7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Spell to Build Confidence / Self-empowerment
- Make A TV Character Real
- PSI Ball
- Protection Against Dark Spirits
- To Grow Wings
- Turn You Into a Fairy in 1 Hour
- Spirit Summoning
- Simple Herbal Protection Spell
- Soul Binding
- Eternal Bond
#2891 - Spell to Build Confidence / Self-empowerment
Stand comfortably with feet apart.
Start to visualize a circle of fire around you on the floor. As the music starts to build, let the fire climb and build around you until it is over your head, and you are enclosed in an orb / bubble of fire.
Stretch out your arms and touch the wall of your ball of fire - now allow the fire to move across onto your hands and slowly cover your body. It is at this point you can start to chant, ''I am Fire''. Really feel this, feel as if you are one with the fire.. Feel the confidence, the passion, the courage, the warmth, the vibrancy! Allow yourself to really soak it in!... Hopefully it is at this point that the music peaks and you have worked your feelings up too.
Normally when I do this exercise, I really allow myself to absorb the fire, and take it into my very being. At the same time I envision all the things that a fire is to me - passion, courage, raw energy, confident, unyielding...And I see myself becoming these things. This spell has helped me a lot! :)
Hope you can benefit from it too.
#2892 - Make A TV Character Real
When you are in a quiet room with the show or movie playing say: "Oh the one and only god please make ( tv characters name)come out of the tv. I want to hangout with them so mote it be" 10x
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2893 - PSI Ball
Firstly sit straight backed with your legs crossed.Next imagine your blood, energy flowing through your veins from your core. Slowly bring your hands up as if you are holding a ball already. Next imagine the energy and blood forming a ball between your hands.
You may experience numbness or dizziness, definitely nausea. Do not worry because it will pass.
Next hold your hands up to the sky and release the ball. Now you will feel weak but gradually feel stronger than ever.Your adrenalism will start to pump and you will want to release all your stamina, you can charge around and not get tired but the morning after you will be normal again.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2894 - Protection Against Dark Spirits
You might want to do this on a flat surface.
Firstly, sprinkle the salt, making sure it has formed a circle, onto the surface. If you're using a candle, place it in the centre. Using your herbs make a larger circle around the salt. Following this chant:
"Gods and Goddesses, protect me from thy spirit that haunts me. Make sure my blood does not change to insanity. So mote be it."
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2895 - To Grow Wings
Wing Spell:
"I ask for a set of wings so I can soar,
A pair of wings to fly forever more,
Wings so big to fly so high,
Wings that shall carry me through the sky,
No longer shall I be bound to this earth,
When the element of air shows it's worth,
By the elements and their grace,
No longer shall I be bound to this dirt ridden place,
My wings shall be the color of *(earthen brown,
Never shall I wear a frown)
(The darkest black, to carry me in the sky without slack)
(The purest white, to help guide me through the night)
(An ashen gray, that shall carry me through every fray)
My wingspan shall be big enough to let me fly,
My wings of feathery grace,
Allow me to leave this place,
My wings shall come to me physically on the day of (day you want them)
That is my will, so mote it be."
Last edited on Jul 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2896 - Turn You Into a Fairy in 1 Hour
Gather the things that you need for your power. Turn off the light in your room. Make sure you are alone.Sit while holding the things for your power. Put glitter powder on the things. Don't put too much. Read this 3 times
"God and goddess of the earth,
I am here to make a wish,
My name is (your name).
So I hope you hear it.
My biggest wish to be a fairy
With a (type of wings) wings.
And a radiant face, shimmering hair and an inner power
My element should be (ice, garden, water)
With special powers to (special power)
And my wings colours should be (color)
This is my so mote it be
My wings should appear in one hour
As I say 'dissappear my wings',
My wings should go
And once I say,'come back my wings',
They will come
And in the count of three
Let me be free
With the wings and power should I be"
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2897 - Spirit Summoning
"Spirit hear me I know you are here, show your self".Concentrate as you cast and invision a friendly spirit apearing.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2898 - Simple Herbal Protection Spell
(Warning! This spell may not be strong enough to keep out a poltergeist or a demon, but it will heavily weaken the poltergeist.)
Get your pot and fill it with about 1 cup of water.
Combine mixture and water
Let the water boil for at least 3 minutes, then go outside and say, with energy:
''May this household be protected by the energies of this spell, ward off the bad spirits, and attract the good luck. May my god/goddess, [insert god/goddess name here], grant me the energies I need to protect this land, and bless this land. So mote it be.''
Let me know if theres anything wrong with my spell! Thank you!
Herb Properties:
Rosemary - Protects against evil, cleanses, ensures fidelity; gives a woman domination in the home.
Oregano - A magical herb said to keep the law away; also used to keep troublesome in-laws away.
Paprika - Used to add energy into your spell or mixture.
Nutmeg - A most powerful lucky charm is made from it by gamblers to bring in the winnings.
Salt - Purity
Garlic Powder - Protective, powerful, and edible; used in cooking and to repel all manner of evil.
#2899 - Soul Binding
I hereby bind my soul to this [object name], so that when it dies, so will I. This is my will, so mote it be.
#2900 - Eternal Bond
Bring the animal to a clean space. If it is too large or small, place you and it within some kind of containment. Calm and reassure the animal. Bring it to a calm state where it can sit comfortably. Take both acorns and two lengths of thread. Tie each thread so the acorn hangs in the middle, then tie one around your neck. Trim the other to size and tie around the animal's neck. Calm it down. If it flips out, your spell cannot be repeated for a year, so be careful!
Light the first white candle. Repeat three times:
"The threads of the universe slide over and under,
forming beings, existence, and unspeakable wonders.
It will not stop, it will go on forever.
Tie here a knot and bring us together."
Now, touch your acorn to the animal's.
Repeat three times:
"Protect him/her from harm and demise.
Let life forever shine in his/her eyes.
Together we live, together we die."
Now light the second white candle and place the maple wood between you and the animal. Make sure they are not hurt by the candles, and that they do not touch the maple wood.
Chant 3 times:
"Born again, different but the same.
This time pure siblings to our name.
We will live two lives, truly reborn.
May this link never be torn."
Touch the animal. Imagine energy flowing between it and you. Feel your memories intertwining, a deep understanding forming, and a great calm overcoming both of you. Relax. Feel a communication beginning, and a second life. Feel a link between your memories from your first life and your second. Clearly picture that you will be bonded for two lifetimes, and, depending on how far you bring it, maybe longer.
Now light the final white candle. Place the animal's ingredient before it, make sure this is not eaten. Pour some water into a bowl for it. If it drinks, you drink. If it doesn't, you don't. Place the flowerheads (careful, poisonous!) into the second glass and cover it with the cardboard circle.
Chant once:
"The flowers represent our souls,
held in destiny. Me and you, you and me."
Say the animal's name, now touch its ingredient and feel its energy. Visualize its spirit entering your mind. Now touch its head and focus your energy on its mind to send it your spirit.
Address your animal:
"We are together, tightly bound.
No incantation to pull us apart.
Earth, air, water, fire.
We share one heart."
Light the pink candle. Imagine a rushing wave going deep into the maple wood and the flowerheads. Now imagine one flower bearing your soul and the other bearing the animal's. This streams into the acorn necklaces. Now they bear some of each soul. Imagine the acorn necklaces giving you and the animal power and longevity while also streaming back the souls so you each are completed by each other. The maple wood gives you life and bonds you eternally. Now light the green candle.
"Our bond will hold us together. The green candle shall draw in our greed."
Now, move all the candles. Light the black candle, and project your negativity into it. Mentally call to the animal to do the same. Now, when you feel calm, move the candle with the others. Let them burn as brightly as your newfound bond. Now, to finish it, say this thrice:
"Chain us together to this stone.
Neither will ever be alone.
We will protect it, we will defend,
so the bond will never end.
For if this quartz ever breaks, it is sure our bond to take.
Our souls will disconnect and we will be lost,
hearts as icy as a great frost.
Our second life will come to be.
Both (the animal, plural), you and me.
Born together, without pain.
Our great connection we will obtain."
Using the pen, draw a pentagram on the paper. On the other side, write these details:
- Animal's name
- Your name
- Animal's species
- Shared abilities? (If you would like to have the animal's strengths and weaknesses as well as your own, say so.)
- Telepathic communication? (If you want to communicate.)
Now, fold the paper and burn. Collect the ashes and put it in the flower water. Wear your acorn for a week. If the animal is fine with wearing it, make them wear it for a week. At the end of the week, come together with the animal again. If the animal isn't wearing the acorn necklace, put it on them again. Bring out the flower cup, hold the quartz and repeat the final chant* three times. Now, take off the necklaces. Bury them with the quartz in a place important to you. You may want to consider going to your hometown or the house you grew up in, or even your childhood climbing tree. Remove the flowerheads and bury them with the rest. Pour the water over it. The candles should be snuffed and buried in front of your current residence.
Animal Ingredient Examples:
- Catnip for a cat
- For mice or rats, wild berries.
- For dogs, raw meat or animal bones.
- For a horse, a carrot or other vegetables that grow underground.
- If confused, use its favourite treat (-not man-made, of course. Cat food, dog food, etc. are a big no-no).
Other Details:
If the spell fails, the recharge time is a year. If you try it before this time, the animal will run away in the middle of the spell. If they don't abandon you, they will probably hate you. Using man-made food may prevent you from forming the bond. Reading from a printout of this page is a good idea, as flubbing up the spell counts as failing it. Side effects may include being awake when your animal is and being tired when your animal sleeps, being hungry when they are, gaining their taste for food, etc.
Last edited on Jul 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.