7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Prophetic Visions - Truth Spell
- How to Make a Spell
- Summon a Spirit or Demon
- Burning Insence Power Spell
- Connect with an Element
- Complicated Fairy
- Element Armor
- Fire Balls
- Summoning a Sexual Spirit
- Consulting with Gnomes
#3301 - Prophetic Visions - Truth Spell
Add a small amount of water.
Place the lighter under the glass bowl, letting the herbs/spices to heat up. This may give off a spell. When it does give off a smell, chant three times: Speak in the smoke of the herbs, or where you can smell it.
''Show me the way,
Give me the truth,
From energy within,
Tell me what to do.''
Now Say once:
''From the power within,
I ask thee: (your question)''
breathe in the burning herbs.
say once:
''This is my will,
So mote it be.''
Good luck. This spell was newly made, so it is best done by charging it, which you can find out how under the history tab on my profile.
Be careful not to burn yourself!
#3302 - How to Make a Spell
First, the obvious step. Think of what type of spell you want.
Keep in mind which spells are harder to perform than others. It's best to do a simple spell if this is your first time making a spell. Of course, everyone is different. Generally, beauty, health and weather spells are harder to perform since they are physical magick. But this is not the case for everyone. I recommend a simple manifestation spell (Wish spell), luck, wealth, etc.
Now, get out a piece of paper and a pen or marker. It is best not to use a pencil. Write down the spell's name, it's purpose, requirements and incantation.
After you do that, place your hand over the paper (about three inches off the paper) and imagine your energy running through your veins. Imagine your energy going though your arm and into the spell. Don't use too much of your own energy, save some for the actual spell.
Imagine energy coming from mother nature - plants and the ground. You can imagine green energy (or whatever color best suits you) coming from the ground, wrapping around your legs, into your body, through your arms and into the spell.
Imagine energy coming from the universe -the sky, outer space, everything, and imagine it going into your head, through your arm and into the spell. Imagine you performing the spell, and the spell working. Now, you can keep your hand where it is, or hold the paper.
Chant the following (this is optional) Chant as long as you want.
"Wind, fire, water, earth
I call on you to make this spell magick,
So mote it be."
Last edited on Jan 27, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3303 - Summon a Spirit or Demon
You are able to do this spell with someone as well.
This spell was newly made, and is best done if charged.
Get out a piece of paper and write down the spell name, it's purpose, requirements, and incantation.
Yes, you have to physically write down the whole spell. You can shorten it a little, as long as if it doesn't change the meaning, etc.
Now, place your hand over the paper and imagine your energy running through your veins. Imagine putting that energy into the spell. Note: Don't use too much of your energy, save some for the spell. Also, imagine energy coming from mother nature (from plants, the ground, etc.) imagine it coming from the ground, going through your body, through your hand and into the paper. Imagine energy coming from the universe (imagine the sky, the stars, the clouds, etc) going down through the top of your head, through your body, through your hand and into the paper.
While or after you do this, (you can hold the paper if you want) still imagine the energy flowing into the paper and chant:
''Wind, fire, water, earth,
I call on you to make this spell magick
so mote it be.''
(Chant from: http://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/love_spells/en chanting_spells/17050/page.html )
You can make up your own chant as well if you'd like.
During this, you may feel coldness, warmth, tingling, etc.
After, you may get a headache. This is a sign you used too much of your own energy, or it was too much energy that you couldn't handle just yet.
Now, you are able to perform the spell.
Performing the Spell
Light candles (doesn't matter what color candles) The more candles, the better. And the bigger, the better.
On a inch or 2 inch (width and length) piece of paper, write the spirit or demons name.
If you didn't know their name, you can name them yourself, or name them jane doe, or john doe, and picture how they look and how their energy feels in your head.
Put your hands on the item used for the Ouija Board. (optional)
Now, Chant three times:
''Shadows lurking in the night,
I summon you,
come to us tonight.
If you are planning to summon a demon just know that demons are known to induce fear, depression and suicidal thoughts. Do not do this spell if you do not have an emotional barrier.
If you are planning on summoning any spirit at all, be aware their may be consequences. Often, this spell is used for assistance, or for fun.
To make sure the spirit or demon leaves, you need to be emotionally healthy.
When you are done, tell the spirit to leave politely. If they do not leave, start yelling to leave. Order them to leave.
You do not need to physically talk for them to leave, you can say this in your head.
It may take them until the next day to leave.
My results
I made this spell with a friend because she wanted to talk to spirits. My house has always been haunted, but since I am emotionally healthy and without knowing, I tell spirits or demons to leave, spirits are never around me anymore. Unless, of course, I want them too. So, I did this spell on a demon I had for all my life. I named her Kelly. Anyway, the spell surprisingly worked well.
We did not used our fake Ouija Board to communicate with the spirit. Do, you can probably do the spell without one.
#3304 - Burning Insence Power Spell
This spell was newly made, and is best done if charged.
Get out a piece of paper and write down the spell name, it's purpose, requirements, and incantation.
Yes, you have to physically write down the whole spell. You can shorten it a little, as long as if it doesn't change the meaning, etc.
Now, place your hand over the paper and imagine your energy running through your veins. Imagine putting that energy into the spell. Note: Don't use too much of your energy, save some for the spell. Also, imagine energy coming from mother nature (from plants, the ground, etc.) imagine it coming from the ground, going through your body, through your hand and into the paper. Imagine energy coming from the universe (imagine the sky, the stars, the clouds, etc) going down through the top of your head, through your body, through your hand and into the paper.
While or after you do this, (you can hold the paper if you want) still imagine the energy flowing into the paper and chant:
''Wind, fire, water, earth,
I call on you to make this spell magick
so mote it be.''
(Chant from: http://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/love_spells/enchanting_spells/17050/page.html )
You can make up your own chant as well if you'd like.
During this, you may feel coldness, warmth, tingling, etc.
After, you may get a headache. This is a sign you used too much of your own energy, or it was too much energy that you couldn't handle just yet.
Now, you are able to perform the spell.
Performing the spell
Sit on the floor comfortably. It's best if you sit up straight leaning against a wall or door.
Place the candles in front of you at a angle (facing your knees, as you are sitting cross-legged.)
Light the candles and place a small glass bowl (metal, ceramic, etc not plastic since it releases toxins) in front of you.
Get a small piece of paper (one inch width x length) it does not have to be exact measurements.
Write the following:
Your Name
Date of birth
The words, ''bring me power''
Current date.
while you are doing this, imagine the outcome and focus on your energy.
draw a drop of blood and place it on the paper.
While you are writing on the paper and adding your blood to the paper, chant the following:
''Fire in thy casters veins,
grant me thou dearest wish.
Herbs in mother nature's womb,
Show me what I have missed.''
continue to chant this as you light the paper with the candle's flame and placing it in the bowl to burn out. Sprinkle (or place a leaf of) rosemary, basil and thyme leaves.
After you add the last herb, chant one more time. Then, add:
''This is my will,
So mote it be.''
let the paper burn out.
now, focus on your energy and the energy within the room.
Imagine the outcome.
When you feel ready, blow out the candles and place the bowl in a dark place, where no one else will find it or touch it.
If you start to get bad luck, rinse the bowl and it's contents out immediately.
If the spell works, you should feel more energy and power, as well as you should start to awaken and develop your current abilities, if any.
Once you are satisfied, or whenever you feel like it, rinse the bowl out and it's contents.
If you do start to see results with your abilities, do not rinse the bowl immediately. You can give it time. The contents in the bowl is what drawing in power, so if you rinse it out, it stops the spell from working, meaning, it stops drawing in more power.
Good luck. If you need help, mail me!
#3305 - Connect with an Element
Cast a circle outside in the grass. Go outside and sit down. Light the candle. Make a pentragram in the salt/dirt. Breathe in the Air and meditate for a minute. Speak this chant 3x no mistakes!
"Gods and Goddesses, I gather here tonight on this full/new moon to ask you for a couple of wishes, and to thank you for everything you have given me in life. Please be here tonight and bless me with my wish.
Earth, Air, Fire, And Water, North, south, east, and west I gather here tonight on this full/new moon to ask you for power, and guidance and to give thanks for the powers im about to receive. Please be here tonight to give me a new rebirth with the power of your spirits inside my soul.
Watchtowers of the elements of the earth, air, fire, water, and the watchtowers of the north, south, east, west, I ask you to gather here tonight and unite as one so I can thank and receive the power and thanks I need. Please grant me this wish.
Gods, elements, watchtowers, and coordinates please gather and combine as one to give me the power over these 4 elements. Let me bond with them and connect with them!
By the Earth please grant me to control the element of earth, as I put a pinch of salt in my mouth and rub dirt in my hands I will unite and control earth. By the air please grant me to control the element of air as the wind blows in my hair and as I breath in 5 times I will be able to control and unite with air, by the fire please grant me to control the element of fire as I pinch out this candle with my own hands I will unite and control with fire, and last but not least by the water please grant me to control the element of water so I can unite and control with water as I stir this cup with salt and drink it I will unite and control water.
By the powers and the things I have done I am worthy, please grant me control when the sky hits 5 am in the morning. This is my will so mote it be"
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3306 - Complicated Fairy
First what you need to do is to grab a clean cup or bowl. Then you need to add, in this order, a teaspoon of sugar ( as exact as possible ), 1/4 cup of water ( use the warm water ) and stir until sugar has dissolved. Here is where you need to get the cinnamon. Sprinkle in 1/2 tsp. while thinking about what your wings will look like. Try to sprinkle slowly so you can imagine every detail. Mix until dissolved.
Now I will explain why being outside, having a candle, having flower petals, and having that extra water is for. The candle is if you want to be a fire-element fairy. You will have control over the attributes of fire such as: creating fire, controlling heat and controlling the fire itself.
The extra water is if you want to be a water-element fairy. You will have control over the attributes of water such as: controlling water, creating moisture ( this is like making the water in the air more dense or less dense. There is also a sub-element to water. If you add ice cubes you will be able to cool the temperature of water and control ice. ).
Being outside is if you want to be a air-element fairy. You will have control over the attributes of air such as: controlling the wind. ( This element makes your wings a little stronger than others, causing you to fly slightly more efficiently than others ).
The flower petals are if you want to be an earth-element fairy. You will have control over the attributes of earth such as: making plants grow. ( There is a sub-element to this. If you put the flower petals in a small container or vase and add some soil, you will be able to control earth. Not the planet but soil and dirt ).
After you have finished the sugar/water/cinnamon mix and have chosen your element, place your symbol in the water mix and cover your symbol with your right hand. Then take your candle/water/petals and put your left hand over it/ in it. For water and petals put your left hand in it. For fire put your hand close, but not so close that your hand catches fire. If you choose to be an air fairy just raise your hand to the sky.
Once that has been done say this spell once if you wish to become a fire fairy, twice for water fairy, three times for earth fairy, and four times for air fairy:
"Fairies in forests from far, and wide,
I beg of you to please abide.
I wish to be a fairy, flying in the sky.
A tiny fairy,
With my beautiful wings and fairy dust.
Flying high"
After saying that the appropriate amount of times, grab the water mixture with both hands and drink it all. If mixed correctly there should be no extra sugar or cinnamon. Take your symbol and put it on. Do not take it off until the appropriate time has passed. 1 month for fire, 2 months for water, 3 months for earth, and 4 months for air.
After that time say these words: "Fae I Am." Once said your wings shall appear on your back. No special outfit. To return to human form say: "Human I Am."
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3307 - Element Armor
Take the energy from the source of what ever and guide it along in to your body then out in the form of armor. If you want earth armor, you must be outside touching the ground. Air armor you must be near a source of wind. For water, you must be holding or touching water. And for fire, you need a source of heat.
Last edited on Jul 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3308 - Fire Balls
Ground yourself. VIsualize the amount of fireballs you want. Imagine the energy draining away from you and into the fire balls.
Last edited on Jul 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3309 - Summoning a Sexual Spirit
This spell will work for both males and females, however I only know of 2 instances where it worked for males. This guide will be more female centric, and many of the steps will show use of the female sexual organs. First of all, this spell is best done in a wide space, give at least 4-5 times your body size for movement, and there is no preference to the timing, brightness, or amount of people in the space. You can perform it in public at 2 in the afternoon, if you are not afraid of nudity laws. Get ready your writing paper in front of you, and turn on the sexual sounds at the very beginning of the spell, this is to let the environment be filled with sexual energy.
First step is to focus your mind on sexual thoughts, do this is a position most comfortable to you, fill your mind with sexual thoughts and let the desires and fantasies fill you with lust. When you are aroused enough to contemplate masturbation, begin writing on the piece of paper, write the most sexual thing you can think of, a word like fuck or orgasm, or even an erotic sentence. After you are done writing, roll it up and insert it into your vagina. If you are male, the 2 instances that worked was
1) the man inserted the paper into his anus
2) the man held it around his penis
the paper should preferably be small, as we want you the spell caster to be in a comfortable state.
Now, that the symbol,token of lust, it can be a vibrator, a dildo, or even a picture of a person you really want to fuck, and slowly cover it with sexual fluids (pre-cum) or if you have not secreted any fluids , you can lick it and cover it in saliva (though this has a lower success rate). Take this token and throw it as far away as you can, and say ''I need not these earthly pleasures, sate my lust ,my lust sated, my lust be sated''. At this point, the paper that is inside you should feel very warm, or even hot, if you fell nothing then it is either a fail or you have a numb pussy. You will feel very aroused and have the temptation to pleasure yourself, it is important to NOT MASTURBATE at this point. You should not have ejaculated at any point during these phases, as we want to build sexual tension.
It is at this phase that is most difficult for most, with the sexual tension building within you, it is difficult to resist touching yourself, most of my fellow sisters and brothers fail at this part and even with months of training will succumb and pleasure themselves. It is important to keep sexual tension high, as now we begin the actual part of the summoning. You must plead, nicely, and genuinely for the sexual spirits to come. Call with your lustful voice, call for the Mother Lilith for help, it is best if you can say Lilith's Charm,
Hail Lilith full of Lust,
The lord be with you,
Lustful are you amongst women,
and lustful is the fruit of thine womb, lilim
Beautiful Lilith mother of Lilim,
Grant to us now
the fruits of your Children.
This is a perversion of the Catholic Hail Mary, and it is not necessary but its use has shown higher chance of success. After persistent calling, you should be able to reach a point where you will stick out your tongue (it should naturally happen), and when leaving your lips will be filled with the sweetest taste you have ever experienced. And at this point, you should have summoned the sexual spirit. The results are different from person to person, most of the time there is no physical form to the spirit, but the effects are miraculous. There was once, one of my sisters manage to summon the spirit and in an instant began to orgasm for almost 3 minutes, cleaning the floors was a pain afterwards though. A personal experience is that I began to feel something wiggling in my private parts, and suddenly a burst of pleasure erupted from my toes to the end of my hair, I could see the spirit's form at that time, a beautiful delicate face, spitting honey onto my tongue as I writhe in pleasure.
This spell can be dangerous, some have even receive serious injuries and end up with permanent ailments. I would advise to not take this ritual lightly and be careful when dabbling in the dark arts. As a motivator, if you fail once, don't be afraid to try again, sometimes persistence may be key to your success. Even I didn't get it the first time. I wish you all the luck in your endeavours. Zara Lilith Ehlueh Tuk.
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3310 - Consulting with Gnomes
In a very loud voice, shout:
"Hear me now
what I say!
Hear me call
the Fae
The Garden Gnome
Keeper of the Book
Listen to what
I ask of you...
Till this deed
is done
Then away from me
you may run
I need this deed done
very quick
(recite request)
And then this offering
you may keep
Do this deed while
while I sleep.
Then the offering
you may claim
Have it done
by tomorrow's sun"
Leave the offering & return the next day: if it is gone your consultation has been heard...if not, try again.
Last edited on Apr 08, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.