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2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2350 Luck Spells
2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2350 Luck Spells
  1. Demon's Wrath
  2. Bring Drawings to Life
  3. Five Pointed Death
  4. Sport gear enchantment
  5. Friendship Potion
  6. Avenge a Broken Heart
  7. luck spell for a friend
  8. The Briar Bottle or Bottle of Briars
  9. Draw a Dream Crush
  10. Be Beautiful

#941 - Demon's Wrath

Summons an ancestor in demon form to haunt your victims.
You may need:

  • A Candle (Red works better)
  • Lighter
  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • A drop of blood (Optional)
  • Candle wax (Optional)
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    You may need:

  • A Candle (Red works better)
  • Lighter
  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • A drop of blood (Optional)
  • Candle wax (Optional)
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    This spell will enable a demon to haunt the person of your choice.

    Take the piece of paper and pencil. Write your victim's/enemy's name on the paper. Fold the paper in half (Hamburger style) and draw a pentagram. Light the candle and place the candle on top of the paper and chant (its in wolven language): "alphan secre tahlbahn! Sy Bahn tahl fhee! Corhabal wohlve hetha (HE-TA)"

    (Wolven translation): "I summon thy demon! To haunt ones fateful heart! for they have done wrong to me by choice!"

    Slip the paper out from underneath the candle carefully and open the paper for one second the have the paper meet the candle flame. Then put the flame out by blowing on it. Put the candle out with your blood.

    Pour candle wax on the piece of paper before burning it

    Added to on Feb 22, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #942 - Bring Drawings to Life

    This spell makes a drawing come to life! It's very easy and doesn't need much.
    You may need:

  • Drawing
  • A pencil or pen
  • A yellow candle
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    You may need:

  • Drawing
  • A pencil or pen
  • A yellow candle
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    Your drawing can be of anything. A person or a thing. Take your drawing and your pen/pencil and write the (if it is a person) personality and height of the drawing. It doesn't have to be the size of the drawing. It can be the size you desire.

    Light the candle and keep it on the left side of the drawing. Chant these lines:

    "O, Gods and Goddesses of life
    I would sacrifice myself to you
    Just grant me one wish
    That is
    Make this creation of mine
    Come alive
    Give it eyes to see
    And lungs to breathe
    It's personality as written
    No harm to others
    So mote it be"

    And blow out the candle.

    Added to on Feb 21, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #943 - Five Pointed Death

    This spell is to kill either your foe, or a relative of the foe itself.

    Please note me if it works.
    You may need:

  • Anything to make the spell stronger
  • A black candle
  • In a dark room ( nothing must be lit, but the candle.)
  • A red pen
  • A black pen
  • Stong feelings of hatred towards the victim
  • Imagination of the victim suffering death
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    You may need:

  • Anything to make the spell stronger
  • A black candle
  • In a dark room ( nothing must be lit, but the candle.)
  • A red pen
  • A black pen
  • Stong feelings of hatred towards the victim
  • Imagination of the victim suffering death
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    Sit on the ground and light the candle.

    After that, draw a pentagram on the paper.Use your red pen to write the victim's name in the center of the pentagram.On each point of the pentagram, write each letter of ''DEATH'', in caps.

    So, you have each letter at each point.

    Chant this spell:

    '' Gods and Godesses,

    Hear my plea.

    [ Name of the victim ] made me go insane.

    I want to crush him / her in return.

    This paper shall be ripped into 13 pieces. To resemble his / her body being torn apart.

    Gods and Godesses,

    Mote it be!

    Added to on Feb 19, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #944 - Sport gear enchantment

    To enchant your sports gear and mke you better at the sport.
    You may need:

  • Gear you want to enchant
  • Your voice
  • PSI ball
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Gear you want to enchant
  • Your voice
  • PSI ball
  • Concentration
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    First, get the gear you want to enchant. There is different spells for different gear.
    Cleats/Shoes: make a PSI ball and think about you getting faster and having better handiwork with moving with precision. Now lower the PSI ball over your Cleats/Shoes and chant to following: '' Gear for my feet, hear my plead. Make my moves sweet, and enchant my speed. Quicker and swifter, I will move. My play will be niftier, I'll be on the move. This is my hope, this is my dream. With my own will, so mote it be.'' Say this three times. To benefit the game better, you could repeat this on the same day as the game/practice/usage.
    Gloves( goalie gloves, baseball gloves or catching mitts): once again, create PSI ball and think about your hands moving like lightning and perfectly catching every ball or amazingly swing great. Now lower the PSI ball and say: '' gloves of leather, of fabric and more. You will make me have the perfect score. Catching all balls, making perfect plays. I want to be the best, for every game. On my hands, where you will perfect me. Give me luck and unlock the magick inside me. This is my hope, this is my dream. With my own will, so mote it be.'' Say this three times. To benefit the game better, you could repeat this on the same day as the game/practice/usage.
    If the game does not have any gloves, you can check out my Enchanted Sports Brecelet or for better eye sight and calculation, check out my Enchanted Sports headband. Thanks for reading, and PM me your results!!

    Added to on Feb 18, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #945 - Friendship Potion

    Want to be better friends with someone? Than this is the spell for you!
    You may need:

  • 1 cup of Water
  • 1 lock of your hair
  • 1 lock of other persons hair
  • 6 rose petals
  • Sweet-smelling oil(preferably Lavender scented)
  • Spoon
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    You may need:

  • 1 cup of Water
  • 1 lock of your hair
  • 1 lock of other persons hair
  • 6 rose petals
  • Sweet-smelling oil(preferably Lavender scented)
  • Spoon
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    Pour the oil into the cup of water and mix it with the spoon. Then drop your lock of hair into the water and stir with the spoon while saying, "My friend, my friend. Let them be my friend. We shall laugh and play together, and never ever think rude of each other." Repeat the same chant with the other persons lock of hair. Once done, wash your hands in the cup so that the potion soaks into your hands. The potion will have done its job within a week.

    Added to on Feb 18, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #946 - Avenge a Broken Heart

    A spell to hurt those who hurt you.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "The time is right,
    Your heart is wrong,
    let you soul hear this song.

    On this night may you feel pain,
    Never to see light again.
    Let my sisters dance upon your grave,
    My brothers, bind his fate

    Let this spell travel upon him
    As his did upon my heart.
    May hell have mercy on his soul"

    Added to on Feb 17, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #947 - luck spell for a friend

    someone with no magical ability told me that they had gotten two people to fall in love through a similar process, and I decided to refine it and make a spell. please mail me about your experiences. this spell has worked for me and will work for you if you follow all the directions.
    IMPORTANT: no one can know about the spell. not your favorite stuffed animal. not someone you met on the subway. not me (unless it's finished). and especially not your friend. don't even hint to them that they will have good luck.
    You may need:

  • needle
  • thread
  • luck charm (read spell for charm requirements)
  • friend who you wish to give luck to (must be friend or sibling, no one else)
  • event where friend will need luck
  • clothing that friend hasn't yet worn and will wear to event
  • small amount of friend's bodily fluids (see spell for requirements)
  • ground-up ice or natural snow
  • material that will allow you to hold charm without touching it
  • airtight metal container
  • desire for your friend to have luck
  • belief
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    You may need:

  • needle
  • thread
  • luck charm (read spell for charm requirements)
  • friend who you wish to give luck to (must be friend or sibling, no one else)
  • event where friend will need luck
  • clothing that friend hasn't yet worn and will wear to event
  • small amount of friend's bodily fluids (see spell for requirements)
  • ground-up ice or natural snow
  • material that will allow you to hold charm without touching it
  • airtight metal container
  • desire for your friend to have luck
  • belief
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    part one:

    1.choose a charm, based on the type of luck you want your friend to have. for example, if they are going to prom and you want them to have luck with their crush, you might choose a heart shaped charm. if you want to give your friend general luck, a charm that does not suggest any particular type of luck would work well. the charm should be man-made, and not made or used by you or anyone who has a connection to your friend.
    2. clean it thoroughly. inspect it for stains, chips and broken pieces. if it has any imperfections that aren't part of the design, find a different charm. when you are finished cleaning it, set it aside. use the piece of cloth or plastic and do not let it touch your skin. also clean the container.
    3. fill the container halfway with the snow or ice. keeping the charm in the piece of cloth, hold it up to the window (you must do this part of the spell indoors, during the day) so that it catches the light. hold it in the sunlight and say:

    Charm of prosperity,
    existing in artificiality
    I release thee
    to the mysteries untold

    4. drop the charm into the container and fill it the rest of the way with snow or ice. put the lid on. leave the container outside, completely buried in snow, as far way from any plants, dirt or animal homes as possible. another option if you don't have snow is to bury it in ice in a clean, empty cooler. if you have to, you can put it in the freezer and make sure it doesn't touch any food.

    part two:

    1. bring the container inside. hold it by the lid and bring it to a dark place. there should be no light, natural or artificial. using the tongs, dig around until you've found the charm.
    2. dry the charm. say:

    Charm of prosperity,
    existing in death
    Take up the spirit of
    [friend's full name]
    and aid her/him in [whatever you want your friend to have - love, wealth etc]

    3. put a very small amount of the bodily fluids on the back of the charm. if you can't get a fluid specific to the luck, just use whatever you have.

    bile, vomit, pus - health
    sweat - achievement and desired outcome of something your friend has worked hard on
    tears - resolution of something that has caused your friend grief or suffering
    menstrual blood, placenta, breast milk - fertility
    sexual fluids - romantic or sexual love
    spit - fame, honor, superiority, wealth
    blood - general luck, multiple, other

    you can touch the fluids but remember not to touch the actual charm. leave it, wet side up, until the fluids have dried or congealed.

    4. find a folded and sewn over part in the clothing, such as a cuff or hem. pull out the stitching in the smallest, least damaging way that you can, so that there's a spot the charm can fit into. slip the charm in and sew it up neatly.

    Added to on Feb 17, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #948 - The Briar Bottle or Bottle of Briars

    This spell is to continually drain luck from your desired victim. This is a good spell for revenge on a person who has wronged you. This spell is to be done at midnight on any day of the month that has a waning moon phase.
    You may need:

  • Three briars (thorns) of any plant.
  • The diseased leaf of a rosebush.
  • A black liquid (recommended that the liquid is something nonflammable for your own safety.)
  • A grasshopper of any age.
  • A bottle with a lid or stopper.
  • A black candle.
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    You may need:

  • Three briars (thorns) of any plant.
  • The diseased leaf of a rosebush.
  • A black liquid (recommended that the liquid is something nonflammable for your own safety.)
  • A grasshopper of any age.
  • A bottle with a lid or stopper.
  • A black candle.
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    Before you do anything, it is a good idea to charge your black candle with negative energy to create the desired results.

    While you are preparing your things, place your black liquid over a stovetop to heat it, and light the black candle. Make sure that there is enough of the liquid to fill most of the bottle.

    While your liquid is heating, put the three briars, diseased rose leaf and the grasshopper in the bottle. Once your liquid is ready, gently pour your hot liquid into the bottle, over the other ingredients. It is a good idea to use a funnel to avoid making a mess.

    Like I said before, make sure that you have enough of the liquid to fill most of the bottle, as there has to be enough to kill the grasshopper in the bottle. Whether it be because of the heat or drowning in it.

    Keep the bottle out of sight in a safe place. The hex can be removed at any time by pouring out the contents of the bottle.

    Notes to be aware of:
    The waning moon represents your victims luck decreasing, day by day.
    The black candle is for additional help to achieve your goals by burning negative energy.

    Added to on Feb 15, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #949 - Draw a Dream Crush

    You have this special boy/man who always pops up in your dreams? When you wake you just wish he was real? Well you can make him real! Just follow these simple instructions!
    You may need:

  • Two sheets of paper(one lined and the other white)
  • A red or pink pen
  • A strong love for him
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    You may need:

  • Two sheets of paper(one lined and the other white)
  • A red or pink pen
  • A strong love for him
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    1. At the top of the white paper, write his first,middle and last name

    2.Below his name, write his date of birth, age.

    3. Draw a picture of him. Color it unless you want him to be black and white!!!

    4. Now on the lined paper describe him. Write adjtives about his personality. Is he nice? Is he cute?

    5. At night put the two papers under the rock. If you wake up and the ink is washed away, you will meet him soon. If the ink is still there your spell didn't work out that well or you did somthing wrong.

    Added to on Feb 15, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 02, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #950 - Be Beautiful

    Hi today I will do a beauty spell hope it works for you guys.
    You may need:

  • A flower(any kind)
  • Small mirror
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    You may need:

  • A flower(any kind)
  • Small mirror
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    So wear the flower in your head and look at the mirror then say this 7 times or 10 times you want if you say more it will work:

    "Gods and the Angels please make me beautiful like you I will take the power of beauty so mote it me."

    Added to on Feb 14, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 02, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2350 Luck Spells from Spell Casters