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2988 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2988 Love Spells
2988 Love Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2988 Love Spells
  1. Sending a Message to a Departed Love
  2. Ice Tray Magic to Transform a Relationship
  3. Sweet Bottle
  4. Spell to Attract a Lover
  5. To Find a Lover
  6. Invocation of the Elements
  7. To Soften a Heart
  8. Kiss Me
  9. Start a Flame in the Heart
  10. Lover's Binding Charm
#2951 - #2960
#2971 - #2980
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#2971 - Sending a Message to a Departed Love

Sending a Message to a Departed Love
You may need:

  • Ink made of Soot and Pink Wine
  • Two Black Candles
  • Paper
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    You may need:

  • Ink made of Soot and Pink Wine
  • Two Black Candles
  • Paper
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    Place paper between the two black candles.

    Write at the top of the letter:

    "Thou who are mourned, see now the nature of this mourning: As thou knowest now my sorrow, so on this paper I affirm it. I write thee my heart here, for thy sight and that we may be bound by such silent words even better than when our words were spoken. Receive this letter, a sign of my commitment not to forget thee nor to cease mourning for thee until my own life shall be ended."

    4. Now write your feelings, emotions, devotion, memories, love, etc.
    5. Fold the paper three times.
    6. Seal with herbs
    7. Burn in a fire.

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    Last edited on Jul 24, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2972 - Ice Tray Magic to Transform a Relationship

    Transform ur relationship.
    You may need:

  • 1 ice tray
  • Water, to fill the ice tray
  • red food coloring
  • Red rose petals- 2 for each compartment of the ice tray
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    You may need:

  • 1 ice tray
  • Water, to fill the ice tray
  • red food coloring
  • Red rose petals- 2 for each compartment of the ice tray
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    Serve your lover a drink over this special ice. Tint the water a light, pretty pink and pour it into the ice tray. Add two rose petals to each compartment while chanting this verse:

    From fluid to solid
    From water to ice
    My relationship is as stable
    As the rose does entice
    What love was before
    Is now twice
    So mote it be!

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    #2973 - Sweet Bottle

    To get someone to think sweet thoughts of you.
    You may need:

  • Jar
  • Popsicle Stick
  • Water
  • Honey
  • Sugar
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    You may need:

  • Jar
  • Popsicle Stick
  • Water
  • Honey
  • Sugar
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    On the popsicle stick write your full name, then on the
    other side write the full name of the other person.
    Fill the jar with water,a tsp. of honey , and a tsp. of
    sugar. Seal up the lid of the jar tight,so,it's contents
    can't spill out.Get a clear picture image of the person
    whose name you written on the oppsite side of your own name.
    shake the jar as you chant 3 to 9 times :

    Thoughts of me,
    you will think,

    Each time you shake the jar the person should think
    sweet thoughts of you.

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    Last edited on Jul 23, 2015
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    #2974 - Spell to Attract a Lover

    Attract a new lover.
    You may need:

  • 1 cup of river/ocean water
  • Powdered Hot Pepper
  • Powdered Rosemary
  • 5 drops of Jasmine Oil
  • Few drops of your Blood
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    You may need:

  • 1 cup of river/ocean water
  • Powdered Hot Pepper
  • Powdered Rosemary
  • 5 drops of Jasmine Oil
  • Few drops of your Blood
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    Mix the ingredients in a bowl never used before.

    Sprinkle the mixture in or near their home, while speaking forth your desire.

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    #2975 - To Find a Lover

    Find yourself a new Lover
    You may need:

  • fire
  • salt
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    You may need:

  • fire
  • salt
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    Every Friday night coming to completion on a full moon Friday night, throw salt on an open fire with your right hand while speaking these words: ''It is not salt I turn to fire , but the heart of the man/woman I seek. Let him have no peace of mind until he come to me''. This spell must be cast three times on each occasion. On the third occasion the wording should be altered slightly to: ''It is not the salt I turn to fire, but the heart of the man/woman I seek. He/she shall have no peace of mind until he/she come to me''. This ends the spell. The person sought usually appears within a few weeks

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    #2976 - Invocation of the Elements

    Used to invoke and attract the elements.
    You may need:

    You may need:


    Chant the following untill you feel it working...
    If it doesn't then most likely you should try later.
    Cast a circle first if you like. It will help.


    "Air, Fire, Water, Earth
    Elements of astral birth
    I call you now; attend to me!
    In the Circle, rightly cast,
    Safe from curse or blast,
    I call you now, attend to me!"

    "From cave and desert, sea and hill
    By wand, blade, and pentacle
    I call you now attend to me!
    This is my will, so mote it be!"

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    #2977 - To Soften a Heart

    The following is a spell that is also likely to be used by teens. This spell soften the heart of the person that is cast on. May be a teacher or a parent or a boss!
    You may need:

  • Red Pen
  • Blue Pen
  • 10 cm x 10 cm paper
  • green leaves
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    You may need:

  • Red Pen
  • Blue Pen
  • 10 cm x 10 cm paper
  • green leaves
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    Write name of person to soften in paper, in capital letters, using blue pen and cross it with a pentacle
    On the other side of the paper write the following words using a red pen and encircle them with a heart:




    Place the leaves on the side with the heart and fold paper four times. Don't let the leaves fall. Place paper on your heart, say:

    "May this gift fill yur heart (name of person to soften)
    and when you are given the chance
    to sentence someone, may you find
    forgiveness and mercy."

    Keep paper near heart for the rest of the day. In the night place paper in a park or your garden.

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    #2978 - Kiss Me

    Get someone to kiss you when you meet.
    You may need:

  • Red lipstick
  • A piece of white paper
  • 1 red candle
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    You may need:

  • Red lipstick
  • A piece of white paper
  • 1 red candle
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    Take a red color lipstick and draw a lip print on a piece of white paper. Now, take a red candle and burn the paper while chanting :

    "Kiss me when we meet, (persons name).
    Greet me with your lips, say you missed me"

    Don’t forget to visualize the person you want to kiss you, and conjure love. Once the candle has burned the paper, scoop up the ashes and bury them outside.

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    #2979 - Start a Flame in the Heart

    A love spell.
    You may need:

  • Parchment paper
  • 1 red candle
  • Love oil
  • A drawing of a heart dripping blood
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    You may need:

  • Parchment paper
  • 1 red candle
  • Love oil
  • A drawing of a heart dripping blood
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    On one of the nights of Venus, take a piece of parchment and draw a heart dripping blood onto it. On the reverse side of the paper, write your name and the name of your lover. You can then anoint a red candle with love oil and place it directly onto the heart that you've drawn on the parchment paper. As you light the candle, chant the following three times:

    "Burn, flame, and light this love
    Bright and shiny as stars above.
    Cause love's heart to beat for me,
    Light our passion for all to see".

    Let the candle burn to ten minutes before you extinguish it. Repeat the spell daily until the candle is consumed.

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    #2980 - Lover's Binding Charm

    To bind a lover.
    You may need:

  • 1 Bottle of Come To Me Oil
  • 1 Nutmeg with Mercury
  • Lodestone: 1 red (male) 1 green (female)
  • A bit of hair from thine own head
  • 1 Red Mojo
  • 2 bottle Dove's Blood Ink
  • A Photograph of thy lover
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    You may need:

  • 1 Bottle of Come To Me Oil
  • 1 Nutmeg with Mercury
  • Lodestone: 1 red (male) 1 green (female)
  • A bit of hair from thine own head
  • 1 Red Mojo
  • 2 bottle Dove's Blood Ink
  • A Photograph of thy lover
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    Scribe both names of yourseld and your lover on the back of the photo. Draw three complete circles around the names. Stuff the photo, the nutmeg, the lodestones, and your hair into the bag and seal tightly shut.

    Anoint the bag with seven drops of the oil, one at a time, and chant:

    "Be bound to me by the powers of Venus.
    Never shall a thing come between us.
    Never a thought of wandering away.
    You are bound to me from this day".

    Speak out this incantation with each of the seven drops of oil placed on the charm bag. That is, seven times in all. Thereafter, anoint the bag each Friday with the same amount of oil and repeat the same incantation with each drop.

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    Last edited on Jul 13, 2015
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    2988 Love Spells from Spell Casters