3002 Love Spells from Spell Casters
- Egyptian Magic Lust and Passion
- Golden Crush
- Fall in Love
- Vampire Blood Potion
- Siren Charm Spell
- Love Drawing Spell
- Truth
- Truth
- Make them Fall in Love
- No Candles Money
#741 - Egyptian Magic Lust and Passion
Cleanse and Consecrate the Candle. Light your candle and do so consciously. Be aware that fire has an affinity with the spiritual realm. Dissolve the Saffron in the water until it turns yellow.
Use the toothpick, dip it in the water and write your name as well as your lovers name on the parchment paper. Put the hairs on top of the parchment paper. Fold the parchment paper twice so that you have a square of 1.5 x 1.5 inches Wrap it into the gauze.
Drop wax on the gauze to keep the gauze wrapped around the parchment paper
While you wrap the parchment paper into the gauze and seal it with wax focus on your wish for your lover to feel strong love, passion and lust for you. Try to build up as much energy as you can.
Once you have communicated your wishes and goals thank Divinity and blow off the candle.
Hide the Talisman in your bedroom until your wish comes true. When what you have called comes to you, be sure to thank Divinity for your good fortune.
Return the Talisman to nature by either burning it, burying or or throwing it into a river, lake or the ocean.
Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#742 - Golden Crush
Meditate for a few minutes before casting spell as to gain concentration. When feeling calm, light the candle and place it in front of you. Focus on the flame and it's movement. Then hold up the belonging or photo of yope crush and imagine the energy vibrating off it, picture your crush's aura surrounding it. Try and place a lock on the aura, as if you know it by heart and could recognize it anywhere and summon it on cite.
Set the object aside and pick up the lipstick and write neatly (or you could try and wrote work a really pretty style) a description of your crush's aura and the way it makes you feel, all the while picturing it in your mind. Then write your crush's name on the back of the paper. Apply the lipstick to your lips a kiss the paper what ever number of times that feels natural. Fold the paper in half then half again, place a drop of vanilla essence on the paper and place it under your pillow. Blow out the candle and put it, along with your crush's belonging/photo on your windowsill in the moonlight. Turn off the lights and go to bed. Before falling asleep whisper
"(Crush's full name) I see you in your golden glory,
The same colour as my lips,
May you forever see me as I see you,
Seal our love with kisses,
For you shall be mine, and you shall love me so,
And I be yours,
So mote it be!"
Repeat this as many times as you kissed the paper and then picture your crush until you fall asleep!
This should work within a few weeks, keep the paper under your pillow until you start to think it's working: signs that it is working is your crush starts talking to you more, compliments you, is shy around you, I'd you used a photo as part of the spell then they might hang out with you in that space where the photo was taken or just hang out there in general. Of course the main sign that it worked is he/she asks you out! When getting rid of paper bury it in a significant place in a relatively deep hole that wouldn't be dug back up!!
Last edited on Aug 04, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#743 - Fall in Love
Sit down in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Visualize you and whoever you have feelings for doing something romantic together, whether it be kissing or having a fancy night out. After you have this in your head, say this in your out loud three times:
''I'm thinking of you.
Think of me too.
Think of my feelings
And you'll feel them, too.''
Last edited on Jan 27, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#744 - Vampire Blood Potion
First it has to be night time, around 9:00-11:30 pm. You can be outside or inside (perferably inside)
1: Draw a circle on the floor or on a large piece of paper, with chalk or red sharpie.
2: Get a small bowl or cup of warm water.
3: Stand inside of the circle and say:
"Oh God of Darkness, grant me my darkest wish. I wish to be a vampire with pearl white skin, retractable fangs, super speed, and everything else a vampire has. I wish to become one with the night, a child of the darkness. This I wish, So Mote It Be!"
4: Prick your thumb with the needle and put three drops of your blood into the cup/ bowl of water.
5: Close your eyes and imagine yourself as a vampire.
6: Believe in the Spell/ potion!!!!!
Last edited on Dec 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#745 - Siren Charm Spell
Lie the charm on a flat surface.
"Muses and goddess of song,
Hear me please.
This object that lies before me.
Fill it with power.
So that I may sing like the sirens below in the deep blue sea.
When I wear it I will sing as beautifully as the sirens.
When I take it off my voice will return back to normal.
This is my wish so note it be."
Last edited on Dec 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#746 - Love Drawing Spell
Light the incense and medite on the sort of lover you want while it burns down.
Set the candles in a line in front of you and light them.
Hold the apple in front of you.
"Bring me a lover; Who will give me; The love I desire; So mote it be."
Eat the apple.
Last edited on Dec 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#747 - Truth
*This human in front of I,
Has her mouth running lies,
She now must tell the truth,
She has been warned, but if she disobeys,
A fiery hell is where she will lay*
I have not personally tried this spell my self, but I will. I have seen it work, and if it doesn't work for you, mail me, and we will figure out the problem
#748 - Truth
Stand in front of the person you wish to tell the truth and then repeat:
"This human in front of I,
Has her mouth running lies,
She now must tell the truth,
She has been warned, but if she disobeys,
A fiery hell is where she will lay"
Last edited on Dec 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#749 - Make them Fall in Love
Take a bowl of water and put in damiana gradenia chamomile honeysuckle and juniper....(the more you put in the stronger the spell).
Note: It must be a full moon and on friday- anyways put both hands into the bowl and then imagine your energy flowing into the bowl and it flowing to them and them falling in love with you...this may not work the first time but keep trying!
Last edited on Jul 15, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#750 - No Candles Money
Wrap magnet with paper and tape. Paint green and leave to dry. Hold and say spell and bring with you where ever you travel
"Mmoney money come to me please grant my plea give me (chose amount frob 1-100 PS add name of currency)."
Last edited on Dec 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.