This spell is a spell that helps you focus all your positive energy to send it into a ring. It gives the ring immortality.
You may need:
6 Red Candles
You may need:
6 Red Candles
Light each candle counter clockwise. Take your ring and chant the fallowing 3 times while holding the jewelry abouve one candle: "Verve omnes viberaunt liibra sentra." After you ar done chant the word "immortality" three times.
Place your desired wand on your pentagram and put as much of you or the universes energy in as you want. Then light the candle and on each end of the wand twirl the wand above the fire as if you were roasting a pig. Once done it should have 2 jet black ends put some salt on the ends and repeat. After that blow out the candle and put the wand above the smoke.
I am not quite happy with the lack of these type of spells (Since I tried one like this and it didn't work) So I decided to make a spell of my own. Tell me if this works for everyone, this spell is the one me and my friend used to summon our Air wolves, Aera and Minerva.
You may need:
(If you are doing this with a friend, use as many as you need, these quantities are for a singular use)
1 Piece of papyrus/unruled thick paper
1 Set of colours/pencils
1 Silver/Gold pen/marker
Enough space and time to take care of this mythological animal.
You may need:
(If you are doing this with a friend, use as many as you need, these quantities are for a singular use)
1 Piece of papyrus/unruled thick paper
1 Set of colours/pencils
1 Silver/Gold pen/marker
Enough space and time to take care of this mythological animal.
Draw a near-perfect sketch of what your wolf will look like. Draw in Wings, Aura, etc. of whatever you want your wolf to look like/have. But keep in mind, it must be realistic and precise, take art lessons or, if you're a natural good drawer like myself, try to make it as high quality as you possibly can. Try to also avoid the obvious mistakes, like a Fire wolf with a Blue Aura, and only drawing the head. When you are finished with your sketch, write its height above it, and its length. Be precise. Then, colour it in according to its magic Element (See Below).
Take a picture of yourself and print it on the same type of paper/papyrus. (NOT the one you used earlier on). Then stick it next to your wolf drawing, and write your height above your picture.
Now, fold your paper/papyrus in half and on it, write its powers, like;
Age:__________ (or you can just write ∞)
After that, get your Silver/Gold pen or marker and draw a pentagram on either side. After that, hold the paper and chant:
(Element) wolf of mine, come to me by egg of
(Element). I summon thee, newborn mythical
Creature, so mote it be!
Lastly, this is where you must put your heart and soul into this spell. Each day/night, at the same time you finished your drawing chant:
O (your religious God), please grant my dream wolf from egg to end!
(Element) wolf of mine, come to me by egg of
(Element). I summon thee, newborn mythical
Creature, so mote it be!
On the third night, you should think of your wolf. You will dream of it with you. That following morning, you should look outside in your garden. If you see a cracked egg, or a hollowed-out egg, it doesn't work for you. If not, and you see a perfect round rock, take it inside, if it looks like yours...
Air-White Egg, Appears in the windiest spot of garden.
Water-Blue Egg, Appears in Pool/Lake/Wettest Spot in your garden.
Fire-Red Egg, Appears in BBQ/Hottest Spot in your garden.
Earth-Green/Rock Egg, Appears in Garden/Greeniest Spot in your garden.
What if an Egg Doesn't Appear After I Dreamt Of My Wolf?
-Wait, and keep on chanting until you can find an egg or two; either cracked or like the following descriptions I mentioned above!
What If My Dream Never Comes?
-Test Your Magic At
and see if you have enough magic to do this spell.
What Should I Feed My Wolf?
-Depends on their power, like Earth might be a veg., Fire eats BBQ meat, Air might like Candy Sprays or lamb, and Water might like Fish. Try 'em all!
Locks doors. Will not work if door is left open or people are invited in.
You may need:
Wand inscribed of your choice
You may need:
Wand inscribed of your choice
Draw your symbol so that the symbol is surrounding the handle. Take your wand and as you draw your symbol with the wand say, "Laventis, hefetitis, contentis, levantis" so that they all rhyme. Then draw this, , آ,֢, , twice while saying, "Lock this door for an eternity, until it is opened by none but me."
Chant:"Gods and Goddesses let me have the power of (say your power.) I plead I (Say anything you want about your power.)" Now get on your knees and bow.
This type of charm is an old one, and is a classic spell to protect your home. It was originally intended as a way to protect against witchcraft, but its a common form of protection magick today.
You may need:
A jar with a tight lid
Pieces of broken glass
Nails or pins (rusty is best)
A pinch or two of dried rosemary and/or rue
You may need:
A jar with a tight lid
Pieces of broken glass
Nails or pins (rusty is best)
A pinch or two of dried rosemary and/or rue
The exact amount of any items will depend a lot on how big a jar you use. Fill the jar with broken glass, rusty nails or other sharp bits of metal. Pieces of broken plates would work ok too. Fill the rest of the jar with vinegar, lemon juice or sour wine. If you want to be really authentic, add a little urine in their too.
Seal the jar tightly, and bury it outside your front door. A witch bottle will protect your house for years.
Blessed be.
This relaxing bath will help bring out your natural psychic abilities, and connect with the energies of the moon. Try to perform this spell during the phase of the new moon if you can. All the spells I post come from my spell book.
You may need:
1 cup coarse sea salt
1/2 cup baking soda
1/4 cup vervain
1/4 cup jasmine flowers
7 drops cypress oil
You may need:
1 cup coarse sea salt
1/2 cup baking soda
1/4 cup vervain
1/4 cup jasmine flowers
7 drops cypress oil
In a bowl, mix together everything but the oil. Pour it into a tub full of hot bathwater, then add the drops of oil to the bath too. You can split the mixture in half for 2 baths if you want, just keep the oil separate.
Get in the tub, and just soak. Careful getting in though, the sea salt will be a bit rough under foot. Let your thoughts float and open up your mind to new ideas and experiences. Stay in the bath until the water gets cold, Blessed be.
These are hung by your bed to encourage a restful sleep and sweet dreams, I use this spell often works every time. Just to be clear all the spells I post are from my spell book.
You may need:
10 Cardamon pods
1 tsp. Salt 15 cloves
1/2oz peppermint
1/2 oz rosemary
dried peel of 1 lemon
white candle
pink candle
You may need:
10 Cardamon pods
1 tsp. Salt 15 cloves
1/2oz peppermint
1/2 oz rosemary
dried peel of 1 lemon
white candle
pink candle
Light a white and pink candle, place them on your work area (kitchen table, counter top).
Crush the cloves, cardamon and salt to a fine powder. Blend with the herbs and put in bags.
As you are making the bags concentrate on peaceful memories and beautiful thoughts.
When you hang the bags by your bed say out loud:
"Sleep be with me peaceful sleep restful sleep,
Let my mind be eased, Let my body be calmed
Wings of darkness, Let the sight of night and dream
be clear, be quiet, Let my troubles drift away and let me dream, blessed be."
Keeps whomever is the target awake for short periods of time.
You may need:
You may need:
As you fall asleep say 2 times: "Although I(or name of target) sleep sound as a dog.
I/he/she wish/s to be awake for an hour more that is plain to see, to be still active like a churning fog. I( name of target) bend my will to grant some sleepless rest, so mote it be."
only say last line on the second time.