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2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2354 Luck Spells
2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2354 Luck Spells
  1. Family Safety Spell
  2. Cat Curse Spell
  3. Have A Spirit Help You
  4. Acne Hex
  5. Good Book Haul Working
  6. Lottery Spell
  7. luck and prosperity on house + self
  8. Kitsune spell
  9. Binding Spell
  10. Fearless Sigil’ Self-Confidence Spell with Cho Ku Rei
#31 - #40
#51 - #60
#71 - #80
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#51 - Family Safety Spell

The use of herbs to keep you and your family safe.
You may need:

  • Eucalyptus leaves
  • Fennel seeds
  • 1 fern leaf for each member of your family
  • Boiling hot water
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    You may need:

  • Eucalyptus leaves
  • Fennel seeds
  • 1 fern leaf for each member of your family
  • Boiling hot water
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    Step 1: Place 2 cups of the boiling hot water in a bowl

    Step 2: Tear up the Eucalyptus leaves and sprinkle them in the bowl

    Step 3: Place exactly 7 Fennel seeds in the water

    Step 4: Put all the fern leaves in the bowl

    Step 5: Say a prayer to the goddess Soteria

    Step 6: Wait a full moon cycle for your family to be fully protected

    Added to on Mar 23, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #52 - Cat Curse Spell

    Turns the target into a small house cat.
    You may need:

  • A suitable target.
  • Justification.
  • A voice.
  • Imagination.
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    You may need:

  • A suitable target.
  • Justification.
  • A voice.
  • Imagination.
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    To turn target n. into a cat so they don't come back. Just imagine their head talking to the dead and repeat this rhyme to turn them into a cat in time:

    O n. O n., n. n. n. n, be a cat, hear my spell until you have fell, hear my rhyme in every chime, hear my chant until your a cat, hear it until you don't come back, cat's eyes reign, skin aflame, scratching claws, tail and fang, hiss and purr, feline flesh, purr and purr until nothing's left, feel it purr throughout your skin, turning you from within, burning and burning night and day, until your a little pussycat in everyway.

    Added to on Mar 22, 2022
    Last edited on Mar 22, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #53 - Have A Spirit Help You

    Summon a spirit to help you in life.
    You may need:

  • White candle
  • Ice water
  • A firm mind
  • Belief
  • Paper
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    You may need:

  • White candle
  • Ice water
  • A firm mind
  • Belief
  • Paper
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    Step 1: Light the candle

    Step 2: Write down the things you need help with.

    Step 3: Burn the piece of paper with the candle.

    Step 4: Take the ashes from the piece of paper and sprinkle them in the ice water.

    Step 5: Keep your mind focused on summoning a spirit.

    Step 6: Keep believing in yourself and recite this:

    "Come up, rise up,

    time to show up.

    Help me with what I truly need.

    Help me, I will beg and plead.

    Rise up from under,

    bring your thunder.

    This is what I hope to happen.

    Help me with (Put in what you need help with)

    Grant me this wish

    So Mote It Be

    Added to on Mar 18, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #54 - Acne Hex

    Pretty self explanatory, to hex someone w/ acne
    You may need:

  • a piece of paper OR a picture of target
  • coloring utensils
  • gross stuff
  • container
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    You may need:

  • a piece of paper OR a picture of target
  • coloring utensils
  • gross stuff
  • container
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    Step 1: Find a picture of the target, if you don't have one. Get your piece of paper.

    Step 2: With your writing utensils, draw their face w/ as most detail as you can. You don't need to be an artist, just try your best.

    Step 3: Now that you finished your drawing, at the back of the paper write down their name. If you know it, add in their birthday or zodiac

    Step 4: Using your coloring utensils, color in pimples on their. Like red for cystic acne.

    Step 5: Now when you feel done, take the paper and rub the face side on any disgusting surface. For example, places w/ mold, grimy residue, gross oils, on the floor. Visualize the acne forming. Get creative!

    Step 6: Take the now nasty piece of paper and place it in the container. Hide it in a dark place.

    Step 7: Wait.

    General Advice

    Please place protections on yourself before performing. You don't want the hex to stick onto you!

    To reverse the spell, take the piece of paper and burn it. Get rid of the ashes.

    If you have performed this spell, message me and tell me your results. :]

    Added to on Jan 28, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #55 - Good Book Haul Working

    A little luck working to help ensure a good haul.
    You may need:

  • Lenormand book card.
  • Gold flakes in mineral oil (one bottle) or pyrite stone.
  • Selenite tower.
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    You may need:

  • Lenormand book card.
  • Gold flakes in mineral oil (one bottle) or pyrite stone.
  • Selenite tower.
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    Lean the card against the selenite tower. Place the gold flakes or pyrite stone in front of the card to represent an abundant haul. Power the spell using visualization and directing energy. I use the image of a book, visualizing the pages flipping.

    Added to on Jan 20, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #56 - Lottery Spell

    A spell to increase your chance of winning money in the lottery whether that be 1 dollar or the whole pot.
    You may need:

  • A Lottery Ticket
  • An Envelope
  • Mint Leaves
  • Basil Leaves
  • Thyme Leaves
  • A Sum of Money e.g. A few Coins (Optional)
  • A Lighter (Anything that can be used to set fire to things works as well)
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    You may need:

  • A Lottery Ticket
  • An Envelope
  • Mint Leaves
  • Basil Leaves
  • Thyme Leaves
  • A Sum of Money e.g. A few Coins (Optional)
  • A Lighter (Anything that can be used to set fire to things works as well)
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    Get an envelope and put your lottery ticket inside, along with the mint, basil and thyme leaves. Close the envelope and begin to shake the contents inside around whilst imagining the money building up in your lottery ticket.

    When the time feels right, put the envelope down somewhere safe and leave it be until the draw date. Optionally before you leave it be, place a sum of money on top of the envelope or even a money sigil or two if you feel it is needed.

    On the draw date, open up the envelope and remove your lottery ticket. Before you take it in or watch the lottery numbers, burn the contents of the envelope to send all of the intentions gathered in the envelope skyward.

    Added to on Jan 20, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #57 - luck and prosperity on house + self

    Just a quick luck, fortune, prosperity, and money spell for when it's raining.
    You may need:

  • A bowl
  • Coin
  • Rain
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    You may need:

  • A bowl
  • Coin
  • Rain
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    When it's raining put a bowl out and place a coin in the center.

    Wait awhile maybe even a day and then take out the coin. It should still be raining or close to the end of the rain.

    Save the coin and check often on the bowl, leaving it outside.

    When the spell is done there will be a leaf in the center of the bowl.

    Take out the leaf.

    I put the coin and leaf together on my altar but you can put it anywhere as long as they stay together.

    Keep the coin and leaf until the leaf completely turns brown and dries out completely.

    Added to on Dec 25, 2021
    Last edited on Jan 22, 2022
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #58 - Kitsune spell

    This is a spell to turn you into a kitsune but it's not tested Also I found it on the web
    You may need:

  • a mental pic of you as a kitsune
  • voice
  • belief in magic
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    You may need:

  • a mental pic of you as a kitsune
  • voice
  • belief in magic
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    think of what you want your kitsune to look like

    say/think: Oh king of kitsunes please turn me into a kitsune with (1-5 powers) powers and (fur color and list of patterns wanted). My eyes will be (eye color). Please allow me to become one with me true foxy spirit.

    Added to on Dec 10, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #59 - Binding Spell

    To stop someone from committing harm usually performed.
    You may need:

  • . Mirrors
  • . Yarn (black, white, or red are preferred)
  • . Parchment paper
  • . Photograph of the person you are binding
  • . Candle (white or black is best)
  • . Pen
  • . Matches
  • Salt
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    You may need:

  • . Mirrors
  • . Yarn (black, white, or red are preferred)
  • . Parchment paper
  • . Photograph of the person you are binding
  • . Candle (white or black is best)
  • . Pen
  • . Matches
  • Salt
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    Here we go. Write the name of the person you wish to bind on the piece of parchment paper. If you want to stop them from a certain behavior, you can also write that down on the paper. If you have a photo of the person, get that, too. It helps.

    Now place the paper and photo between the two mirrors, with the mirrors facing inward toward each other.

    Wrap the yarn around the mirrors, tying a knot with each pass. As you tie the knot . When you’ve run out of yarn, tie it off.

    Dig a hole. It doesn’t have to be super deep, but it feels good to dig deeper. Again, repeat your intention as you go. Place the mirrors inside the hole with the final knot facing up, and if you want to spit on it, that’s up to you.

    Light the candle, and let the wax spill onto the mirrors/yarn, focusing on your intention, and sealing the negativity within. When the candle burns out, bury it with the mirrors. When the hole is covered, pour a circle of salt around it to trap the bad vibes there. Turn your back on the spot and vow to never return.

    The Spell

    By air and earth, by water and fire, so be you bound, as I desire. By three and nine, your power i bind. By moon and sun, my will be done. Sky and sea keep harm from me. Cord go round, power be bound, light revealed, now be sealed.

    Added to on Dec 03, 2021
    Last edited on Dec 08, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #60 - Fearless Sigil’ Self-Confidence Spell with Cho Ku Rei

    Cho Ku Rei is a very versatile symbol that can cast away anxiety and fear. Use this spell before taking a test, a job interview, or in any other stressful situation. This easy spell is like drawing a sigil in the air. It can boost your self-confidence and is a great addition to anyone’s book of spells.
    You may need:

  • 1 White Candle
  • Finger or Wand ( Wand is best from my experience)
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    You may need:

  • 1 White Candle
  • Finger or Wand ( Wand is best from my experience)
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    Cho-Ku-Rei is a Japanese figure known as the Reiki Power Symbol and it has the ability to increase or expand energy.

    Anyone can cast this simple spell to consecrate and activate the Cho Ku Rei symbol before using it. This candle spell can be considered Wiccan (Eclectic) and works just like an amulet consecration spell.

    The Power Symbol or Cho Ku Rei can be used as a protection talisman. Invoke strength and self-confidence casting this spell.

    How to Cast The Spell:-

    • Light the white candle on your altar. Sit down and relax.
    • Enter your sacred space by casting a circle or simply meditating for a moment.
    • Then Say ,

    "I Bless this Symbol and invoke its powers

    Strength and Protection "

    • Draw the symbol in the air once, using a wand or the index finger of your dominant hand. Start at the top, go downwards and start the spiral at the bottom with a counter clockwise movement.
    • Let the candle burn as you meditate for a few minutes.
    • Whenever you need a boost of confidence or encouragement, draw the symbol in the air in front of you.

    I hope this works for you. Are you new to Witchcraft .Want to know do spell on your own without any mistakes ,you can read about that from below 👇

    Added to on Nov 02, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters