This will make the the demon wolf off of teen wolf.
You may need:
You may need:
Say x10 at night: "I call upon the spirits of the moon. Make me demon wolf off of teen wolf. In human and wolf form I will be x5000 stronger than a normal human, x1000 times faster than a cheeta, my senses will be x500 times better than a normal human. I will be able to transform at will and have control in human and wolf form. Make me the creature I want to be. Make me the demon wolf, so mote it be."
This will turn you into a mermaid and send you back home to the sea!
You may need:
You may need:
Go outside on a full or new moon (it will help your powers grow) and lay down. Then poor water on your legs, next add the salt to your legs. Finally slowly sprinkle the sand and chant loudly:
"Oh mermaids of the sea, hear my plea and what I wish to be. A mermaid with (any power you want) powers and a long (color you want your tail to be) color tail. I wish to be very pretty, and have long flowing hair. Oh please hear me. This is what I wish, so mote it be."
This spell will make it slightly darker more specifically outside if its near nightfall.
You may need:
You may need:
Say this spell:
"Dark and darkness no more light, with my might I take the light."
If you choose to repeat this spell a few times over do not say it right after you finish the previous spell, wait about 30-60 seconds or longer and don't say it to many times.
This spell will not make you start sweating or get all hot. This is only for a chill.
You may need:
You may need:
Say this spell, and say it from memory:"Warmth and laughter knock out cold, no more coldness make me bright and bold." You may say this as many times as you want.
Say this first: "Wind, fire, water, earth I call on you to make this spell magic, so mote it be."
Now say this 5-10 times: "Oh gods oh goddesses make me a (god/goddess) of (specialization) and give me the power to create anything i want, and to make whatever i say happen, and to cast any magic spell, and give me super strength, super speed, and amazing beauty, and glowing skin, and immortality, I thank you for listening to my calls, now hear my plea, bestow your power upon me, and give me these wonderous powers, make me a (god/goddess) , so mote it be."
Note: this will fully work 100% if the gods and goddesses can see you.
Say this 5-10 times:"Oh gods oh goddesses make me a (god/goddess) of (put type of god/goddess here). I ask that you make me a (god/goddess) and give me amazing beauty, glowing skin, the strength of 100 men. I thank you for listening to my calls, now please hear my plea, give me this wonderous power, so mote it be."
Side effects:
Amazing beauty.
Glowing skin.
The strength of 100 men.
Can cast any type of magic.
Say this first: "Wind, fire, water, earth I call on you to make this spell magic, so mote it be."
Now the demon spell: "Demons, demons hear my plea, give me the power of a demon and make me one of you, turn me into a demon at once."
Note, if this works they may come to you to bring you into their realm and may make you do dangerous tasks to prove your worth. There's no going back once you turn.