7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Tansha Hail Storm
- Stop Them From Leaving
- Protection Spell
- Protection of Ancient Cairo
- Summon a Blue Fame Fairy
- Super Speed Spell
- Aura Reading Spell
- Give Someone Karma
- Rock Creation
- Mermaid Spell
#2831 - Tansha Hail Storm
This spell is an advance form of psi magic. Instructions are: Aim, Lock on, Shoot.
The spell is activated by unleashing a large amount of psi enegry in to the air around you and sending it far in the sky above you. Once the enegry is in place above you, simply aim it at the location you want in fall on. Radious of the spell us a several meters. You can lock the energy and delay its fall by using a time lock seal.
Once you are ready to release, remove the time lock, aim and let the fall on the targeted area like razor sharp blades. Since its pure psi energy, it will cause no permanent damage. If anything were to be found in the targeted area, it will feed terribly exausted and its movement will slow down a lot.
Last edited on Aug 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2832 - Stop Them From Leaving
Imagine him/her telling you he/she is not leaving anymore and chant;
"Gods and Goddess and spirits around me,
Please listen to me.
(Person's name) and his family is leaving,
I am just a human being.
I beg for your help.
Please make this happen.
This is my will, so mote it be."
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2833 - Protection Spell
Chant 3 times:
"I am scared
Oh goodness of light protect
Me so mote it be."
Last edited on Aug 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2834 - Protection of Ancient Cairo
Chant thrice: "Hathor, Horus, Isis, I beseech thee here and now grant me thy divine protection. This I ask by the power of thee, the power of me and the power of three so mote it be."
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2835 - Summon a Blue Fame Fairy
Put your arm on your nee caps for 1 minute. Get any blue flower petals and burn them. Chant 3 times: "Blue fairy protect me from curses"
And what ever else you want if your soul Is good it will grant a wish. But with this wish is price in your afterlife you will play a game as a ghost. If you scare somone even by accident you go to hell. If you manage to complete the game you will go heaven
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2836 - Super Speed Spell
This spell is deceptively simple purely say:
"Give me the super speed I need."
(then imagine you running super fast)
I know this sounds dodgy but I wouldn't post this if it didn't work.
Considering its simplicity it may not work after the first 54 castings.
One thing you need to know is the spell starts when you begin running and stops when you stop.
Lastly though this is tested message me your results so I can fine tune my spells.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2837 - Aura Reading Spell
First of all, what exactly is an aura? It's an electromagnetic field that surrounds all living things.
They can be seen as well as felt, or sensed.
Auras can reveal a person's emotional well being as well as physical state.
There's no one method to seeing auras, the method given below is my personal way.
First there's the background.
Some sources say that when reading an aura it's best to have a very dark black or red
background, other's say to a white one. I've tried both and found that for me darker is much
easier. Next, the aura is generally strongest around a person's head, but it you don't have
another person to try this with, your own hand will work fine.
Pick a point just beyond your hand and let your eye unfocused (it's very similar to the way you
view a 'magic eye' picture for those of you who know what that is). Eventually a thin white
band will come into view. This is the first layer of the aura. Once you're able to view the
white band, fix your gaze a little ways beyond it. Eventually a colored(s) band will
come into view. Note, this stage is much harder to see, after a ton of practice I still
can't see it every time. Each color has a meaning which is posted below.
Red: Energy, strength, courage
Brick Red: Anger
Deep Red: Sensuality
Crimson: Loyalty
Pink: Cheerfulness ,optimism
Rose: Self love
Orange: Joy, vitality, balance of mental & physical
Yellow: Wisdom, creativity, spiritual
Grayish Yellow: Fear
Green: Ingenuity, compassion ,growth
Pale Green: Healing power
Grayish: Pessimism, envy
Blue: Spiritual, idealistic, imaginative, intellectual
Grayish Bluee: Melancholy
Ice Blue: Intellectual
Purple: Spiritual power
Last edited on Aug 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2838 - Give Someone Karma
On the paper write the persons name with the pen. Crumble the paper and think of all the hatred you have for the person. Stab the paper a lot with pins. Put the paper in the water then chant
"Dear sprirts of darkness hear me now in which I want to return pain to (name) let them. Hear me in which I want them hurt hate hate all I have is hate towards them. Please let them have karma"
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2839 - Rock Creation
Gather the ingredients necessary for the spell. Create a circle around your ingredients with stones with enough room for you to stand in it. Take the stone you would like to use for the psi stone
Recite this chant: "Within this circle of stones, the (insert mineral name here) in my hand shall become magical. This stone shall be used as I see fit. Let it be know, that on this (insert time of day) the stone in my hand is enchanted!"
Move the stone close to your lips and say: "The gentle wisps of my breath shall imbue this stone with Air". Drop the stone in the water and say: "The ripples in this water shall imbue this stone with Water". Stick the stone in the soil of the plant and say: "The new life growing shall imbue this stone with Earth". Put the stone into the lit candle and say: "The warmth of the flame imbues this stone with Fire"
Remember to charge it with this same ritual every few spells you do with it.
Last edited on Aug 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2840 - Mermaid Spell
Get in water and put you symbol on and say:
"Mermaids and merman of the sea make me what i wish to be a Mermaid/merman
With the tail color (your color) and the powers of controling, freezing and heating water is what I feel to have. A human when dry a mermaid/merman when wet. I will get my powers and tail in five hours. This spell can never fail this is what I wish to be so mote it be, so mote it be."
Do not say this while dry and dont look at the full moon cause who know what will happen without you knowing. Side effects legs itching, legs tingling, craving salt, craving water.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.