A simple angel spell that transforms you into an angel permanently.
You may need:
Loud voice; clear voice
Night-time; bed-time
You may need:
Loud voice; clear voice
Night-time; bed-time
Chant this 5 times at night preferably before bed. Concentrate on what you want your wings to be like.
'Angels, angels, from far, far away,take me high in the sky.
Let me be one of you.
Wings of two.
I wish to fly just as high.
I wish for wings as beautiful and as powerful as golden rings.
Take me far, far away.'
Your wings will grow in a weeks time. If you are a chosen angel you will be able to travel to heaven anytime you like. It depends on the person, you will still be an angel either way.
Write your wish on the leaf. Put it under your pillow and sleep on it for three nights. If you dream about it, your wish will come true. IMPORTANT : Bury the leaf if you dont dream about it. If you dont bury it, harm might come to you.
This will turn you in to a mermaid then back to human.
You may need:
6 red candles
2 towels
Bath tub
Warm water
Sea salt
You may need:
6 red candles
2 towels
Bath tub
Warm water
Sea salt
Light the candles around a bath tub. Add warm water, the sea salt. Get the towels and lay them next to the tub. Get into the bath and cover your legs with water. Imagine them becoming a mermaid tail, fusing together. Chant: "A mermaid when wet, a human with dry" as you continue to visualize the change, "I will become a mermaid".
When you want to revert to legs and being a human, just get out of the water.
To call upon the power of the elements to grant your desire.
You may need:
4 pieces of paper
You may need:
4 pieces of paper
Action: Write your desire on the four pieces of paper
Chant: Your desire while you burn, flush, bury and blow away 1 piece of paper for each element
Say: "My goal of (your purpose) is complete. By giving my desire to the elements I have invoked their power to help me materialize (your purpose). May this spell not reverse, or put upon me any curse. This spell is done, with harm to none! As I have said it, so mote it be."
*Note: If you would like to do this spell in a ritual format inside of a cast circle then use the items you put at the cardinal points to burn/burry/flush/blow the pieces of paper.
*Note: You can also write a spell on the paper and then use this spell to increase the original spell's power.
You can live the action in real life from Soul Eater's Weapons like the Death scythe , the two Death pistols , the Enchanted Sword , and the Death Blade.
You may need:
You may need:
Say: "I wish Soul Eater was real so I can fight the Kishins like in Soul Eater" 3 times.
This spell is mostly to make you look like Rapunzel,and will effect mostly on the hair.
You may need:
1 brush
You may need:
1 brush
Brush hair softly to get hair results Try to stay up until midnight to do this step.If you can't,say this chant at noon:
"I am a princess,one in castles I'd truly be,
My name is Rapunzel,and I am She.
So I wish to reveal my long and blonde hair,
And silky skin with green eyes.
I know not to cut it,and I love music and dancing".
Go outside . Think about the person that you hate and why you hate him or her. In your head rewind to the moment you just started to hate that person. When your there, say: dainy Malo civa , maifretomaly, cinert de partyal sunemor . For best effect say it 3 Times.
Ps: I know it sounds weird, but that is witch language.