This is a spell to hear sounds and other things from far away.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Cup your right hand around your right ear and say: "Some sounds are here and some sounds are astray so give me the hearing of far away." To stop the spell, just un-cup your hand and take it off of your ear and shake your head a little.

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    3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters