7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Protective Chant
- Be Seen as You Truly Are
- Rage
- Phoenix Companion
- Protection
- Become a Powerful Witch
- Simple Protection
- Calming Spell
- Charm A Ring
- Traditional Witches Ladder
#3991 - Protective Chant
Cisualize a triple circle around your body and chant:
"I am protected by thy might
O Gracious Goddess, day and night"
Last edited on May 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3992 - Be Seen as You Truly Are
invoke ganesha,the hindu elehant-headed god of fortune,wisdom, and literature. Place an image, whether its a postcard, drawing, or a statue of ganesha, next to a white image candle. Imagine white golden light swirling beneath your feet. Close your eyes and visualize the light entering your body through your toes and coursing through your body until it shines from the top of your head and throgh each finger. Watch as the white golden light moves to encircle you like a protective shield. Take three deep breaths. Inscribe the white candle with your astrological sign, magikal name, and/or your favorite symbols. Anoint both red and yellow candles with two drops of ganesha oil to call in his assistance. Say:
"Ganesha, I call you forth to me today
to remove the obstacles in my way."
Rub sandalwood oil on the whiye image candleand imagine yourself infused with iner peace, balance, and relaxation. add arua clensing oil to clear away any mildew or dirt from your arua, see yourself as a clear quartz crytal. Imagine yourself wiping each facet clean like a window. when all your ''windows'' are clean open youe eyes. Thank ganesha and douse the flame with a candle snuffer.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3993 - Rage
Chant: "Rage is powerful, give me the power, of the dragonus lord"
Last edited on May 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3994 - Phoenix Companion
Note: it might just be an illusion, but it is yours and nobody else's.
#3995 - Protection
First put the salt into the water. Mix it up. Rub the salt water on your hands. Then rub the object while saying:
"Im scared please,
Wind, fire, water, and air.
As I cast this spell here.
I cant be affected by supernatrual powers.
I shall be protected now and so on!
So mote it be!"
Then wear it youll be protected.
Last edited on May 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3996 - Become a Powerful Witch
Say this spell one time only. As clearly as it's possible. You have to speak really loud. Be carefull when you do the spell you can't say your name for 4 hours or the spell WON'T work and you will be in serious danger. You will have to watch the moon while you say the spell. Don't think about anything else just magic, forests and how much you want this to happen.
Put 6 candles around you and stand in the middle. Say the following spell 1x time while looking at the full moon. Wear a pentagram or a symbol that has a special meaning to you.
''How can it be, how can it be. Me (your name) to be this. Sister of forests, moonlights and winds let me, let me (your name) join you, to have the poweful power that doesn't exist, how can it be , how can it be, only me (your name) can be, thank you sisters, so mote it be"
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3997 - Simple Protection
Take your Black Chime Candle and write on the Candle with a Pin: Protection ( Write your goddesses name there if you like ). Light your candle and incense and place the candle in the chime candle holder and incense in the incense holder.
Last edited on May 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#3998 - Calming Spell
Forgive and forget
Love and let go
Feelings soften
Feelings flow
Like the river flows and flows
Like the river flows and flows
Like the river finds the sea
So I'll flow in harmony
It's my will
So shall it be
(It helps to meditate and think of your best memories in life after doing the spell)
#3999 - Charm A Ring
Chant x5: "I summon the greek god (name)" then slip on the ring and chant: "I charm this ring with the (power of nature)". Repeat.
Last edited on May 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4000 - Traditional Witches Ladder
At midnight within the circle, braid together three cords. Every three inches, add into the braid three feathers: one from a rooster, raven, and pheasant. Visualization and concentration are key.
With every trio of feathers, picture adding to your spell. The power will grow. While braiding keep your goal in mind, and incant the following:
"Three by three, times three again,
Cord and pheasant, raven, hen;
Bound in braid, by inches three,
What I conjure, come to me!
Feathers fly, carry the power,
By dark of night, the witching hour!
That this spell will come to pass,
Three Moons shall this ladder last.
To be burnt when its' work is done,
Love, Truth, Joy; three are one!
When completed, keep the ladder hidden safe for three lunar months. Then it is to be burnt for its' power be done.
Last edited on Jun 30, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.