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7128 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7128 Spiritual Spells
7128 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7128 Spiritual Spells
  1. The Curse
  2. Mind Control
  3. Increase your Magical Ability
  4. Protection Dust
  5. Love Binding Spell
  6. Apple Banishing
  7. Ritual of Immortality
  8. Kill Anger
  9. Banish Worries and Fears Candle Spell
  10. The Charm Of Making

#2671 - The Curse

This is a spell to put a curse on someone. Make sure you put a protection spells on yourself.
You may need:

  • 1 piece of paper
  • 1 red candle
  • A lighter
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    You may need:

  • 1 piece of paper
  • 1 red candle
  • A lighter
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    Take the lighter and light the candle. Then with the paper write down the person full name. Blow out the candle, and with the ashes, or smoke make a upside down cross on it. Light the candle again. Put it on the paper and can't 3x times

    "I call upon thee to curse ( the person name ). Put a curse on this person whom has caused me trouble. This is my wish so note it be"

    When you are done take the candle and burn the papar with it. Before you do this spell, put a protection spell on your self.

    Added to on Mar 31, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2672 - Mind Control

    A simple spell to read someone's mind.
    You may need:

  • A picture of the person
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    You may need:

  • A picture of the person
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    Look at the picture of the person that you want to control and say this "your mind is mine and I am your master and lord".

    Added to on Mar 30, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2673 - Increase your Magical Ability

    IMPORTANT: this spell is not about magical powers - it is about magical ability and it will help you with creating and performing spells and nothing else. while you need all of the requirements, total belief, focus and visualization are crucial to this spell and all others. do not allow doubt to take over your mind while you perform the spell.
    You may need:

  • for someone with equal or higher magical ability to cast their OWN spell for you
  • an aura-cleansing place (see spell for details)
  • belief
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    You may need:

  • for someone with equal or higher magical ability to cast their OWN spell for you
  • an aura-cleansing place (see spell for details)
  • belief
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    2. find an aura - cleansing place. this is a natural place without any other people. it could be in the middle of a lake. a clearing in the woods. whatever suits you.
    3. you need a spot that is exactly three feet or more away from everything else except the ground. so no large rocks or logs or animal skulls in that area. stand there with your eyes closed. slowly start to relax yourself, but by bit. relax your shoulders, hands, legs, face etc. your spine should be straight, though, like it's holding up the rest of your limp body. you should have good posture and your neck shouldn't be loose. eyes still closed, visualize and feel a warm glow in your torso. do this until you can see and feel it clearly. then imagine it spreading through the rest of you. keep the sensation in your body. you shouldn't lose it when you stop focusing on it.
    4. feel gravity draining out of you. slowly, feel yourself levitate. don't rush, take your time. you must feel like you're actually levitating. maybe you are! but keep your eyes shut or the spell will be ruined. wait until the floating feeling stops on its own. recite the following (it's best not to do it as a prayer to your God but if you can't avoid it or it feels wrong to not, go ahead):

    bring me up
    let me rise

    in harmony
    in ancient works
    in binding truths

    permitte mihi ascendendum
    ascendam igitur, et in tantum
    ascendam ad astra

    5. for the rest of the day, relax. try to avoid new and exciting things.

    Added to on Mar 30, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2674 - Protection Dust

    A dust to spread over doorways.
    You may need:

  • 6-8 acorns
  • Small jar
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    You may need:

  • 6-8 acorns
  • Small jar
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    Crush the acorns into a fine powder and pour into jar. Say:

    "Great goddess please grant me this wish,
    Give this protection from evil
    This is my will so mote it be"

    Let stand in moonlight for 1 hour.

    Added to on Mar 30, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2675 - Love Binding Spell

    This spell is for the one you desire to become bound to your heart and soul. Please be mindful that this spell is powerful, and will require a lot of power to undo.
    You may need:

  • A red or black candle
  • Two pins
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    You may need:

  • A red or black candle
  • Two pins
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    Stick the first pin near the starting of the candle, but not too much. Once you've stuck the first pin in say: 'When this candle burns to the pin, the process of love and desire will begin.'

    Now stick the second pin in the middle of the candle, remember to not go to hard so you don't brake the wax. After putting the second pin in, say: 'When this candle burns to this pin, the process of love and desire will come to a successful completion, and end.'

    Light the candle, and let it burn to the first pin. Now, you must picture with your eyes your lover that you wish to be with, picture what you will do together. For example, you holding hands, you laughing and snuggling together, you kissing passionately, etc.

    While you are picturing this, look into the flame as it moves through the first pin and continues, so must you. Look into the flame and say this:

    'The Goddess of the moon,
    I summon thee.
    By the light of it's rays shine bright on me.
    My wish is for my lover to never leave,
    His will to be bound to mine.
    Only I have the power to brake such a bond,
    Strong as the Universe and as pure as water indeed.
    This is my wish,
    When the flame hits the pin it will come true.
    This is my wish, so mote it be!'

    Let the candle burn down to pin, and let it drop like the first one. Keep a pin with you, it will ensure that it works. Make sure to give the second pin to your lover.

    Added to on Mar 30, 2015
    Last edited on Apr 25, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2676 - Apple Banishing

    For purification, protection and healing you must pursue this spell outside of your property as you're wanting to remove the negativity elsewhere.
    You may need:

  • Apple
  • Salt
  • Earth
  • Shovel, spade or spoon
  • Something which you can engrave onto the apple
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    You may need:

  • Apple
  • Salt
  • Earth
  • Shovel, spade or spoon
  • Something which you can engrave onto the apple
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    Hold the apple in your hand and fuse the thoughts of what you are wishing to banish into the apple. After putting all your intention into the apple, engrave with a sharp object what you are wishing to banish, onto the apple.

    Dig a small hole into the ground ( off of your property) bigger enough for the apple to fit perfectly. Before placing your apple into the ground, pour some salt into the hole (salt is used for purification and protection)

    Then with the soil you used to dig the hole, fit the hole back smoothly and gently pat it flat. Clockwise, pour salt over the place of the hole

    Added to on Mar 29, 2015
    Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2677 - Ritual of Immortality

    Warning this is a very dangerous ritual and has a chance of killer you. You do this at your own risk.
    You may need:

  • Hellsbore flower
  • Lavender
  • Blood of something pure and innocent
  • A black candle
  • 2 red candles
  • 2 white candles
  • Holy water
  • Spider toxin
  • A chalice
  • 6 powerful magic users
  • A sterile knife
  • A lighter or fire spell
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    You may need:

  • Hellsbore flower
  • Lavender
  • Blood of something pure and innocent
  • A black candle
  • 2 red candles
  • 2 white candles
  • Holy water
  • Spider toxin
  • A chalice
  • 6 powerful magic users
  • A sterile knife
  • A lighter or fire spell
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    Get out on a blood moon at draw a pentagram with the point of it south using the blood. Put a black candle on the south point red candles on the east and west points and white candles on the northern points.

    Have one magical person at each point in order of purity (currupt bottom neutral middle, east and west and pure north) with each of them having a chalice filled the potion made with the herbs (in a different section). Light the candles and return to your spot.

    Say this incantation in unison with the other people "As the blood moon rises, we call upon the unholy creatures of the night and princes of the underworld. We call upon you Satan and offer that in return of making us immortal we will serve you and all unholy creatures for eternity and promise to bring you an innocent soul every month until the end of time!"

    Cut your palm with the dagger and drain the blood into the chalice until its half full (be warned you must do this with no hesitance or regret or it will go badly and this applies to all in the ritual.

    Thoroughly mix every ones blood by pouring each others blood in the chalices. Drink the mix and wait 7 days if you die you aren't strong enough for it if you survive you are now immortal and a vampire and immune to sunlight, for as long as you offer innocent souls to Satan every month (or year if you collect them all at the same time).

    Added to on Mar 29, 2015
    Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2678 - Kill Anger

    Kills all old anger/hate that you have.
    If you have a lot of negitave energy, you may need more than one magickal item.
    You may need:

  • imagination
  • magical item to ''steal fire''- like quartz, but it's not necessary.
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    You may need:

  • imagination
  • magical item to ''steal fire''- like quartz, but it's not necessary.
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    First- you have to visualize the negative energy in your head. (I did a demon, but you can do any creature.)
    Second- you need the magick item. Then you have to grip it with a lot of strength- don't worry if you're (disgusting-ish) sweating, know that you're doing good! Third- you need to imagine that there is a black hole within the crystal and is sucking away the demon/energy.
    Fourth-This isn't necessary, but you can 'mentally' laugh at the demon falling away!
    Blessed be )0( Yay!
    Also mail me for if it works, or if you have questions!

    Added to on Mar 28, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2679 - Banish Worries and Fears Candle Spell

    A spell to help lift negative thoughts from your mind and body, allowing yourself to let go of negative thoughts, worries, and fears.
    You may need:

  • 1 Black Candle
  • Tool to inscribe into Candle such as a small pin or knife.
  • Visualization
  • Meditation
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    You may need:

  • 1 Black Candle
  • Tool to inscribe into Candle such as a small pin or knife.
  • Visualization
  • Meditation
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    Take your black candle, it can be any size. The bigger the candle the more you can write onto it. Take something like a small pin or a knife to inscribe into the candle what you wish to get rid of, an example being 'Worried I will lose my love' or 'fear of failing my test', just anything on your mind that worries you. As you're inscribing imagine this thought or fear being pulled out from your mind and being put into the candle. Once you have your candle filled of the thought(s) you wish to get rid of. Sit with the candle and think of all the things you inscribed into it being leg go from your mind. Take as much time as you need to feel free of the thoughts. Once you're done, light the candle and allow it to burn down completely. After the candle has finished burning, if there's any left over wax or wick from the candle, you can discard it and throw it away off your property in which you will never come in contact with it again, but this is optional.

    Added to on Mar 28, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2680 - The Charm Of Making

    Summon the Dragon with The Charm Of Making
    You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    Say a few times in the language you prefer:

    In old Irish: Anàl nathrach, orth' bhàis bethad, do chél dénmha.

    In modern Irish: Anàil nathrach, ortha bhàis is beatha, do chéal déanaimh.

    PHONETIC: Anal nathrah, uthas bethud, do-ol di-enve.

    In English: Serpent's breath, charm of death and life, thy omen of making.

    Note: Don't want stupid or bad things from the Dragon. Be good with Him. I have His approval to add this Charm to the spellbook.

    Added to on Mar 26, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7128 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters