7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- finger clicking spell
- Wild Power Charm
- Invocation of Lycanthrope
- Become Immortal
- One Ring from Lord of the Rings
- Elemental enhancement/protection spell
- Nightly tea ritual
- How to make a blessed necklace Works for me
- Banish Anger and Stress Chant
- Hypno Crazy
#1271 - finger clicking spell
#1272 - Wild Power Charm
Place hyssop, juniper berries (smashed), white Willow bark, and cedar in the bowl or cup of water. Light the three candles in a triangle around the cup or bowl. Once done, release all tension, and say this chant four times:
"One from the land of kings long forgotten.
One from the hearth which still holds the spark.
One from the daylight where two eyes are watching.
One from the twilight to be one with the dark."
After this is said, drip your fingers into the water, and put out one candle. While doing this say this chant:
"Hecate I call thee,
Bless this (object, area).
Witch goddess I beg of you
With every candle undone
Shall the smoke be bound
To your power.
Protect this,
So mote it be."
When the last candle is out,submerge item in water (sprinkle around area), and keep remaining in a secret place. The longer it is left, the stronger the charm. If need be, re submerge or sprinkle water.
Last edited on May 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1273 - Invocation of Lycanthrope
''Lycanthrope, I invoke you.
Lycanthrope, I summon you.
Lycanthrope, I conjure you.
Come forth, Lycanthrope, and manifest yourself.
Turn me into a werewolf like you I ask
Of you. So I can become one with the
Moon Goddesses
Come forth, Lycanthrope, and manifest
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1274 - Become Immortal
Say this 3 times:
"Immortality, come to me.
Immorality, I call you to me.
Make me immortal, a true immortal I ask of thee.
Immortality, enter into me
I ask of thee
So mote it be."
This spell is permanent and irreversible. This spell will increase any magical thing about you tenfold.
Its best if you cast this spell at night with the moon showing at it's fullest ( a full moon)
You can use any ingredient you so desire. The more ingredients and methods of casting this spell is put into this spell the more powerful the effects.
Last edited on Nov 21, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1275 - One Ring from Lord of the Rings
Say this 3 times with the ring in your hand:
"Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie."
This spell is permanent and irreversible.
Last edited on May 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1276 - Elemental enhancement/protection spell
A pentcle is a five pointed star that keeps bad spirits/energy away from you.
First put on your pentcle if you have one.
Second place the candles in the correct spots making a star with you in the middle. Make sure there is enough room for you to be in the middle, the candles ar evenly spaced, and you don't catch on fire.
Place the candles as so:
- White on top
- blue to the right
- yellow to the left
- red to the lower right
- green to the lower left
Now light each candle starting from the white candle down (any order will do but lighting the white candle first gives respect to spirit).
Now sit either criss-cross or on your legs. Make sure you're alone and your mind is clear. You don't have to but while you chant the first line you can make a pentcle with your arm movements if it helps.
Fire, Spirit, Earth, Water, and Air
Free me from any negative energies that try to interfere
Bless my body and my soul
Allow me to have full control
May the elements protect me for all eternity
So I have said it, so it shall be
Now blow out the candles in any order but make sure fire (red) is the second to last or is the last to blow out and spirit (white) is either last or second to last to blow out. It is more respectful to blow out the fire candle second to last and the spirit candle last.
#1277 - Nightly tea ritual
#1278 - How to make a blessed necklace Works for me
''I want this necklace to (thing you want [can also be ''I want
(crush name) to love me'']) and here by I am praying to the god and goddess to bring that to me. This is my will so mote it be!''
Then visualize a light with the color of the theme your wish is in (Love wishes red/pink, luck green, protection gold, and if you want to curse someone you visualize it black.) form into a orb in your chest right at your heart and then go through your dominant handed arm into the necklace. Keep going until you feel like the necklace is full and then visualize a (color of wish themed) glow around it. open your eyes and take a deep breath. Then you can do whatever you want to do with it.
#1279 - Banish Anger and Stress Chant
Within me anger fades away,
with all the pressures of the day.
In its wake the light now blooms,
the Lady's grace fills the room.
Breathing deeply I now heal;
Peace and love are all I feel.
#1280 - Hypno Crazy