7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Enhance Your Magickal Power
- Protection Charm
- Controlicus
- Summon Bloody Mary
- Vacuum Palm
- Light Jump
- The fix-it spell
- Leave Me Be
- Remove Bad Luck or Ill Wishes
- I Want To Be A Vampire
#4061 - Enhance Your Magickal Power
Obstet negando efficere positivum impedit negative affirmativus opera
Bona tu accipies tanto tibi prodest malum
Afterwards, take the piece and dip it into the water on your altar. As you do this, say: By the elemental power of water. Now set the piece on the rock (or soil), as say: By the elemental power of earth. Move to the incense you have(this is where it is preferred you have sage incense. I'm not sure if it works with any other sent, but sage is the incense I have on my altar) Pass your piece through the smoke and say: By the elemental power of air. Lastly, go to your candle and pass your piece through the flame(quickly so you don't burn yourself or your piece)and say: By the elemental power of fire.
After you do this, place the piece in your hand once more and begin focusing on it's protection and enhance power. As you do this, say one time: By the strength of the elements, enhance my power. Let my magick blossom like a flower. Let none be harmed, enhance my charm.
Loop the piece onto your necklace, and put it on.
Know that if you take the necklace off, it does not undo the spell. But if you do take it off, your magickal power will go back down to it's original state and you will no longer be protected. Put it back on to amp up your power and protect yourself again.
#4062 - Protection Charm
Sit down in any way you find comfortable. Now light the white candle if you have one. Place the charm in the palm of your hand. Then close your eyes and concentrate on the charm and chant the following 3 times
"Thy gods of the heavens I call upon thee, I ask of you to bless this charm with protection of all of thee. So mote it be!!"
Now if you lit one candle blow it out. Finally if you wish to give the charm to a person, hand it to them and say "may the gods be with you", then whisper "so mote ot be".
Last edited on May 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4063 - Controlicus
Pour a few drops of the headache medicine in the bottle of water. Dip the first piece of cloth into the bottle and say
" This is the heal for the good "
Dip the second , third and fourth piece and do the same. Store the bottle in a cold place for 35 minutes and dip the pieces of cloth to control someone . Place the dipped cloth on their nose and tell them to smell it. The person will get dizzy and will obey to whatever you say. When you tell the person to smell it , chant the word " Controlicus "
Last edited on May 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4064 - Summon Bloody Mary
Well u have to turn off the light and be alone!! And if u survive u are lucky. Mail me if it works!
#4065 - Vacuum Palm
Draw a spiral on the hand you wish to be the vacuum
then say:
"Stand here before me who I despise, Look in my palm and see your demise."
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4066 - Light Jump
step 2 say: I will go fast, with a big blast
step 3 arrive to destination
[may require clean up after jumping because of blast]
this is an experimental spell if you test it do it in an open area also may make small crater in dirt sand or gravel
#4067 - The fix-it spell
step2 say this: You cease the ticks, I will now fix, with a wave of my hand, you will be grand
step 4 enjoy the uses of the device.
I'm new and this is my first spell message me if it works.
#4068 - Leave Me Be
Chant this:
"Heed this warning, leave me be, for I wish not to be disturbed.
away you go, I wish to be left alone. So shall it be!"
Last edited on May 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4069 - Remove Bad Luck or Ill Wishes
Stand holding the mirror in both hands at arms length and so you can see your own reflection in the glass. As you turn in a clockwise direction repeat three times the following
"Circle of reflection,
Circle of protection,
May the sender of all harm,
Feel the power of this charm."
Then take your mirror and place it in the window in the direction of the person sending you bad wishes, or straight if you are unsure of the direction the ill will is coming from. This is a very powerful charm and need only be repeated when you feel it necessary.
Last edited on May 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4070 - I Want To Be A Vampire
Light the red candle and sit down comfortably and meditate for a while thinking about your vampire characteristics. Then chant the following:
"Satan,I pray to thee,
Come in my dreams
And transform me.
Into a powerful creature,
Into a vampire,
With the powers and eyes
In which no one will look with dare.
Let me be a vampire, let everyone see."
Then meditate for a minute seeing your eyes changing into your desired color. Finally say "So Mote It Be!!!" and blow off the candle.
Last edited on May 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.