7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Missing Pet
- Call/Declare Familiar
- Help an Addiction Go Away
- Getting a Familiar
- One With Nature
- Your Opponent's Worst Nightmare
- Unnoticeable
- Anti-Anxiety Charm
- Energy
- Speed Hypnosis
#2231 - Missing Pet
''My little ________ has gone astray
I wish for his/her return today
Keep him/her safe from hrm
Return him/her to my waiting arms.''
Wear the gift till the pet returns.
#2232 - Call/Declare Familiar
''The angels/gods grant thee
Power to work with me
To help me in my craft
And keep me safe from evil.''
Burn the gift.
Last edited on Mar 27, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2233 - Help an Addiction Go Away
First get your bowl or cauldron and put water in it. Then get whatever you want to quit. Put it in the bowl or cauldron. Then burn six red candles until they burn out. Take the left over wax that was burned and put it in the bowl or cauldron. At the end prick your finger. At the very end mix the bowl together and say: "Let these things attract me no more for I have given up on them and they have given up on me for I want to kill these beasts like they have killed me inside and out so mote it be." Say those words until the ingredients are mixed together thoroughly.
Last edited on Sep 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2234 - Getting a Familiar
Okay sit down with our pet facing you. They must be facing you otherwise this won't work.
Once their facing you or your holding them(smaller minor animals) put your hands on their neck and rub gently (small animals like snakes hamsters and stuff just stroke along their back) while saying this:
"I ask you my fellow companion
To be my familiar in the times that come
May you be as strong as a dragon
And may we sing this anthem
If you answer yes to my question
Will you be my familiar be?"
Wait for some sign that means yes. (My dog starter licking my face right after I finished) if they have answered yes you may go on. If not nothing else below this will work without their permission. Now you must name them. This is like a Magick name. It is only used in private where no one else except you and the familiar hear it. No one else except you two know it and it has some sort of significant meaning to the both of you. Once you have chosen a name you seem fit say this:
"You have said yes to my question and for that I thank you
Now we may enter the world of Magick together
But not without a name that fits you and me both
I shall call you______!
So mote it be!"
Great you have chosen a name you can now move onto the next step. I chose the name Akari which means the light. And to us that fits because I consider my dog "my miracle" so they have said yes and you have a name. If you want to communicate with them telepathically go on. If not you are done. To speak with them say this:
"Now_____we have a name for you and me
I would like to mash our minds,
So that we are one.
We may talk freely and shut off the connection
At any point in time but your presence shall always be there
Right next to mine
May this happen
So mote it be!"
Good job you may now telepathically speak with your familiar.
Never use the name where anyone other than you two can hear.
The familiar will help you in magick and you may draw energy from them for certain spells. With their permission! Never draw off of your familiar or do things without them giving consent. Good luck with your new companion!
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2235 - One With Nature
Light the candle then relax. Feel the wind within you, at this time you should feel peace.
Let the nature call you into deep sleep.
Last edited on Sep 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2236 - Your Opponent's Worst Nightmare
Find the the place where you plan to cast the spell. Then draw the magick circle in the dirt/or sand. Place the candles around the magick circle. The you take the blood and fill the lines with the blood till you run out or till lines are full. Then chant:
"Malphas latus meum et vocavi te facere iussu . Ego praecipio tibi et in nomine Domini Lucifer XL legiones disperdes inimicos meos singillatim acerbissima modis fieri potest."
Last edited on Sep 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2237 - Unnoticeable
Okay.. Now concentrate on you slowly fading away. Like, almost as if you're not there (You can also imagine that you're not where you are and try to visualize the place without you there).
Try not to make any eye contact. If you do, the spell will broken until they stop looking at you then you'll have to start again.
Something I do when using this spell, is to have your hood up or look at the ground. Also, to keep your focus and concentration on the spell, move a bit slower. Don't draw any attention to yourself.
Some tips on the spell:
-Try to always keep your mind on the spell.
-This spell does NOT make you invisible. It will make you go unnoticed by most people so don't freak out if someone says 'hi' to you.
-Keep a low profile. The less noise you make, the more effective this spell will be.
-Make no eye contact.
I hope this spell is as effective to you as it was to me. Message me if there's any concerns or problems.
Another note: This spell may give you a slight headache. And like any other, you need to believe magic for it to work.
Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2238 - Anti-Anxiety Charm
Light the candle. Open the bottle and add the lapis. Take the paper and write the following in Dragon's blood ink.
"Stop my shaking,
Stop the fear.
Stop the anxiety and make it clear."
Sign your name or personal sigil then draw two pentacles besides your signature. Let it dry, then fold it so that it can fit in the bottle. Fill the bottle with Moon water, and seal the bottle with a cork.
Let the candle burn and when there is enough wax, dip the top of the bottle in the wax and let it cool to seal it shut. Hold it up and say:
"Stop the shaking,
Stop the fear.
Stop the anxiety and make it clear."
Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2239 - Energy
There is a chant for each candle. Each candle represents an element. The green candle can be light green or dark green as can the blue candle. The green candle represents earth (you can use a brown candle for this). The red candle represents fire (orange is optional but not as powerful) The white candle represents air. The blue candle represents water (again it can be light blue or dark blue).
First of all light all the candles and place each down in front of you. Right now focus on the green candle. Stare at it as you continue. Hold both hands above the candle. Chant this 3 times: "Infinite one, I beckon upon you. I summon the earths energy to use at my own advantage. This is my will so mote it be."
Last edited on Sep 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2240 - Speed Hypnosis
First, get 1 friend. grab their arm and say to them,
"Your arm is stiff heavy and powerful, stiff heavy and powerful, I Am going to let go of your arm but your arm will stay stiff heavy and powerful. if you try to put it down it will become more stiff heavy and powerful. Your arm is stiff heavy and powerful, stiff heavy and powerful, stiff heavy and powerful." and keep doing that for a min or 2.
Finally, when they least expect It, tap Thier Forehead and say "sleep."
Last edited on Sep 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.