7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Summon Animal or Spirit
- Create A Thunderstorm
- Saturn Banishing
- Mother Earth
- Spirit Animal
- Room Glamour
- Banishing Jar
- Become a Witch
- Soundproof a Room
- Protection Witch's Jar
#1761 - Summon Animal or Spirit
Fill the bowl with water, no HP or vinegar. Hold the picture over the water and say 2x:
(The spell on fur/feather/scale, but not fur, say picture.)
Fill the cup with water, no HP or vinegar. Hold the fur/feather/scale bundle over the water, and say 2x:
"Holy gods and goddesses, summon me a (animal/spirit name) from this f/f/s. they will be loyal to me. So by the Power of three, so mote it be."
Pour HP or vinegar on the animal/spirit f/f/s and drop them in the water. Leave over night. keep the f/f/s in a box after that. it cant be farther than 44 miles away.
Last edited on Jun 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1762 - Create A Thunderstorm
Go outside into a clear area. *If you are in a group, join hands and spin as you* Chant:
"Thunder, Thunder,
Lightning, Lightning,
Make A Storm Appear Here."
Chant this many times to achieve the desired affect.
This spell should go into effect immediately, especially if you are chanfing as a group. This will work any time of year but is strongest in summer. Good Luck!
Last edited on Apr 09, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1763 - Saturn Banishing
First, draw the astrological symbol of Saturn on the outside of the envelope in black, the symbol looks like a lowercase n with a cross at the top ans a curve in it's leg (easily found on google images)
Next, put the coffee into the envelope, coffee beans are often used in banishing energies and the color black corresponds to Saturn.
Now place the nails of your middle fingers into the envelope. (The middle finger is the finger in correspondence to Saturn, and having piece of your body there ties the spell to yourself better)
Then place 5 bits of lead into the envelope (lead is the metal represented by Saturn)
Finally seal the envelope, if used, then light the candle in the center of your room, then walk about the area chanting ''I do this to clear my home, my life, and my body of all negativity'', while shaking the pouch.
Keep in mind that after the spell, forgetting about the spell is the best way to make it work. Soon after forgetting, you will see results.
#1764 - Mother Earth
Touch whatever you are about to bless and chant once:
"I thank you mother earth
for sustaining my life and everything its worth
I give you my blessing and my vow
for your soul to rest forever from now
let yourself rest and the earth be free
i give you this spirit, so mote it be."
Last edited on Nov 25, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1765 - Spirit Animal
Close your eyes & breathe deeply. After about 3 seconds, with your eyes still closed, chant 3-4 times:
"Spirit animal i cannot see,
please show thy self to me
spirit animal I cannot hear
please give me words, there is no fear
protect me, guide me whenever & everywhere
be it owl, dolphin, wolf or bear
Doesn't matter what you are
I trust you to watch me from afar
spirit animal I cannot see
I want to see you, so mote it be."
Last edited on Nov 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1766 - Room Glamour
Sit down in the middle of the room cross legged and clear your mind,
Feel the energy from the ground absorb into you and then imagine how you room looks right now then visualise what you want it to look like and the main colour scheme,
Using your energy push it out from you and imagine starting from where you are the room changing when you open your eyes the room should have changed.
This can't be painted over so change it back if you want it painted.
Side effects:
Sore head
A bit weak
Sometimes if you don't have enough energy or are not powerful enough you can be sick for a day or 2
Hope this works for you this 100% real unlike the ones you see that say they will turn you into something or give you wings in 2 days etc.
Last edited on Jun 25, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1767 - Banishing Jar
If you are using a drawing, please write the persons full name (First and last. Middle names are optional.) on the drawing. Also, make sure the drawing actually looks like the person and is not a stick figure with or without hair.
Fold the photo or drawing over once, and secure it with a pin. Drop it into the jar. Repeat the following:
"Sealed with a pin
In my jar, you stay in."
Keep saying the words while you put a few drops of vinegar in the jar, and then a sprinkle of salt. Seal the lid tightly and put the jar in a dark place.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1768 - Become a Witch
1. Sit down outside on a full moon. If there is not a full moon, sitting outside is fine. Sitting inside is fine too, just be sure to have a picture of a full moon.
2. Imagine, while saying the spell, you using your powers. Imagine you being amazingly happy using whatever elements you chose.
3.Say three times:
"Oh spirits of the great witches please listen to my plea. I wish to be one of you so I can fly joyful and free. I wish for the power of (element) and (element). I beg and plea for the power of wonderous flight as well as to wish anything I desire for myself and others. I ask for amazing agility, the strength of 10 men, and entrancing beauty. I plead and pray for my magical power to be heightened so every spell I or others have devised would work. Oh spirits of the great witches I will ask for only one thing more. I ask for you to awaken the power buried so deep inside of me and let me have complete control of it. I thank you and bless you for listening to my calls.
So mote it be."
4. If you are with a friend say it together.
5. Spell works in one week.
Side affects
-Possible vomiting(rare)
-Random power surges(only for the element you chose)
-Witch dreams(such as you flying and/or using your powers
Elements achievable:
List of Hidden powers:
Mind reading
- Precognition
- Healing/Empathy healing
- Telepathy
- Telekinesis
- Retrocognition
- Memory absorption
- Mind control
- Emotion control (love inducement, hatred inducement etc.)
- Psychic shadow
- Empathy
- Dream manipulation
- Inhuman beauty (you do get this but you might get beauty that is even beyond witchs')
- Power bestowal
Abilities gained as a witch:
-Amazing beauty
-Unlimited wishes
-Your hidden power revealed
-The two elements you chose
Good Luck with this.
Last edited on Feb 23, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1769 - Soundproof a Room
1. Be inside the room that yo wish to soundproof, if the room has a door it has to be closed, you don't need to cast a circle or purify the space or anything but if you want to you can
2. Say this incantation to put up the noise barrier:
"Sound stay out,
Sound stay in,
This is where my spell begins."
3. When your ready to take down the barrier say this incantation:
"Sound goes out,
Sound comes in,
This is where my spell ends."
The effects of the spell will happen immediately after you say each incantation.
Last edited on Jun 25, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1770 - Protection Witch's Jar
Place the sharp, metal objects in the jar while chanting:
"Nails, screws, wires, and pins;
Send it back to where from it was sent."
Pour the salt in while chanting:
"Filled up with salt, for purity;
To keep away negativity."
Put the red ribbon in while chanting:
"Into he jar goes the ribbon red;
To protect me, my house, my bed."
Spit in the jar. Then put in the nail clippings while chanting:
"Saliva and some nail clippings;
This jar shall bear all curses for me."
Seal the lid with black wax while chanting:
"Sealed with wax for further protection;
No curses need ever worry my head."
Go outside. Bury the jar far from the home. While you bury it, chant:
"Cursers must bear in mind the rule of three;
This is my will, so mote it be!"
Last edited on Jun 25, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.