7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Embodiment of a Random Sin
- Create Sea Water
- Reveal What Someone Thinks
- Love from the sea
- Better Singing
- Snow Prayer
- God
- Quicksand Protection Bottle
- Fallen Angel Seal
- Rid Your Mind
#2071 - Embodiment of a Random Sin
What should happen:
On the sixth day/night, you should notice that there is a ring of colour around your wrist and the symbols of a sin should be on your hand (small but big enough to read) in the same colour as that band on your wrist. That is the proof you are the human embodiment of that sin. You will be bound to a demon whom - if it wants, and if it deems the time is right - may talk to you, somehow.
Side effects:
The wrist in which the proof will appear becomes itchy every now and then.
Body temperature becomes abnormally high (but you won't be harmed)
Closing your self off from others.
The spell it self:
(Say this once for five nights before you go to bed/go to sleep)
"Master of the hellish yard, satan, I call on thee,
Of the seven deadly sins I would like to be the embodiment of one please,
If thou doth not let this be, I thank you anyway,
For listening to my plea."
Last edited on Nov 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2072 - Create Sea Water
I. Fill a small portion of salt in a container and pour some water into another one. Now focus your attention on the salt and place both hands over it. Now visualize a bubble surrounding it with bright light, filling it with the Oceans energy, then say:
"The blessings of the Ocean shall be upon this creature of salt, and let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth hence from, and let all good enter herein, for without thee man wouldnt have not been made, wherefore I bless thee and invoke thee, that thou mayest aid me."
II. Now read aloud this prayer:
"Bless the Ocean and all that is within me, bless her holy waters and forget not all her love. Who satisfy thy tongue with her salty wisdom, for she knoweth mans thirst for knowledge. Bless the Sea Gods, that personify her strength and beauty, hearkening to her power. Bless me and my kin, that do her pleasures and bless the Ocean in all her works in her domain. May I love her and may she always love me!"
III. When that is done get the vessel of water and sprinkle all the salt into it, while visualizing and doing the same thing as you focus on the Oceans energy and say:
"I exorcise thee, O creature of water, that all of thy impurities and uncleanness be casted out by her who created man by her watery womb, that thou be used for her holy waters and my magical practices, through the mighty power of the Ocean."
IV. Conclude the ritual by giving thanks by saying:
"Mother Ocean, hearken to my prayer and pour your blessings onto me as I give thanks for thy beauty and grace. May my future be bright with your deep, deep love for those who treat you with respect and love and that thine water be used as a replacement for your power for my magical practices. Thank you and So mote it be!"
Last edited on Nov 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2073 - Reveal What Someone Thinks
Cast a circle and light the candle, charging it with your intentions. Light it for truth and for mental illumination. Visualise a clear picture of the person in your mind because it's very important.
Write on a piece of paper I wish that what this person thinks of me be revealed in my dreams.
Fold rosemary or if you're using any other herb in the paper so that it is tightly bound, and then carefully light the paper and put it in the flameproof dish. As it burns, visualise that's person's face again and focus intently on what you want.
Speak the following words:
"With dreamers eyes I seek to see
What this person thinks of me.
Be it good or be it ill
Reveal to me as is my will."
When the rosemary and paper stop burning, snuff out the candle or let it burn out and go to sleep. You will receive the answer to your question in your dreams.
Last edited on Nov 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2074 - Love from the sea
Cut your fabric into two heart shapes and sow them together, heart must be small. Leave a small opening and put in your stuffing, than set it aside. Take a small glass and fill it with saltwater, you really dont need a lot for one pearl,. Put in your pearl and sprinkle the sand over it, it should just be a pinch of sand, smaller than a quarter. Leave the pearl in the saltwater for five days, place the shells around the glass. starting clockwise, touch each shell and think of these,do this every morning (it will put emotions into the pearl)-
First shell on first day- Think of Honesty (yellow)
Second shell on second day- Think of kindness (pink)
Third shell on third day- Think of Happiness (green)
Fourth shell on fourth day- Think of Calmness (blue)
Fifth shell on fifth day- Think of love (red)
*The colors are the feeling strands, do not just think the colors*
On the night of the fifth day, take out the pearl and move the glass out of the center of the shell circle and set the pearl down in the middle instead. Than think of the first color (yellow) as a glowing strand, than think the next one (pink) and imagine the emotion flowing through it. Imagine all the feeling strand flowing together and creating a ball of light, move the light down into your pearl. Now place the pearl into the center of your heart and sow it up the rest of the way. Now you can keep your heart with you whenever you need it, the sea will help you.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2075 - Better Singing
Say this spell 3x only
"This talent that I always wanted
Please let me have it
A beautiful voice that comes to me
Every time I start to sing"
Take 3 deep breaths
Now say this only once
"After 5 minutes of silence from my voice
A new voice comes when I sing notes"
Last edited on Oct 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2076 - Snow Prayer
"Please, Ahone, make it snow!"
Last edited on Apr 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2077 - God
Say 3-5 times day or night: "Gods and Goddesses, hear my plea, i wish to become a god/goddess forever a god of (death,life) i shall become a god instantly, turn me into a god at once, so mote it be." Note: All god spells require white magic if you don't have it god spells won't work that will be the only reason they are not working for you.
Last edited on Oct 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2078 - Quicksand Protection Bottle
1. Fill your bottle with the sand, shells, and any other protective items you may want in there.
2. Fill with water until all of your sand is filled up. A little bit too much is better than not enough.
3. If you have a sigil, write it on the bottle.
4. Place the bottle wherever you see fit. (Carry it with you, put it by your door, etc.)
5. Cleanse your bottle often, as it is absorbing negative energy every day.
Last edited on Nov 29, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2079 - Fallen Angel Seal
"I call upon a demon to be sent up from hell, to make (persons name) one with the demon, I shall become whole with the demon named (demon's name) I shall be it's human half, the seal's color will be (choose a color) please listen to my plea, by the power of three, so mote it be." Note: You should be able to use their powers and ability's if this works and they may take you to hell so don't blame me for what happens to you.
Last edited on Oct 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2080 - Rid Your Mind
Imagine, visualize, see, and feel a ball of white, good, and light energy growing bigger in your mind or brain. Try to forget the thought, just focus on the white energy.
Last edited on Oct 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.