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7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 7130 Spiritual Spells
7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7130 Spiritual Spells
  1. Detonating Vail
  2. Anti-Nightmare spell
  3. Secret Lover
  4. Stop Annoying Me
  5. Spell to Speed Up the Growth Rate of a Plant
  6. Guardian Angel Summon
  7. Protection Spell
  8. Flames of Darkness
  9. Summon a Succubus
  10. Demonic Shadow Manipulaton

#6481 - Detonating Vail

Summon a vail of dark energy that literally explodes when detinated by your mind.
You may need:

  • Dark
  • Complete focus
  • Preferred to be done outside
  • A peice of cloth, or something to cover things completely Like a vail
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    You may need:

  • Dark
  • Complete focus
  • Preferred to be done outside
  • A peice of cloth, or something to cover things completely Like a vail
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    To do this you need to have be able to have total focus, and its perfered to be done outside since the dark energy does explode and cause wide spread damage. Ok now to creat the dark vail place the cloth or whatever your using as your vail, in the darkest area around you, then just focus on moving as much dark energy as possible(the amount of dark energy effects the range of the explosion) into your vail, then your ready to test it out. Just place the vail over something u want destroyed and focus your mind on the energy in the vail and picture it exploding(you should stand some distance from the vail before detinating it.)

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    Last edited on Jul 01, 2016
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    #6482 - Anti-Nightmare spell

    This spell is from my granny's book
    You may need:

  • 1 white candle ( as small as possible);
  • 1 metal bowl or candle holder of some kind;
  • 1 scissors/ knife;
  • 1 mirror.
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    You may need:

  • 1 white candle ( as small as possible);
  • 1 metal bowl or candle holder of some kind;
  • 1 scissors/ knife;
  • 1 mirror.
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    NOTE:This spell might be dangerous one if you are not cautious enough...

    First of all, light the little white candle near your bed placed in the bowl or something safe to put the candle in, (because you are going to sleep after all-i don't want to get you burned :) ) Than put the scissors under your pillow...the mirror as well.

    Pick items as small as possible or it would be a real massacre in the morning.

    When you lay down on your bed and place your head on the pillow, turn your head towards the light of the candle and just welcome your dream knowing that this time it won't be a nightmare... Why?

    The white candle is for enlightening the path to your good dreams and cast the evil that surrounds you when you go to sleep.

    The mirror is placed under the pillow because of the demons that hunt the ''sleepers'', those night creatures are followers of Mara (mythical being who torments people in their sleep [Mara has many names in other cultures, aka: Mare, Mahr, Mora and lots and lots...]) The mirror will trap the demon and the knife or the scissors will not allow it to touch you...
    In the morning don't forget to place the items near open window and if it is a sunny morning...even better let the sun light clear them.

    Do this spell as much as you think it's necessary..

    Hope it will help to destroy your dream demons...

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    #6483 - Secret Lover

    call your secret lover
    You may need:

  • 4 red candles
  • lavender incense
  • bed
  • voice
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    You may need:

  • 4 red candles
  • lavender incense
  • bed
  • voice
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    Place the 4 candles around your bed, the light the incense then say the following:

    "Secret lover I want you here with me,
    please come to me,
    show me your love,
    give urself to me of your own will.
    Secret lover I want you here with me."

    (Note:this spell on works at night during a new, full, or crescent moon)

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    #6484 - Stop Annoying Me

    Is some one in class or at work annying you then do this quik chant that would work 100%
    You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    Say it and belive that it wil work:

    "All your annoyence is getting in my head,
    Ireflect all you your negativities,
    so go back to your activities.
    As I say go away,
    as I say you shall obey."

    Hope you like it.

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    #6485 - Spell to Speed Up the Growth Rate of a Plant

    This is a Spell to speed up the growth rate of any given plant sort of in a thought-form; you ultimately project a thought-form that is set to speed up the growth of your plant.
    You may need:

  • ) Your voice
  • ) Your willpower
  • ) Your focus/concentration
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    You may need:

  • ) Your voice
  • ) Your willpower
  • ) Your focus/concentration
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    1.) Place your Projective (dominant) hand over the area where the plant's root should be.

    2.) Close your eyes and visualize the plant growing extremely fast so as that the plant looks as if no time was needed for it to grow.

    3.) Then say this Spell:

    ''In my dear mind, it is I do see,
    This plant which grows at a rate extreme.
    Bring my thought-form to(day/night) to life,
    And assume the role of my desire without strife!''

    Be patient for your plant will grow at a faster rate in no time.

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    #6486 - Guardian Angel Summon

    Calls a guardian angel upon you
    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • peice of paper
  • pencil
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    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • peice of paper
  • pencil
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    write down on the peice of paper the angels name + gender
    and say it out loud ''I hearby summon angel name, to protect my spirit upon the devil''

    Either if u done it right u should see your angel that protects your life if u dont do it right.. U might just end up burning ya area u r in.

    did I forgot to mentson U need to burn the paper n dont let it catch fire with anything else

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    #6487 - Protection Spell

    A easy and good protection spell can use it on yourself or any one or anything.
    You may need:

  • Visiualization
  • voice
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    You may need:

  • Visiualization
  • voice
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    Visualize: A multicolor bubble( multicolor so it can change color depending on the situation)
    around yourself or the thing and if you want you can put a pentacle on top of the bubble depending on your belifs.

    Chant: *not nesacary mostly if your gonna use the pentacle* "By the power of five all bad energies can say good bye."

    You can end everything with "So mote it be."

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    #6488 - Flames of Darkness

    Make fire turn black
    You may need:

  • Fire
  • Darkness
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    You may need:

  • Fire
  • Darkness
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    This is a farely easy thing to do... all it takes is a source of both fire and darkness, focus on the flames energy first, draw it into your body, then focus on the dark energy, and do the same, once youv'e absorbed both energies focus on both inside you and infuse the flames with the dark energy(its best to let the energy out afte this so you receive no injury) then once you release this energy it will appear as a black flame.

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    #6489 - Summon a Succubus

    Call a succubus to fulfill your sexual desires.
    You may need:

  • Yourself
  • Ability to have sex
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    You may need:

  • Yourself
  • Ability to have sex
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    Perferably at night, lay flat on your back (on a bed or not your choice) picture how you want the succubus to look when she appears, then picture yourself having sex with her once you begin to feel yourself reaching an orgasm focus all that energy into a burst of spiritual energy this will not only make you feel it but the succubus you pictured as well, she will most likely appear the following night in the same as you were in when you called her.

    Warning: Once you call a succubus they may not want to leave +they don't normally wear clothes at all, so if you have someone that lives with you and you dont want them to know do not do this spell, also just like humans a succubus can get pregnant, but she may not want to use any form of protection.

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    #6490 - Demonic Shadow Manipulaton

    How to manipulate somes shadow into demonic forms that can kill.
    You may need:

  • Extreme concentration
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    You may need:

  • Extreme concentration
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    Focus on a enems shadow. Imagine it is a demon or some other hellish thing. Imagine it will kill or hurt them. What you imagine will happen. You'll start to see them in pain. This attack is of black magick, so it does run a risk using.

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    7130 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters