7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 7157 Spiritual Spells
- Find a lost object spell
- Fire element wish spell
- A love spell in nature
- Clearing house of negativity version 4.
- Clearing house of negativity version 3.
- Clearing house of negativity Version 2
- Clearing house of negative energies version 1
- Born Agian
- Protection of the God amulet necklace
- snow and fire power
#1031 - Find a lost object spell
This is a spell I found on Pinterest that I wanted to share.
Say this spell three times while visualizing the thing you lost. Then go look for it. ''Keeper of what dissappears. Hear me now, open your ears. Find for me now what I seek. By moon, sun, earth, air, fire and sea so mote it be!''
I used this spell when I lost my drama folder then ten seconds later someone shouted out that they found my drama folder!
Agoodwitch has been a member of the site for 8 years, since Jul 01, 2016
#1032 - Fire element wish spell
This spell uses the power of the element of fire to help make a wish come true.
You may need:
A bonfire or flame in a fireplace
pen (you can use a certain ink color to represent what you want, I will put a list of color representations)
Black Grounding, wisdom, learning, protection, safety, reversing, uncrossing, unhexing, repelling black magick, banishing negativity, releasing, shapeshifting, defense, scrying, pride
Blue Communication, will power, focus, forgiveness, good fortune, weight loss, truth, fidelity, patience, domestic harmony, organization, removing bad vibrations, sincerity, astral projection, water element
Brown House blessing, animal/pet magick, earth magick, concentration, material goods, stability, locating lost objects, earth element, real estate, construction, food, financial crisis
Copper Business success, passion, money, fertility, career growth
Gold Masculine divinity, great fortune, abundance, prosperity, male energy, understanding, divination, fast luck, solar/sun energy, positive attitude, justice, health, attraction, luxury
Gray Loneliness, glamour, contemplation, removing negative influence
Prosperity, abundance, money, physical & emotional healing, growth, luck, marriage, tree/plant magick, acceptance, weather, counteract envy/greed/jealousy
Indigo Spiritual guidance, psychic ability, stop gossip/lies, dignity, divination, meditation, ambition, overcome depression
Lavender Knowledge, intuition
Light Blue Spirituality, tranquility, peace, protection
Orange Creativity, self-expression, intellectual matters, overcoming addiction, legal matters/justice, joy, business success, ambition, vitality, fun, action, opportunity, celebration, investments
Pink Love, compassion, nurturing, femininity, friendship, romance, partnership, spiritual & emotional healing, protection of children, domestic harmony, self-improvement, maturity
Purple Wisdom, influence, spiritual power, contact with spirits, drive away evil, change luck, independence, government, break habit
Red Passion, vitality, strength, survival, fertility, courage, sexual potency, mercy, action, danger, war, fire element, conflict, sports, independence, assertiveness, competition
Silver Feminine divinity, stability, psychic awareness, intuition, dreams, victory, meditation, communication, moon magick, gambling luck
Violet Spirituality, connection to higher self, Goddess, insight, clarity, tension
White All purpose, unity, purity, cleansing, peace, balance, spirituality, healing, innocence, rain, magick involving young children, truth, consecration, balancing the aura
Pleasure, success, happiness, learning, memory, concentration, persuasion, inspiration, imagination, solar magick, charm, confidence, air element, travel, flexibility
All credits go to themagickalcat.com for this list of color correspondences.
WARNING: with this spell, you must be careful what you wish for. I once did this spell to put death upon someone. It was a big mistake. It only made my enemy sick, but then my dog died. Karma can come back and give you a slap in the face like that if you are not careful. You have been warned!!
metalwitch2 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Oct 07, 2017
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on Oct 17, 2017
Last edited on Jun 12, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Jun 12, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1033 - A love spell in nature
a spell straight from my book of shadows that surely worked.
You may need:
2 acorns which are naturally attached to each other
Incense offerings for the god and goddess
This spell can also be used on your certain someone even if they are already in love with you, it can simply enhance the love.
metalwitch2 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Oct 07, 2017
#1034 - Clearing house of negativity version 4.
This is method 4 of house clearing.
There are 2 ways of doing this method, and it can be done in each room, or at the perimeters of the house. Pour salt either at each corner of one room in the house, all rooms, or just the 4 corners of the house itself. Leave it for at least 3 hours, then vacuum the salt up. You can also just sprinkle some salt and leave it there, but the other way is even more powerful.
metalwitch2 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Oct 07, 2017
#1035 - Clearing house of negativity version 3.
Method 3 of house clearing, however this method is better for a single room possibly.
fill the glass container halfway with salt. put the pennies together in a circle, then fill the glass with water, almost to the top but not completely. This is sometimes best to do with a jar. do not close the container, but leave it out in the open. Do not touch it, or it will mess up its protective energy and you'd have to make another one. Over time the container will begin to look like its made of very beautiful crystal, and is a reminder of how it soaks up the negativity from the area.
metalwitch2 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Oct 07, 2017
#1036 - Clearing house of negativity Version 2
This is method 2 of house clearing.
This method you must be extra careful with since it includes fire. Fill the container past halfway with salt. Pour some rubbing alcohol, not too much where the salt is soaked though. But where it is wet at least. Then light it. Put it in the center of your house, it will soak up all negative energies as the salt burns.
metalwitch2 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Oct 07, 2017
#1037 - Clearing house of negative energies version 1
method 1 of clearing your house and yourself of negative energies and entities.
You may need:
Stick of sage (or sage incense)
bowl with a handful of clay cat litter in it
The cat litter in the bowl helps to snuff out the sage stick when you are done. But the bowl is not needed if you are using incense, you just need an incense holder.
So first, light the sage stick. Make sure plenty of smoke is coming up from it. Sometimes if it is difficult to light, it means there is A LOT of negative energy in the space. But when it smokes, carry the stick around the room, chanting ''Love and peace fill this space, negativity is out of this place'' go into closets too, then go to a window, open it to let the negative energies leave, close it, then trace a banishing pentagram above the window, while saying ''this window is sealed'' go to doors and other windows in the room, saying ''this window/door is sealed.'' repeat in each room in the house, do not skip a spot. When done, go outside and move the smoke around you saying ''only peace and love reside within me, all negative and evil now leaves'' add extra words if you want. Do the same for any family, friends or pets that are there. Then snuff the sage out. Get a container of salt, and put a circle of salt around your house. this is a shield for the home. As you do, chant ''protection I lay upon here'' or anything you feel better suits. When you are done, say ''In the name of the lord and lady, this house is protected, so mote it be!''
metalwitch2 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Oct 07, 2017
#1038 - Born Agian
Saying your with god yahway.
God spare meGod declare me
God aware me
So mote it be x19
Draculines has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Aug 21, 2017
#1039 - Protection of the God amulet necklace
This spell will put the powerful protection of the God onto a sword amulet so you are protected from harm.
You can do this indoors at a sunny window, but it is much better to do this outside. The sun represents male energy (god), as the moon and the earth represent female energy (goddess). When you are outside, kneel before the sun with pendant in hands. Of course, don't look straight up into the sun, but hold the sword pendant to the sun, and say ''almighty father god, consort of the great mother, powerful, loving one, with your rays who give life, warmth, and protection upon the earth. I ask for your protection. I ask you now, bring forth your powers upon this sword. May it offer me mighty protection from negative energies and evil spirits. May it cut away negative thoughts and intentions from myself and others around me. May this sword ward off physical harm as well, and only allow good into my life. Lord of the sun, this sword is powered by your energy. I give you many thanks for your protection'' If you have any questions about the spell, feel free to message me. Blessed be!
metalwitch2 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Oct 07, 2017
#1040 - snow and fire power
ps this is my first spell and it mite not work
draw any type of snowflake on the paper and say this: snow gods and fire gods let me have the power make fire and snow when I want and never have frostbite: side effects hands hurting able to change the weather
nekocatlover has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Oct 13, 2017
7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters