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2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2354 Luck Spells
2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2354 Luck Spells
  1. Time Travel
  2. Love and Chaos
  3. Create a Spell
  4. Good Luck Spell
  5. Curse Enemies
  6. Become Psychic in 2 Hours
  7. How to become a Bad Luck Charm
  8. Immortality Spell
  9. Merman with Powers
  10. Unfaithful Friend

#2201 - Time Travel

This spell will enable you to travel back in time.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say: "I wish to go back back toward the past." Think of an event in history you would like to witness first-hand.

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    Last edited on Jun 29, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2202 - Love and Chaos

    Brake or make relationships.
    You may need:

  • Black or greenish yellow candle
  • Piece of black yarn at least 12 inches long
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    You may need:

  • Black or greenish yellow candle
  • Piece of black yarn at least 12 inches long
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    At midnight light the candle and take a pin and prick the candle many times over thinking of the couple you wish to break up while you say these words:
    "As I prick this candle, I prick at thee
    Broken hearts unhappy be
    May you part another day
    Soon to go your separate ways"

    Extinguish the candle. Take the candle and break it in half symbolizing and visualizing the splitting of the couple. Then dispose of the two halves in separate trash containers once again visualizing them being completely apart from each other. You may then go about your everyday events.

    At midnight light a candle and tie nine separate knots one inch apart. Each time you tie a knot, do it with anger thinking of how they will hate each other and want to break up! Say these words each time you tie a knot.

    "Take this couple that I see
    Love is gone, unhappy be
    Knots of discord, knots of hate
    Soon to part is their fate
    With this spell I know I've won
    I curse their love to come undone!"

    Take and put it some where in your dresser drawer where you will see it every time you open it. This way every time you see it you can visualize the couple breaking up. When the spell has worked, you may throw it away.

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    #2203 - Create a Spell

    You can make a spell.
    You may need:

  • Wand
  • Pen or pencil
  • Paper
  • 1 White candle
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    You may need:

  • Wand
  • Pen or pencil
  • Paper
  • 1 White candle
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    Light the candle. Write the Sell name, things you need, what it does and the spell on the paper. Then say:

    "This is now a spell mote it be."

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    #2204 - Good Luck Spell

    It will give you good luck for a day.
    You may need:

    You may need:

    Say this chant

    I need some luck, So give it to me, And make this bad luck leave me be.

    I made this spell so im not sure if it will work for you.. But try it and give me feadback.

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    #2205 - Curse Enemies

    Using this spell is risky but always rewarding.
    You may need:

  • One item (such as herbs, lotions, oils, or, for best results, food products) for each letter in the targets name (ex: Sarah: Soda, Apple, Rum, Allspice, and Hot peppers)
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    You may need:

  • One item (such as herbs, lotions, oils, or, for best results, food products) for each letter in the targets name (ex: Sarah: Soda, Apple, Rum, Allspice, and Hot peppers)
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    1. In a pot over medium-high heat, combine all ingredients in the order in which the first letters of the ingredient come in the targets name while chanting their name.
    2. Stir clockwise for 2 min.
    3. Turn off the heat and stir counterclockwise for 2 min.
    4. Pour the potion into a glass bottle. Smell it while chanting:

    "This is the smell of your defeat."

    13 times.

    5. Then, pour some to the north, then south, then east, then west. (it is very important you do this in the correct order) while pouring chant:

    "You are cursed in the north, in the south, in the east, in the west. and for you there is no rest."

    Say that last line as you pour the remaining potion in the center.

    6. It is done.

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    Last edited on Jun 29, 2016
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    #2206 - Become Psychic in 2 Hours

    Well, you get realy I meen realy psychic (si-kick) in 2 hours!
    You may need:

  • Strong and Clear Voice
  • 100% Focused
  • Believe to be Psychic
  • Imagining (GOOD)
  • Purple Candle
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    You may need:

  • Strong and Clear Voice
  • 100% Focused
  • Believe to be Psychic
  • Imagining (GOOD)
  • Purple Candle
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    Okay, first imagine that you have awsome psychic powers you love (si-kick). Now say:

    ''Psychic, Psychic, Come to me.
    Psychic, Psychic, I will be.
    Psychic, Psychic, let it be.
    Psychic, Psychic, tell me what
    it shall be. Psychic, Psychic,
    Psychic, So Mote It Be!

    O yea, light the candle and say that a few more times then 10times. It worx. I developed it!

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    #2207 - How to become a Bad Luck Charm

    Im a bad luck charm, so have any ques? send me a message to my Spells Of Magic or email email: Use my email if you dont have an spells of magic account...
    You may need:

  • 1 Sister
  • 1 Friend (Male)
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    You may need:

  • 1 Sister
  • 1 Friend (Male)
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    First, do any spells that don't work. Do 10 or more of them loudly and clear in front of yuor friend.

    Make His Bike Tire Pop:

    Go on a bike ride and say:

    Bike a hiunah, bike a wess, pop the tire more then less. Make sure your pointing at his tire. You need your sister following along. Your poping his (MALE) tire.

    Make Him Fall In Mud:

    1ST You fall in mud. Imagine that to him.
    Then say:

    Hiction, diction, relouhanictions to loop, make his fat booch fall in the garahhootch! Paraweiirau, slimindaughmelei, make him get sliughed! hahahahahahahahahaha laugh evil at end of this.

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    #2208 - Immortality Spell

    To stay in a certain age and never die.
    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
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    Only do this on a full moon...say this:

    "Planto mihi ago insquequo vicis subsisto."

    (This is in latin) Light the candle and imagine the age you want to stop aging and picture what you want to look like at that age..

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    #2209 - Merman with Powers

    Well, I made this spell. It worx because everyone that has done it got and pain side affects. I developed anyone can use it. It worx. I done it my legs are in pain. You don't get rely bad pain, they jiggle and pound.
    You may need:

  • A Piggy Tail on your risk
  • Smoothed Waterd Hand (Right Hand)
  • Believe
  • Gods Side
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    You may need:

  • A Piggy Tail on your risk
  • Smoothed Waterd Hand (Right Hand)
  • Believe
  • Gods Side
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    Okay, this was made by me, so you will mess up. I you do, you start where you left off at of counting.
    Oh and you must say this 10x or it will not work. This is the way I made the spell, so its more powerful...

    Put on your Piggytail (RISK) You can have a black or white piggytail or your fav. color, not random!

    The Spell To Say:

    All the gods that live in the sea, speak to me. I have a wish to become a merman. As I cast this spell, my legs transform, mermaid dry and mermaid wet. I never grow the legs back, I shall stand be, the power of you. Every god in the world, I wish to be, a merman so happily. I can live on land, because I stand. Oh Jesus and my King, make me a merman forever be. My power of ______ an a tail colored ______. Oh gods that stand, everday I have this tail, never in the mail. So Mote It Be!

    And you always have a tail wet and dry, you get powers. Replace the _____ with the powers and tail color you want....This is not revercible.

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    #2210 - Unfaithful Friend

    Make your unfaithful friends have a difficulty in their relationships.
    You may need:

  • White paper
  • Black ink pen
  • Scissors
  • Lighter
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    You may need:

  • White paper
  • Black ink pen
  • Scissors
  • Lighter
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    Write this spell on the white paper:" As I build up this circle, I want all unfaithful friends to suffer relationship problems as they betrayed one who trusted them. And i call upon the Deities of love to help me perform this spell. For those who have been betrayed, and teach lessons for those who are unfaithful." While chanting draw a circle around it then fold it in half. While folding, chant " As i fold this paper I command all the entities mentioned to cast and perform this spell. " Cut the paper in half burn it and sprinkle the ashes into your garden.

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    2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters