2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- God/Goddess
- Reveal your Heart to me
- Qalilanaan Alqutt Fata
- Human Ice Cube
- Claire Anne Carr Singing
- Trust
- To Become More Ticklish
- Cleansing Elixir
- Knot Hex
- Maran Mantra of Enemies
#621 - God/Goddess
"O god, O goddess, please make me like you! I want to join you and help you. this is my will, so be it!" 5x times.
After chanting that, try to imagine being a god/goddess. Give this spell quite a while, since its a more powerful being.
Last edited on Nov 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#622 - Reveal your Heart to me
1) Light the red candle
2) Draw a heart on the paper with the red or pink lipstick and write the word "Reveal" under the heart
3) Place finger in the center of the heart and say:
"Goddess Aphrodite, please reveal my heart to me, whether it be dream or reality."
4) Hold the paper close enough to the flame of the red candle that the heat burns the paper but doesn't set it on fire.
5) Burn around and inside the heart.
***Be careful as to not set the paper on fire***
6) Blow out the candle.
7) Keep the paper with/near you until the next time you wake up.
Last edited on May 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#623 - Qalilanaan Alqutt Fata
Cut the paper into a tiny heart. Put effort into it, as this is how you repay the person that you borrow a little luck from.
Put the photo in the bottle however you like.
Drop the paper heart in the bottle after the photo, it doesn't matter where or how.
Put the bottle/vase in a spot that means something to you.
Now, leave. Don't think about what you want to happen, or make a wish, just carry on with your day.
You will get one major good outcome, similar to an experience that your person or animal has had. You should put a lot of effort into cutting some more paper hearts, as the person or animal put a lot of effort into that good experience. If you feel guilty about something, than put effort into cutting little hearts again, and drop them in the jar.
Last edited on May 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#624 - Human Ice Cube
Get your paper and pen write the name of the target and write underneath the name what you want happen to them. For eg. I want this person to stop talking all together. Repeat step 1, all your targets you have in mind keep in mind you can have up to 1 - 12.
Cut out the pieces of paper with name and the treatment you want to receive. Then place the piece of paper into a ice cube tray. Then pour the water into the ice cube tray. Then add extra ingredients listed above on the effect you want to send out.
Place the ice cube tray into the freezer. Then let the water to freeze for 24 - 48 hours once the water turns to ice. The effects will begin.
Last edited on Nov 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#625 - Claire Anne Carr Singing
Align the flasks from largest to smallest, then pour the red potion in the smallest flask, then pour the orange essence in the next flask. Then pour the yellow solution into the following flask, then pour the green liquid in the following flask, then pour distilled water blue, finally, pour the purple formula in the final flask.
Then with the potion created, waiting for someone unaware of your real intentions, the unaware dude will drink the potion, then as he walk away, take a deep beath and shout"AZARATH METRION ZINTHOS!" which will activate the spell,so the next time a rock instrumental version of a song from MLP made by Claire Anne Carrstarts playing, the person affected by the spell will automatically recognize the song the rock version belongs to and sing it
Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#626 - Trust
Go outside while the moon is out. Make sure you can see the moon. Sit down. Light your candles. Look at the moon and say:
"Oh moon,
It is you who I call to,
And all the gods and spirits,
It is I who is in need of great friends,
Who trust me in every way.
Please bless (friends FULL names) with trust on me.
So mote it be!"
The trust will come to your friends 1 day after you say the spell.
Last edited on Nov 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#627 - To Become More Ticklish
Take the feather and tickle yourself in up to 5 spots you want to get ticklish in for 5 seconds each, then say this twice and then once in your head:
"Gods and Goddesses, help me please,
For I wish to be tickled by even the lightest breeze.
I would like to be the most ticklish I can be,
Grant me this wish and I will be very happy.
(1st spot), (2nd spot), (3rd spot), and
(4th spot) and (5th spot) I wish to be ticklish by the thinnest hair strand.
Id love to feel sore
From laughing on the floor.
So I would love to be tickled by even a flea,
This is my wish, so mote it be."
Then take the feather again and tickle yourself in all the spots you tickled yourself before for 5 seconds each. It should take about a week or two, more or less, for you to get might not ever be able to become ticklish.
Last edited on Nov 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#628 - Cleansing Elixir
After the elixir is done you will need to charge the crystals again. Mail me any questions :D
Last edited on Jul 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#629 - Knot Hex
First put the bead on the thread and tie two knots on either side of the bead. Then put two beads on the outside of the knots, tie a knot at either end of the beads. Put two more beads on either side of those knots then tie knots on either side.
Light the candle, put the thread beside the candle and chant: "wiil karma te dolor meus , quid feci tibi scire me maledictionem super hoc firmamentum hex donec i tu aufer . Hoc volo ut fiat."
Then burn the ends of the thread with the candle and your done. Make sure when your tying the knots your thinking of your intention, this spell give them instant karma, so make sure you only do the spell of they did something to you.
Last edited on Nov 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#630 - Maran Mantra of Enemies
Refrain from tobacco, alcohol, and so on. Then for 21 days, meditate and chant 108 times for each day:
"om parabramha parmatmane namah
uttpatti sthiti pralay karay
brahma hariray trigunatmane
sarva kautuk nidarshaya
darshan dattatrey nahah
mantra siddhi kurum kuru swaha"
After doing those daily for 21 days, you'll get rid of your enemies and people who are jealous of you.
Last edited on Nov 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.