2354 Luck Spells from Spell Casters
- Wealth and Fortune
- Bad Luck
- Dampen power
- Become A Pokemon
- No Ingredient Wish
- Good Luck
- Wish Spell
- Wizard Spell
- Good Luck
- Dance
#901 - Wealth and Fortune
This spell will only work during certain times of the month. It can work on a new moon, 1st quarter moon, full moon, or 3rd quarter moon only. You will not get good results if it is done before midnight. Best results occur when the spell is done at midnight or within the midnight hour. You'll need to light your candles next to eachother in a dark room. You will also need to think of 3 reasons why the gods/goddesses should grant you with money/fortune and remember that...nothing comes for free. The gods/goddesses may ask you for favors in return.
"Gods and goddesses of wealth and fortune
Grant me with money and give me a portion
All my life I've been poor
But not anymore
I deserve this wish because I am (insert 3 reasons)
I will return your desired favors
So mote it be!"
Say it once only and keep the candles lit until they burn out. That's when the fortune will start to come (the next morning). You will have an amazing day and will start to receive the first parts of your fortunes. The gods/goddesses might ask you for favors. If/when they do you will know it. If you do not complete their favors your fortune may be decreased.
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#902 - Bad Luck
Write the name of the person who's deserved bad luck then use the candle to burn the person name on the paper while chanting:"Near god of the darkness come forth and send me your power of flame to bad luck (say his or her name.)"
Last edited on Aug 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#903 - Dampen power
Pour the salt in your hand. Find your unwanted power and grasp it with your mind. Pull it or push it out of your hands and imagine the salt absorbing it. Dig a small hole in the ground and pour the salt in, remember to put all the salt in the hole. Leave it there and your power shall be dampened.
Last edited on Aug 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#904 - Become A Pokemon
Sit down and imagine the pokemon you wanna become. close your eyes and chant this three times,
"Pokemon Pokemon,
A game series I know,
Id like to become a pokemon
And make my humanity low.
(A pokemon you want)
(A pokemon you want)
God make me (a pokemon you want)."
Afterwards visualize yourself becoming that pokemon. now open your eyes and say
"by the power of 3. Mote it be"
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#905 - No Ingredient Wish
Chant thrice: "What is wrong shall be right, make it happen right tonight, this is my will, so mote it be."
Last edited on Aug 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#906 - Good Luck
This is a good luck spell. It works both for bad and good. But stick with the good.
First off, if you want to cast it onto somebody, move your palm facing them, then visualize your energy/ mana going into them. once you have visualized that keep doing it while you say this as many times as you want.
"I summon the (God/ Entity/ Spirit) of good luck onto (Persons name)"
If you want to do a bad luck one just change the word 'good' to 'bad'.
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#907 - Wish Spell
One single wish i shall break,
One single wish to come true,
I want to see this through,
A wish to you, dear spirits is a promise i will not break.
Burn the paper before saying:
Paper to ash,
Will to air,
My wish is floating all around,
With my energy and that of the spirits,
A mote this wish be true.
Use the feather to fan the ashes around you:
With the feather of a bird,
A will of light heart and pure innocence,
Please let my desire be,
Spirits all across the land hear my plea,
Please let this wish be.
Stand where you are for a few moments, and invision your spell working and that you get your wish. Allow yourself to feel connected to everything around you. And when you feel you have connected with the earth and spirits, tell them thank you.
Please message me your results :)
#908 - Wizard Spell
''Make me a wizard, that's all I ask.
Make me one, with the powers I pass.''
Then, state the powers you want.
And then say how you will use each one.
Then, pray to the god/goddess/religion you believe in, asking them to grant your prayers.
Close the circle, and take a nap.
#909 - Good Luck
Concentrate on what you want to have luck on. For example, you might want to ace a test. Then, still concentrating on what you want to have luck on, point your wand at you and make a circle with it each time you spin around. You have to spin around each time you say the spell. The spell is "Luck be a lady, Lady Luck into me!" Say it as many times as needed.
Last edited on Aug 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#910 - Dance
Just chant 3x
"On party night I'll dance so sweet
Magic make me light on my feet"
Last edited on Aug 13, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.